“What about the transaction?”

Verdant Ruins looked at the face of this bloody mist in front of him, and for a moment, he said: “You may wish to talk about it, what can you give me, and what I can give you.”

“I can let you know the truth about World and teach you the evolutionary method of Primal Chaos life. As Primal Chaos life, you must have a broad vision to fully understand the level of your current life. Only then can you be as soon as possible Growing into a true Primal Chaos life, if you cultivate with the cultivation method other than Primal Chaos life, even if you precipitate 1 billion, tens of billions, billions, and trillions, you will want to become the real Primal Chaos life. “”

The face of the bloody mist condensed slowly said: “Of course, in return, I need you to get as much as possible… oh, with the regional discourse of the principal of Primal Chaos, I need you to get more Divine Saint
The blood of the real world, Unrivaled Realm cultivator comes to me, I only need these two realm and even the cultivator below these two realm, the more the better, this is for you who are the life of Primal Chaos in the early life. I believe it is a very simple matter. ”

“As long as Divine Saint
Reality and the sacrifice of Unrivaled Realm? ”

Verdant Ruins’s heart moved a little, and he didn’t understand what the evil god was doing.

However, for a moment, he still said: “In the territory of the main lineage of Primal Chaos, anyone who believes in evil spirits will be severely attacked and restricted. If I do things for you, the risks are too great. On the contrary, if I directly Your presence is paid to the owner of Primal Chaos, perhaps a more correct choice, what do you think?”

“I don’t think so. As I said before, Primal Chaos will never sit down and watch the second Primal Chaos grow up. Once you really expose yourself to the eyes of Primal Chaos, believe me, Falling, will be your only end, if I am you, I will try to cover up the breath of my Primal Chaos life as soon as possible, or escape from this territory far away. Of course, it is not advisable to flee this territory, because now The Primal Chaos in this territory is too many lives, dozens of hundreds, similar to your childhood Primal Chaos life, once exposed to the eyes of other Primal Chaos life, the fate of death is still inevitable, so The best thing you should do is to hide yourself until one day you can complete the transformation and become the true Primal Chaos life.”

Verdant Ruins heard the evil spirits in front of him, although he did not know whether his Lord Primal Chaos’s attitude towards their Primal Chaos life was true or false, but at least he had a very useful message.

That is……

Primal Chaos, who lives in this territory, has a lot of life, dozens of hundreds.

These Primal Chaos lives should be the evil spirits of the ordinary population. It is estimated that the existence of these evil spirits has held back the energy of the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, and the Lord of the Gods, making these three great existences most Attention is projected beyond these boundaries to stop these evil spirits from seeing this territory.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

The black truth under the lamp exists in any environment.

If this evil god says it is not false, he temporarily disguised as Ruler hiding in the territory of the Primal Chaos, is indeed the safest way.

As for the Lord of Primal Chaos?

In this case, he only dared to talk about it.

The two fragments of the gods and gods that should have been in the hands of Primal Chaos are actually in his hands. What happened during the period of heaven knows, and if he is exposed to the vision of the Lord of Primal Chaos, can he preserve these gods? Jade, absolutely unknown, he dare not take the risk.

At this time, I saw Verdant Ruins’s long-lost evil spirits being re-started talking: “In this time, although I paid a lot of things to pay for it, but you also helped me a lot, let me a little I have recovered some strengths. Then, in order to thank you, it is also my own sincerity before cooperation. I can give you some information about the growth of Primal Chaos, the basic growth method, and… Some environmental descriptions outside the territory.”

When the face of the bloody mist is finished, a god thought has already been projected.

Verdant Ruins cautiously glanced at this god, and after seeing that it was only the simplest message, it took it and digested the information.

“This is my prepaid payment. If you want to get follow-up information, then give me one million Unrivaled Realm sacrifices and 100 million Divine Saint.
It’s not a difficult thing for you, and if you don’t believe in the external environment I describe, you may want to ask the creatures you trust, ask them, leave this. The dangers that may be encountered after the territory… At that time you will understand how lucky it is for a Primal Chaos life to lead you. Little guy, I am waiting for you to make the right choice. ”

After the face of the bloody fog is finished, it begins to shrink internally. After a while, many bloody fogs have returned to the blood-colored statues. At the same time, some cracked blood-colored statues are repaired, but the blood-colored statues are repaired, but the volume is It was slightly reduced, with ten meters up and down, down to nine and a half meters.

Obviously, the series of attacks by Verdant Ruins have caused a lot of damage to the statue itself.

“Primal Chaos life growth information, basic growth methods, and some environmental descriptions outside this territory…”

Verdant Ruins sensed in the mind.

For a moment, he has opened his eyes with some incredulity: “This is impossible… The life of the adult Primal Chaos is greater than the life of the minor Primal Chaos. The gap is so large!? Times!?”

After a while, he calmed down a little, and then swept his gaze to other materials.

“Primal Chaos’s six-state statement is actually not a rumor that Primal Chaos’s main lineage has passed down. In the statement that Primal Chaos’s main lineage has been handed down, there are only three realms on the divine Realm. The first layer that Great Dao blessed, the second layer of the mixed Saint Physique, and the third level of the body, and the fourth layer, the fifth layer, and even the sixth layer of the Primal Chaos are the Cultivations of the evil gods according to this World. The information passed down by the system is formed by the integration of information by the predecessors… In this statement, the evil spirits are divided into Ordinary evil spirits and powerful evil spirits, which correspond to the 4th and 5-Layer of Primal Chaos, respectively. Above them, it is the most powerful of the existence of Peak, the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods! These three great beings stand at the top of all evil spirits…”

Verdant Ruins sums up the message given by this evil god, and has already understood the strength of Primal Chaos.

The only thing that made him incredible is the difference between Primal Chaos 3rd-layer and Primal Chaos…

This can no longer be called two realms.

The difference between these two realms is almost comparable to the difference between Longevity and Domain Realm, or Dharma Heavenly Transformation to Primal Chaos Supreme.

It is a day, a land.

“These techniques of cultivation can be referred to, but I can’t fully believe it, and go to Immortal Dao civilization, ask a lot of treasures, maybe get some useful information from him.”

Verdant Ruins thought, and did not dare to try this cultivation technique of the evil spirit. Everything went to the Immortal Dao civilization and asked someone to study it before making a conclusion.

Now Verdant Ruins once again flashed, appeared in the Void Sword Pavilion, directly called the floating, glimpse two Elder.

Compared with the previous surface, the heart is proud. At this moment, the two Supreme Elders have been convinced by Verdant Ruins. When they face him, they dare not be too slow and disrespectful.

“How long does it take for the sword master of your Void Sword Pavilion to arrive?”

“This… Because of the Great World and the Great World transmitting Array barriers, it is estimated that it will take 150 to 180 years to reach the Great World.”

“Okay, my cultivation base has just broken through, and I still need to find a close retreat. Before I have yet to leave the customs, I hope that the sword master of Void Sword can temporarily look after God Great World for me, to avoid any unopening Ruler. They are desperate for the idea of ​​Great World.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

If the previous Verdant Ruins dared to let the sword master of the Void Sword Court wait for him, the two Elders would definitely speak out in the first place, but think of the Void Scorpio that straddles the Great World at the moment, the two Supreme Elder These words did not have the courage to rebel, but respectfully said: “Please Verdant Ruins, rest assured, I will tell you the sword master who came from Void Sword Court. As long as it is not too long, the sword master of our Void Sword Court will not I will care to protect the Great World.”

“It shouldn’t be too long, it will be set for a thousand years.”

“A thousand years……”

This period of time is long for ordinary cultivators, but it is not too long for the Supreme class that has reached the Primal Chaos. After all, most of the Primal Chaos Supreme survives in the hundred thousand. More than a year, a thousand years, equivalent to Mortal less than a year, waiting for a Great Expert for a while is not too long.

“Yes, we will tell the sword master of our Void Sword Pavilion.”

“Well, I hope that the cooperation between Sword Sect and Void Sword will continue.”

Verdant Ruins added a sigh of relief, and then no longer wasted time, his body flashed, and with the retreat of the layer space Law, he had already come to the continuation of the continent.

On the continuation of the continent, Bohai Xiandi is studying the transmission Divine Formation. When he sees the arrival of Verdant Ruins, he sincerely sighs: “Hello, Verdant Ruins, are you here? This Array arranger is definitely the top of our Immortal Dao civilization. The power, at least the characters of Tianjun and Lesser Saint, may even be the hand of a saint. If I can understand this Array, we will have the ability to deploy Teleportation Formation. Time… the attack and retreat can be more free.”

“It is good to be able to be useful to Bohai Xiandi.”

Verdant Ruins A little dagger: “Ouhai Xiandi, I will once again go to Yulong Tengshengtian, and also invite the Emperor to open the Teleportation Formation. I should go here for a thousand years. After the millennium, please send Divine Formation to open again. I will return.”

“Good, but for a thousand years, will time be shorter?”

Bohai Xiandi knows that Verdant Ruins follows the cultivation of Duobao Tianjun. These precious opportunities are naturally more beneficial to him.

“A thousand years, not too short. If you can make a tree after a thousand years, it is natural to cultivate something. If nothing happens, it will not make much sense to cultivate it.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

He doesn’t want to be like the ordinary Great Expert, relying on the precipitation of endless years, a little bit of growth cultivation base, cultivation Millennium, once the progress begins to slow, he will leave Primal Chaos Void, and think about it.

Bohai Xiandi listened to no more words, nodded: “So, I will send the Array to open and send you back.”

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