The same is the Great Expert, the most important thing against each other is the confrontation between Great Dao Law and Great Dao Law.

Verdant Ruins’s own Great Dao Law is modeled on the characteristics of Primal Chaos’ life, and there is a certain advantage in nature. The Great Dao Law of the clear water channel itself is not so long, but the awakening is also the candle dragon lineage. The supreme strength of yang, but its formidable power is much larger than Verdant Ruins imagined. His space Great Dao collided with the Great Dao of Qingshui Dao.

This result can not help but make Verdant Ruins somewhat surprised.

“How can it be……”

Verdant Ruins’s face changed slightly.

In the downside, the most striking feature is that the hundreds of millions of kilometers of space that Verdant Ruins itself has been infiltrated by the sunshine that represents the power of the candleage lineage Great Dao, and as the sun shines, he interweaves with space Law. The layered space is like the frost exposed to the scorching sun. It is being quickly melted, and it has melted millions of kilometers in diameter.

“Is this Qingshuijun just breaking through to the Great Expert level? My space Law is based on the characteristics of Primal Chaos life and then based on the normal Da Dao simulation, but it fell into the wind at the beginning of the battle. ……”

Verdant Ruins expression Dignity, a circle of Great Dao’s force is scattered on him, moving toward the direction of the clear water channel, in an attempt to analyze the flaws in the Great Dao of the Qingshui, to reverse the current disadvantage.

However, the Great Dao Law, which has been infiltrating into this, has not only failed to disintegrate the power of Great Dao, which has been revealed by the clear water, but has been spread by the clear waters of the Great Dao Law. Law’s 100 million km Void directly lost nearly 10 million kilometers, which is close to 10% of Law’s range of influence.

“Verdant Ruins Sword God seems… it seems to be in the wind!?”

The Void Sword Sword Lords who watched the game far from seeing this scene could not help but complexion changed.

“It’s not like, but the fact that the current Verdant Ruins Sword God is indeed suppressed by the Qingshui Daojun… If the Great Expert and the Great Expert are not fighting for life and death, the main competition is the power of Great Dao Law, who’s Great Dao Law Being able to completely suppress the other’s Great Dao Law, who is the winner, and also prove who the Great Dao Law is better, and now… the advantage is obviously the clear water jun…”

Clear sky sword master said solemnly.

“Verdant Ruins Sword God… After all, it’s too young, even though Shimizu Jun is like him, and it’s only a million years to break into the Great Expert, but he’s paused in the realm of Ruler and Supreme. Millions of years, accumulated rich, in contrast, Verdant Ruins Sword God… What does the millennium accumulate for the Great Expert? In the face of the ordinary Ruler, he can naturally be unfavorable by the characteristics of the body, but once it is true, Expert, even a Great Expert that has just been promoted… It immediately shows that it is powerless.”

The main body of the clutch sword is attached, and there is a hint of helplessness in the expression.

“Would we like to go up and help? Verdant Ruins Sword God Despite the downside, the disadvantages are not very obvious. If we count the power of our Void Sword Court, it should not be difficult to fight off the clear water.”

A sword master proposed.

The sword master’s proposal has just been spoken, and was immediately vetoed by another sword master: “No! At present, Verdant Ruins Sword God and Shimizu Doji are fighting, but they are not fighting each other. Once we get involved, break The balance between the two makes the Qingshuijun all-out, and the situation will change immediately. The destruction of a Great Expert will definitely be devastating. Even if we can finally defeat the Qingshuijun, it will be It pays a great price, and if the Qingshuijun does not die with us, it is like a ghost. It is lurking in the Great World outside the gods, harassing the Great World, how can we resist? At that time, maybe we are all Void Sword Club has to fill in this big trouble.”

The clutch master is deeply nodded: “Our Void Sword is keeping its promise, but the enemy of the Great Expert level is not able to fight against our Void Sword Court, so next, only Verdant Ruins Sword God, if he does not Method……”

Speaking of this, the clutch sword master did not say anything.


In the dignified battle of Void Sword and the others expression, the battle between Verdant Ruins and Kiyomizu Jun is also getting fierce, and regardless of Verdant Ruins’s efforts, the radiation range of the Great Dao Law is still shrinking and over time. After the Qingshuidao Jun adapted to his Great Dao Law, the speed of Qingshuijunjun was gradually increasing.

According to this trend, one day, the scope of his Great Dao Law will be completely occupied by the Qingshuijun.

Of course, Verdant Ruins can reopen a battlefield and extend his Great Dao Law radiation range to 1 billion kilometers, 10 billion kilometers, but that doesn’t make sense.

He can do this, and Shimizu Jun can do the same, nothing more than increase each other’s consumption that’s all.

“Don’t you want to be a teacher?”

Verdant Ruins expression is a bit weird.

The first battle to simulate the Great Expert will be defeated…

This made him unable to hang on his face.

For a time, the nature of his Great Dao Law began to change quietly, and the range of Law’s power radiation gradually became full of aggressiveness.

Under this aggressive Great Dao Law, the scope of the Law of Qingshuijun’s Law is like a sword, and it is suddenly pierced. The Great Dao confrontation of the two men has gradually become more and more entangled and gradually anxious.

“Wait a minute!”

This kind of anxiety lasted for less than a moment, using the Great Dao feature, and Verdant Ruins, who had begun to comprehend 3,000 Great Dao, was aware of a touch of unusuality.

“This Qingshuijun… his Great Dao, something is wrong…even…he used the power of the Great Dao of the candleline lineage, but there is another force in the power of this Great Dao. …… It is because of the existence of this power… In the previous confrontation, I will be defeated…”

Two Great Dao Law! ?

This is almost unimaginable for the cultivator of Primal Chaos’ main lineage.

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins’s own powerful Great Dao can’t help but be more obvious. It is piercing the fog of the clear waterway lineage Great Dao Law, and he is hidden in the candle dragon. Another Law power under lineage Great Dao Law.

However, as his movements became more and more fierce, the Qingshui Jun, who was a Great Expert, was also aware of what was happening. His face changed slightly, and his faintness was unbelievable.

The next moment, he thought a little, but he said: “We have such a reserved confrontation and fear that it will always be difficult to distinguish the winners and losers. Why not go deep inside the Void and do everything in their power to fight the battle?”

“It is just that.”

Verdant Ruins plunged down and saw the waterway in the clear waters, and went deep into Void, and immediately followed.

The clutch sword master, the clear sky sword master and other people looked at each other with a faint surprise on their faces: “It seems that Verdant Ruins Sword God still hides other means, at the last moment of their confrontation, there is a faint The trend of winning the game.”

“We will follow the past!”

Several people said, quickly in front of the body, moved towards Verdant Ruins, Shimizu-do rushed away.

However, they chased for a few days, but the figure gradually stopped, each and everyone looked at each other, some said with a bitter smile: “They erased the traces of the road, it looks like the next battle, Verdant Ruins Sword God and Kiyomizu Jun are not going to let us watch.”

“If the Great Expert really does its best to confront each other, it will inevitably offer some unknown killings. It is also reasonable for them not to let their killings be known to us. Since the two Great Experts do not want us to watch again. Going on, let’s stop to keep up with the troubles, so as not to ruin the two Great Experts.”

“It makes sense. In fact, the Battle of Law of the two Great Experts has already given me some feelings. I will go back and re-cultivate.”

“I hope this Verdant Ruins Sword God can win, otherwise it will be troublesome.”

The sword masters of several Void Sword cabinets said that they stopped their bodies and glanced at the worried moving Verdant Ruins in the direction of the dark pray.


“Just here.”

Shimizu Jun took the Verdant Ruins for half a month and came to the depths of the Void before stopping. At the same time, his eyes fell on Verdant Ruins. The expression was a bit strange: “I don’t think Verdant Ruins and I are the same kind of people. … No wonder, Verdant Ruins can have such achievements in such a short period of time.”

Verdant Ruins listened, smiled nodded, and thought that the Qingshuijun would be a Primal Chaos creature: “Dao Jun is also not weak, and the Great Expert has been accomplished for thousands of years. These Innate Talents are already amazing. It is.”

“What is this, how can it compare with you.”

Shimizu Jun looks at Verdant Ruins, and some said curiously: “In fact, Lord Verdant Ruins is the same thing I have seen for the first time in many years. I wonder if I can see the true form of Verdant Ruins. ”

“My real form?”

Verdant Ruins is slightly startled, and it seems that something is not quite right.


He and the Qingshuijun said that it was not the same thing.

However, his expression is to make the Qingshuijun mistaken as his hesitation. He can’t help but say with a smile: “Whether it is worth mentioning, since I proposed it, then I will show my sincerity first and let Verdant Ruins see it. Look at my true form and taste it.”

As soon as the words were finished, two very different Great Dao Laws broke out in him.

A raging day that was completely condensed by the power of Law suddenly appeared. In that big day, you can see the phantom of the God Beast candle dragon, which blooms endlessly.

However, when this round of flaming sunrays lasted less than half a breath, a peculiar existence like a black hole followed closely, and the above was also the Great Dao.

A light, a dark, a yin and a yang, the formation of a perfect symbiosis between the two, making these Law’s form become unprecedented and mysterious.

“This… this is…”

Looking at the different manifestations of the Qingshuijun, even with Verdant Ruins’s mentality at the moment, they can’t help but collapse suddenly shrink.

He got it wrong.

Big mistakes.

The clear water channel in front of him is not the Primal Chaos life form he imagined, but he does cultivate two types of Law, and combines these two types of Law to form a new kind of mystery.

The two Great Dao Laws correspond to the sun candlelights of the twelve God Beasts, as well as the lost and overcast glory!

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