God’s Void on the periphery of Great World.

A huge Void fortress spans a vast distance of hundreds of kilometers from the Great World.

For the Great Expert, once the battle is exhausted, the Divine Ability attack is not a strange thing. In order to ensure that the Great World is not destroyed in this high-intensity war, they have to set up the battlefield. Keep away from the Great World of God.

At this time, in the war bastion of the Void Sword Pavilion, a quarrel that lasted for several decades was as usual.

“The clutch master, if it is for more than 10,000 yuan, we can understand the Void Sword cabinet and all the strength and the Great Expert. But now, we can get the road in the Great World every year. The number of objects is less than two thousand. For this reason, the sword master used by our Void Sword Pavilion has reached seven people. This is already half the strength of our Void Sword Court. Even the evil spirits and the gods and the two swords are brought together. Come over, don’t you think that the cost of our Void Sword Court is too great? Since our Void Sword Pavilion has paid such a huge price, it should occupy the bulk of the Great World’s things, rather than now. Not even one in five.”

In the conference room of the Void Sword Pavilion, the sorcerer’s eyes were filled with anger, and the aggressive reprimanded.

“Catch the sword master, in the same words, do you need me to say how many times you are satisfied with you? With the power of the Great Expert, the Great Expert, there is absolutely no need for the other party to give us the Void Sword for nearly two thousand years. Court, it’s entirely because he had made a deal with our Void Sword Court before he grew up, and made this agreement. They have given us Void Sword Court so much benefit when they have the ability, since the other party has complied with the agreement. In the past 900 years, it has been implemented, and now it is dangerous. However, when we need our Void Sword cabinet for a hundred years, our Void Sword Court will default! How do you put the Verdant Ruins Sword God in this way? Where is our Void Sword Pavilion?”

The tone of the clutch master is also full of dissatisfaction and rebuttal.

“Great Expert? There is a Great Expert in the Great World. I think the root is unknown. I think, you are being cheated by the so-called mixed Sword Sect Supreme Elder. The other party may be a treasure. Just in the body of Ruler, just relying on the treasure bluff that’s all, if he is really Great Expert, he will not find a sword that obviously simulates the Great Dao mark, and he will coward when he is in danger. ”

“This is the excuse for you to retreat? You know, for the existence of the Great Expert level, it’s not a strange thing to have a one-time retreat for a thousand years. You don’t want to think about it. If our Void Sword Court defaults, in case the Great Expert returns to know that our Void Sword Club has not fulfilled the obligation of Guardian God to ruin Great World. We will expel our Void Sword Pavilion from Great World. Our Void Sword Club will lose 1,500 to 2,000 words per year. What kind of loss do you bear?”

There is a trace of anger in the main expression of the clutch sword.

On the side, several Void Sword cabinet masters are on the scene, but they are looking at the neutral position. The dispute is not only related to the distribution of the interests of the Great World, but also the Void Sword Pavilion. The battle, they are not too strong and strong, and the sword master is too lazy to be among them.

“Everything you said is based on the premise that the Great World has a Great Expert. Don’t be a god. Great World doesn’t have a Great Expert. Only the Void Sword Club’s silly unclear truth is on the front line. They resisted the attack of Great Expert.”

The robbery sword master is coldly said.


The clutch sword master is about to refute, but a voice is directly in the conference room through the Array of Void Sword. “It looks like the savage sword master is occupying a big road for us. The material is very dissatisfied. In this case, from now on, our Great World will no longer cooperate with the Void Sword Court. The cooperation object will be limited to the main lineage of the clutch sword, and the goods produced every year will be the same. It will only be handed over to the main lineage of the clutch sword.”



“Who is it? Give me out!”

It was noticed that this sound suddenly appeared, and the six sword masters of the Void Sword Court were simultaneously complex changed and screamed.

Although there are strong Xeon disputes within the Void Sword Pavilion, it can be seen from their series of reactions that the entire Void Sword Pavilion will quickly unite in the same way.

“The sword masters don’t have to worry, it’s Verdant Ruins Sword God, Verdant Ruins Sword God has returned.”

At this time, there was a somewhat hurried voice outside the conference room, which was the master of the clear sky with Verdant Ruins.

At the moment he faced Verdant Ruins, he confirmed the identity of Verdant Ruins Great Expert. At the moment, he heard the words of Verdant Ruins, the Great Expert, and he was a little nervous.

As soon as he finished speaking, Verdant Ruins’s silhouette appeared in the conference room.

In the conference room, he did not deliberately conceal his own simulated Great Dao Law. The space Da Da, which belongs to the lineage of the Peng Peng, was released. For a time, his all around environment seemed to be twisted and twisted. Saint Physique’s sword masters are better, but those Supremes feel that their Great Dao power seems to be disturbed, even deprived of the general, there is a tendency to be thrown back to one thought Great Boundary.

Even though several of them have become the swordsman of the self-contained cycle of the sacred Saint Physique, they feel the aggressiveness of the Great Dao Law of Verdant Ruins. Under the pressure of this Law, their singular Saint Physique There is a kind of poor operation, a sense of faint stagnation.

“Verdant Ruins Sword God !”

“This is… to be the body… I am the god of Great Dao…”

“Great Expert… This Verdant Ruins Sword God is really a real Great Expert… It seems that the millennium precipitation has allowed him to completely stabilize the Breaking Great Expert realm.”

The presence of the Great Dao in Verdant Ruins has been judged by the fact that many of the sword masters have witnessed out of the ordinary.

For a time, the main face of the robbery sword, which was previously suspected of Verdant Ruins, suddenly became difficult to look at.

After the clutch master was overjoyed, he quickly said: “Verdant Ruins Sword God said it really? So, we would like to thank Verdant Ruins Sword God first.”

“This…Verdant Ruins Sword God Your Sword Sect is an agreement with our Void Sword Court. Right now, the agreement side is directly converted into the main lineage of the clutch sword. This is a bit wrong…”

At this time, a sword master figure stood up and cautiously raised his own rebuttal.

“Isn’t the main body of the clutch sword not part of the Void Sword Pavilion? Strictly speaking, I did not violate the original agreement. As for the Sword Sect, I will hand over the things of the road to the main lineage of the clutch sword. Line allocation, then see how you discuss yourself.”

Verdant Ruins said faintly.

He will not completely push the main lineage of the clutch sword to the opposite side of the entire Void Sword Pavilion.

On the contrary, the right to dispose of these road-bearing objects is handed over to the main lineage of the clutch sword. It is believed that the main lineage of the clutch sword can completely rely on the objects of these roads to draw the support of more sword owners.

“Well, since there is a Great Expert outside, I can’t show weakness in Great God. I will go out and meet the clear water.”

After Verdant Ruins finished, he no longer talked with the sword masters of the Void Sword Court. The figure was completely disregarded, and the Array of the Void Fortress was completely ignored. The space Great Dao was running, and the law was avoided. With the space Great Dao Force, he and no difficulty shuttled out, appeared outside the endless Void, and after sensing the position of the clear water, you went straight to the clear water.

In this regard, the Void Sword cabinets look at each other in dismay, but no one dares to be dissatisfied.

As a Great Expert, there is no need to pay too much attention to the ideas of these sword owners.

“You, the scenes of the two Great Experts are very rare. Especially Verdant Ruins Sword God and Kiyomizu-dori are both newly-received Great Experts. It is inevitable that they will not be able to attack the Great Expert in the future. The benefits of the estimation, we can not miss this big battle, I will take the first step.”

Verdant Ruins, who was seen by the clutch sword, left and went up the first time.

The other sword masters met, and they shouted: “The clutch sword master waited for me for a while.”

“The clutch master, I am with you.”

“Walk away, let’s keep up.”

For a time, all the remaining sword masters followed the pace of the clutch sword master and followed the clutch sword master.

Looking at the other swordsmen who are surrounded by the enthusiasm of each and everyone on the side of the clutch sword, the face of the robbery sword can’t help but be more ugly, but the two Great Experts, especially the new Great Expert, are coming to him. It is indeed very tempting to say that the master of the robbery has been in a moment of temperament, and after all, he has taken steps to keep up with the body shape of the clutch and the others.


In the endless Void, Verdant Ruins appears directly in front of the clear water channel, and is also facing the clear water channel that is also inductive.

Looking at Verdant Ruins, I feel the power of Great Dao in the space that belongs to the lineage of the Peng Peng. The expression of Qingshuijun is somewhat different: “I thought God was in the Great World. The news of the Great Expert is the Void Sword Court. The bluffing move, after all, there is obviously something wrong with the Great Dao mark… I don’t want to have a fellow person in this World.”

“So, is the Qingshui Daojun still planning to fight our God’s idea of ​​Great World?”

The face of Shimizu-do has a hint of color, but it is also a Great Expert. Even if his actions are excessive, this does not mean that he will show weakness. He just said: “Since God is in Great World, there is really Great Expert. Sitting in town, then I left, but I heard that you seem to have broken into the Great Expert realm soon, just as I am, and I have never played against the real Great Expert. How about our two?”

Verdant Ruins understands that this is some of the unrelenting words of Qingshuidao. The current indifference complied: “Since Qingshuijun is interested, I will accompany you to the end. However, we both have to fight, naturally we can’t have no bets, you invade my god. Great World is nothing more than the production of the Great World’s ruins of the Great World. If you can win, I will divide you into the Great World’s possession. If you lose, you have to work for me for a thousand years. “”

The Qingshui Dao listened, and the eyes flashed.

For a long time, it is nothing to do with the endless Great Expert of life essence, and once it wins, it is the production of half of the Great World in the Great God.

Kiyomizu Jun can make Great Expert from Ruler in the past ten thousand years. Naturally, he is also a proud and arrogant generation. He pays the same kind of the same new Great Expert. He will never be inferior to the other party. “Okay, as Verdant Ruins Fellow Daoist said, if I win, God’s Great World will give me half of the production of the things. If I lose, I will work for you forever.”

“Happy, set a Primal Chaos vows!”

“For us, what is the binding force of the Primal Chaos vows?”

“The highest rule of Primal Chaos vows, the offenders deprive Primal Chaos and other orders…all! Can’t be son of Primal Chaos for life!”

Shimizu Jun complexion changed.


“Jokes, I will be afraid, you have to stand, then stand!”


(Today’s five more, last week, the top battlefield is about to be announced.)

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