Yulong Tengshengtian.

Verdant Ruins reappeared in the world.

He left the Immortal Dao civilization to go to the Great World and didn’t spend too much time. The Immortal Dao civilization was naturally calm on the surface. Of course, some cultivators under the Taiyixian suffered a crisis, or even fallen, or surrounded by problems, even if they appeared, Feedback is not at the level of Verdant Ruins. Immortal Dao civilization has the ability to solve these problems autonomously, unless there is a lot of life and death of the great Luoxian class.

“Is it better?”

Duo Tianjun, who was waiting here, saw Verdant Ruins and said to him.


Verdant Ruins nodded, went straight to the theme: “This time I returned to the Great World and found something unusual…”

“Unusual things?”

“A evil spirit.”

“Crazy God!?”

Duobao Tianjun expression slightly dignified: “The evil spirits… that is the most advanced and greatest existence of Primal Chaos Void, and the life of Prime of the Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, etc. It’s nothing more than a difference between the strengths and weaknesses of that’s all. This kind of creature is still working as little as possible with our current level. The strength, vision, insight, and calculations of the other side are beyond our imagination. Playing with the palm of the hand, and, compared to our cultivators, if they fail the trick, the loss is only the tip of the iceberg, and we… once calculated, the possibility of paying is the cost of life, two The chip component between people is not at a level at all.”

“Try not to deal with it, but now… we are afraid that it has already been linked.”

Verdant Ruins said that he said the simple deal between himself and the god of evil.

“This evil spirit needs Divine Saint
True, Unrivaled Realm’s cultivator blood sacrifice… What is the truth? Divine Saint
True, Unrivaled Realm Two realm Although it is the cornerstone of the civil war, it is not worth mentioning for the great life of the evil spirits. If they are willing, they can rely on their own ability in a very short time. Nurtured thousands of Divine Saints
Reality, Unrivaled Realm’s cultivator… What is the role of this level of sacrifice? Even the cultivator of Primal Chaos is not necessarily eye-catching? ”

Duobao Tianjun is somewhat puzzled.

“This is the basic cultivation method that Primo Chaos Void gave me and the Primal Chaos creature. This cultivation method allows me to grow into the real Primal Chaos life critical point, which is the Great Expert Peak. Levels, as for the achievement of true Primal Chaos creatures, are not mentioned in this book.”

“Primal Chaos life’s cultivation law and Primal Chaos Void information? We have the information of the battle of destruction, relying on these data to determine the true and false of this information, but Primal Chaos law … I give You can’t help too much, after all, we never really killed Primal Chaos or captured this life…”

Speaking of this, Duobao Tianjun’s tone is slightly stopped: “In addition, there is another point. According to our understanding, Primal Chaos life should have two forms, and the life form of Primal Chaos belongs to the real Primal Chaos life. The Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, they are not Primal Chaos life, but… a supreme being called a creature.”

“Primal Chaos, creation?”

Verdant Ruins recalled some of the information: “These materials are not mentioned.”

“Yes, and as far as I know, the difference between life and Primal Chaos life is much greater. Primal Chaos life has an extremely large volume, which is bigger than our imagination. Their only disadvantage is that it is inconvenient to move, according to that burst. The information passed down from the war was judged. In fact, at the beginning of the war, our Immortal Dao civilization and these invaders were able to rebel against it. With the arrival of Primal Chaos, he used his huge volume to cover up. Our entire World attracted more than 90% of attacks, which gave the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, and other evil spirits a chance to break through our defenses, leading to the comprehensiveness of our Immortal Dao civilization. Rout.”

“Attract 90% attack?”

Verdant Ruins is incredible: “The Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, and other evil spirits have not broken the defense of our Immortal Dao civilization. The Lord of Primal Chaos can block our 90% attack? The Lord of Primal Chaos is so powerful?”

“I said that Primal Chaos’s life is too large. For our Great Expert, it’s not difficult to destroy a few 1 billion and a billions of kilometers in a single blow. If it can mobilize Great Dao Law, destroy it. Stronger, we don’t have to say much about the Great Sage people above us, but… Can you imagine a terrifying mass that is more than trillions of light years, or even trillions of light-years? A single blow can destroy countless Worlds and smash hundreds of millions of stars, but Primal Chaos life itself can rely on its own life characteristics to replicate 1 billion million, even billions of Star World…”

Duobao Tianjun said that the expression is full of sorrow: “The world behind our Immortal Dao civilization is only basic consciousness. How can we concentrate all the power to attack the Great World of Primal Chaos? Primal Chaos, the land of evil spirits, the life of the evil spirits, the Lord of Primal Chaos is invincible.”


Verdant Ruins think about Duo Baotian’s description of the subject matter of Primal Chaos and its speed of constantly recovering its own volume…


This is indeed a desperate opponent.

He has no shortcomings other than the inconvenience of moving.

One person attracts Immortal Dao civilization 90% fire attack can still be alive…

It is no wonder that after the Immortal Dao civilization was defeated, the Lord of Primal Chaos was still able to occupy such a huge territory, and even the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, and other living beings at the same level could not do anything about it.

“The Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods may be attacking the Lord of Primal Chaos, and defeating the Lord of the Primal Chaos, but how can you judge whether this is the Lord of Primal Chaos is trying to narrow himself? Volume? After all, the volume is too large, which means it is difficult to move. If you look at another resource-rich Primal Chaos universe, you may not have the drama of Primal Chaos.”

Verdant Ruins heard this, and the faint feeling of faint despair in the words of Duobao Tianjun.

Which one can cultivate to the Great Expert realm, which one is not dragon among men? Which one is not a peerless arrogance? Which life experience can write an epic Legendary.

In front of the Lord of Primal Chaos, even Tianjun is so small.

It is like letting a man who has just left the Stone Age to destroy the sun on the sky. The difficulty is huge, it makes people suffocate, and suffocates to despair.

Even if you throw Duobao Tianjun into the body of Primal Chaos, let him attack the million years, countless years, and billions of years without any night, let alone hurt the Lord of Primal Chaos, can you let it The Lord of Primal Chaos is aware that he is being attacked and is very problematic.

This is the power of Primal Chaos.

This is why Duobao Tianjun does not dare to expel the Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, and reproduce the glory of Heavenly Dao civilization.

Duobao Tianjun perceives the abnormality of Verdant Ruins and feels his own lost self-control. Now he quickly transfers the topic: “The saying that the evil spirit gives you the Primal Chaos Void environment should be true. Outside the universe, there are really dozens of powerful life-changing lives in the world. There are a lot of them, but hundreds of them should not be. The Lord of Primal Chaos can’t help those who make life, but it’s not the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods. Thus, the existence of these two Peaks is a category of life, and it is the life of the most Peak. This kind of life has the ability to kill other life. I don’t think they will allow too much life. Glare like a tiger watching his prey, and the ratio of life to Primal Chaos is often ten to one. In this case, the number of top powers on the periphery of Primal Chaos Void should be around thirty to 40.”

“Thirty to 40…”

“The place that I will take you next is actually a territory radiated by the main force of Primal Chaos. The subject of Primal Chaos is huge, and in order to invade our Immortal Dao civilization, he expanded his volume beyond his ability. Controlling the upper limit, even if it has been shrinking its own volume over the years, and constantly causing World to collapse, it can’t be completely recovered in a short time. We just need to find a Great World near the extinction of life, and then enter Primal from there. Chaos Void can ensure that you are safe and worry-free. It is dangerous to hide from the Primal Chaos. With our body, as long as our luck is not particularly bad, it should not be perceived by the owners of Primal Chaos. “”

“Hiking to the body of Primal Chaos within the body? Is this really not going to alarm the Lord of Primal Chaos?”

Verdant Ruins expression is a bit weird.

Duobao Tianjun smiled and said: “We are not able to count the ants for the head of Primal Chaos. The owner of Primal Chaos can’t detect where we are. Even then, even if we notice our location How about it? From looking straight ahead to moving your eyes to your toes, it takes about 0.3 seconds to 0. 5 seconds, but for the Primal Chaos who is huge and unimaginable, as long as he is not Just paying attention to this area, he transferred consciousness to your part, and said it for a few years…”

“How many years does it take to transfer my eyes?”

“How long does it take for humans to turn around? How long does it take for the stars to rotate half a lap? How long does it take for the galaxies to turn a half circle? Not to mention the Lord Primal Chaos, which is bigger than the universe, than the galaxies.”

Duobao Tianjun pointed to his own head: “Don’t use our gaze to measure the life form of Primal Chaos above four levels. Well, it should be late, let’s go.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

At the same time, he also understands that he needs to gradually change his point of view.

One thought Great Boundary cultivator’s Small World is 10,000 kilometers, Primal Chaos’s Small World is up to nearly one million kilometers, and Ruler and Great Expert’s Small World are supposed to be 100 million, 10 billion kilometers, then assume Primal Chaos The quad cultivator is really only ten thousand times stronger than the Great Expert, and their World should reach one trillion kilometers.

What’s more, the value he calculated is obviously theoretical.

Excluding these thoughts, Verdant Ruins followed Soduo Tianjun quickly and quickly moved toward the territory occupied by the Lord of Primal Chaos.

Ten years later, the two stopped at a barren Great World near the main territory of Primal Chaos.

Based on this World, the two began to move towards the Primal Chaos Void. This is another year. With the pressure of all around, the pressure is constantly increasing. After this pressure reaches a limit, the two suddenly A shuttle, suddenly came to a very different world.

As the two appeared in this world of the world, the source of Primal Chaos, which is more refined than Da Luotian, suddenly surged and constantly oppressed the true body of the two.

The real Primal Chaos Void is here.

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