Compared to the Primal Chaos Void that Da Luotian simulated, the real Primal Chaos Void is far more horrible.

Verdant Ruins spent ten years in the sky gate of Da Luotian. I thought I had adapted to the special environment of Primal Chaos Void, but now it seems a bit too confident.

“I can only send you here. The next time I can only see you. Your Primal Chaos life can survive in the Primal Chaos Void for a while, but we can’t, so, After sending you here, I will teach you to recognize the road, and I should go back.”

Duobao Tianjun Road.

“It’s ok here.”

“Well, you are careful. Although it is close to the body of the Primal Chaos, there is the power of the Lord of Primal Chaos, but you must also be prevented from being noticed. In addition, the message of the evil spirit in your body, I will try my best to use the network. Inquire, I hope I can get the information that is useful to you.”

“inquire about?”

Verdant Ruins has a heart.

Duobao Tianjun smiled a little mysteriously: “Immortal Dao civilization, everyone shouts, but in fact, because the Lord of Primal Chaos can’t control the territory of his own power, many Great Experts have contact with us, and , who will contact us, often belong to the kind of top-level existence that stands at the height of the Great Expert, can’t rise, and can’t practice. The secrets they have are much more than the ordinary Great Expert, and they also I am happy to show our Immortal Dao civilization, and we want to use our special martial dao of Immortal Dao civilization to break the bondage of ourselves, so that one day, we can see the realm of creation, and even the mystery of Primal Chaos life.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

Duobao Tianjun once again confessed and quickly left.

After the departure of Duobao Tianjun, Verdant Ruins fell to the cultivation of the life of Primal Chaos.

This Primal Chaos method is divided into four phases. The first phase, which forms the basis of Primal Chaos, has two ways to shape the foundation of Primal Chaos life.

One is the Bloodline with a certain Primal Chaos life, or the direct inheritance of a Primal Chaos life.

The other is the Great Dao Law with its own unique and unmatched.

Verdant Ruins is at this stage.

As for the second stage, it is back to the source through its own Bloodline.

Primal Chaos Since the source of life comes from the real Primal Chaos life, its form must be equivalent to a vast Primal Chaos universe. The second stage is to cultivator to trace the source. It is necessary to cultivator to simulate a Primal Chaos universe. Primal Chaos vitality, refining Primal Chaos The universe of vitality, when this universe became, is the beginning of the second phase of training.

When the third stage is reached, Primal Chaos life is required to consolidate the entire simulated Primal Chaos universe into an original source point, and then break the shackles between the virtual and the real, to create nothing, to turn the virtual reality into reality, and to use Primal, which is originally a virtual universe. The Chaos universe is a source of real existence.

As for the fourth stage, it is the source of the detonation, forming the true Primal Chaos universe. The moment of the Primal Chaos universe achievement is the day when Primal Chaos is truly mature.

However, this stage was not mentioned in the method given by the evil god, apparently it was retained by him.

“This is really the technology of cultivation of Primal Chaos…but I don’t get Primal Chaos inheritance, nor is it a descendant of a certain Primal Chaos life. If you follow this way, you may not be able to make a difference. Even if there is some achievements, the cultivation effect will be very slow, and with this sect secret art, I don’t know if it’s been played by the evil spirits. It’s safe…”

Verdant Ruins turned to this and directly reflected the sect secret art into the god of jade, and used the creation of the mysterious metaphysical to derive a completely own technology of cultivation.

Because Verdant Ruins provides the complete cultivation method of Primal Chaos life, plus his own reconciliation Great Dao is derived from the creation of the god of jade, its own faintness is also close to the first priority of this Primal Chaos method. In the cultivation base, it took only less than ten years to complete the first major deduction of this new method.

However, when the Second Layer began to be deduced, Verdant Ruins frowned.

The second layer’s derivation efficiency…

Very slow.

Verdant Ruins estimates that if there is no interference from outside forces, or if it does not make up for the gods, according to the current level of derivation, if you want to sect the second secret, the Third Layer, it will take at least a few hundred thousand. Millions of years.

Compared to the usual Primal Chaos Supreme, this time is not too short, even called speed, but Verdant Ruins obviously did not want to wait until then.

“Perhaps, it is not correct to rely solely on the creation of the gods and jade to derive the method that fits me. I have to add my personal insights and ideas.”

Verdant Ruins meditated.

Comprehend and intention.

In line with Primal Chaos life, or in line with the real Primal Chaos realm comprehension and purpose.

Verdant Ruins looked up and moved towards him.

Behind him is a vast and unimaginable vast starry sky.

He stood here, like a Mortal looking up at the endless galaxy, boundless, and with a sense of shock from the heart.


Let him tell the story of this Galaxy, he can’t do it.

Because the difference between the two is too big, it is as if the Primitive Person class does not describe the existence of Earth.

“Since I want to be a Primal Chaos life… then, I can’t be under the life of Primal Chaos, even if I want to reach the realm of Primal Chaos one day… I have to catch the Master of Primal Chaos… ”

Verdant Ruins was silent.

Determined to pursue the Lord of Primal Chaos?

He can’t even really peep at the shape of the Lord of Primal Chaos, let alone really understand, how to have the idea of ​​catching up with Primal Chaos?

“Wait a minute… I can’t peek into the true form of the Lord of Primal Chaos, and I can’t understand the existence of the Lord of Primal Chaos… But some memory in my mind is not necessarily inferior to the Master of Primal Chaos…”

Verdant Ruins associates himself with the first time he saw the Seven Star Sword Spirit, with the help of Seven Star Sword Spirit, a dream come out of a coincidence.

In his dreams, he feels that his incarnation has become a daring and unspeakable great will, and he has examined the world of tens of millions of light years. The whole world is working, rising and falling, Six Paths Samsara, It is under his supervision and control.

Although that feeling did not last long, the feeling did exist.

Verdant Ruins closed his eyes and carefully recalled that the feeling was real and full of illusory dreams.

At the end of the dream, the vast will to the unimaginable great will was torn by countless more terrifying forces. A kind of Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the endless atmosphere of everything filled the whole world, despite countless meteors. The ascendant, and the terror of the will from the outside world continue to collide, sputtering a dazzling glare.

In the end, the collapse of God’s will, an unprecedented panic, big fear filled the whole body.

That feeling…

So true.

just like……

“I Am Heaven means… I am Heavenly Dao…”

Verdant Ruins muttered to himself.

As he carefully thought about it, he could even clearly recall the pain he had been torn by several vast mighty forces.

This dream has no picture, no material, all filled with a gray mist. He can only feel the emotions of prosperity, exhaustion, satisfaction, horror, fear, despair, especially in the later stage, which seems to stem from the depth. The one’s soul’s emotions continue to afflict him, making him almost crazy, but it is like a person in a nightmare, no matter how he struggles, how to growl, how to scream, but the fear and despair are always entangled in He all around, lingering, seems to drag him down, sinking, sinking, and purely round, until the eternal.

“hu! hu! hu! ”

The breathing of Verdant Ruins has become unconsciously heavy.

He kept breathing, and it seemed that the memory was reproduced, as if he was really in the horror scene.

“This is the scene when Immortal Dao civilization was defeated… or Heavenly Dao was torn apart… I should have resonated with the god of creation in a special environment, and thus in the form of dreams by means of the creation of god jade.” Look at the detailed picture of this battle… and the stalwart forces that teared Heavenly Dao… necessarily…”

Verdant Ruins’s thinking quickly traces back through the depths of the dream, directly squeezing the picture to the scene when God’s will is torn, and then through those forces that tear the heavens, finally…

See the body of the existence of several great shores!


Unable to speak huge!

It is like a cloud that obscures the sky, and the horizon in front of it is covered by a huge Primal Chaos universe.

He can understand that at this moment he should be the vision of God, that is to say, this moment he is equivalent to Heavenly Dao will, using Heavenly Dao will to observe these great lives, but even so, this terrifying silhouette is still beyond He is a hundred times bigger.

But in addition to this majestic World, which is smashing the will of Heavenly Dao, there are two worlds that are also infiltrated along some gaps moving toward the heavens. These two worlds are compared to the Great World and even the Great World. It is much smaller in his own right, but it is extremely flexible. Their offensive is completely unrestricted by the space Law, which is unstoppable and unstoppable.

In addition to these three great existences, there are many smaller Primal Chaos universes…

Under the attack of these terrifying lives, in the end, God’s will was torn, and it was necessary to smash the invaders in a self-destructive way, retaining the fires of countless civilizations, and sputtering all directions, and hope that one day, there will be souls that can regain the fire. Reproduce the glory of the Immortal Dao civilization…

“The Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, the Master of the Gods…”

Verdant Ruins kept reminiscing about the existence of the three stalwarts that he “sees”.

For a moment, his mind once again turned to his own incarnation, and he was in charge of the whole world’s vitality, rising and falling, and the feeling of Six Paths Samsara.

in this way……

Three years later, Verdant Ruins’s mind was finally completed, and many insights were reflected in the creation of the gods at the same time, and began to be based on the creation of the god jade.

It seems that all this is the experience of making the gods and jade. It seems that what he intends to do at the moment is to exalt the fire of the Immortal Dao civilization and reproduce the glory of the Immortal Dao civilization. This time, the efficiency of the transformation of the gods is extremely fast. .

ten years!

In less than a decade, this new practice has been deduced.

A cultivation technique that goes straight to Primal Chaos is in front of you.

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