Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 12: Raging Beast Tide

Qi observed that these beasts would stop to rest at night.

In the evening, the powerful beasts began to eat the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and reproduce on the spot.

The weaker beasts scattered and attacked, and they would eat anything with spirit.

At a distance, they even hunted each other, and even if other beasts found them, they would only join in the devouring.

But these beast groups did not decrease, because beasts from all directions continued to join the beast tide.

The beast tide set off all the way north, but generally it was constantly moving towards the spiritual energy-rich places in the north.

And there are many tribes living in places with abundant spiritual energy.

The result of these tribes that could not resist the beast tide can be imagined.

Those who discovered it early can still survive, but those who discovered it late may only become bait.

According to the beast tide's route, it will reach the edge of Yunmengze in about three hundred years.

Judging from the current growth rate of the beast tide, the scale of the beast tide in three hundred years will be enough to kill him.

Qi knew that he had to take the initiative to attack the beast tide, reduce its size and speed as much as possible, and delay its arrival at Yunmengze.

Kill the beasts to the maximum extent and leave no corpses, otherwise the strength of other beasts will increase and it will be a trouble.

Having made the decision, Qi did not delay, showed his true form, hid his body, and hid above the beast tide.

He held up the White Jade Festival of the World-Splitting World, accumulated strength, and smashed it heavily at the dense beast tide when the beast tide gradually calmed down in the middle of the night.

The clear light of the White Jade Festival of the World-Splitting World illuminated the night as bright as day, but there was no sound.

The beasts in the place where the clear light was scattered seemed to have been erased by an eraser.

When the beasts were touched by the clear light, their bodies began to slowly dissipate, like dust blown away by the wind, leaving nothing behind.

Under this blow, a large area of ​​blank space appeared in the beast tide, just like a piece of drawing paper was torn off in the middle.

The entire beast tide was actually knocked down by about 10%.

Qi glanced at the results of the battle and was quite satisfied.

He tore the space with his backhand and returned to the southern border of Yunmengze.

Qi also knew that it would be difficult to have such a victory in the future.

The beast tide would not appear out of thin air, and some changes that he did not know about must have occurred.

Although the fierce beasts had no intelligence, they would not continue to gather and rest in high density like tonight based on their instinctive reactions.

There would even be many fierce beasts responsible for guarding the surroundings to prevent sneak attacks.

When Qi observed the beast tide again the next day, he found that nearly three-quarters of the fierce beasts were injured.

There were also fewer in number, even more than Qi had killed.

As soon as he saw that the surrounding environment was destroyed by the battle of giant beasts, Qi immediately reacted.

The beast herd roared!

The destructive power of the roar was much greater than that of simple killing.

It was normal for these irrational livestock to roar when stimulated.

This gave Qi a new idea.

Perhaps in the short term, it would be much more destructive to the beast tide than using the white jade of the world-breaking to control the killing.

Just use the water flower awakening drum to summon thunderclouds and attack the beast tide from time to time.

After being frightened, they will kill each other, which will greatly slow down their progress and reduce their scale.

The only disadvantage is that the strength of the beasts that survive to the end will be greatly improved.

Finally, Qi decided to do it in two ways.

Use the Shuihua Awakening World Drum to stir up the internal fighting of the beast tide, and then use the Pi Shi Baiyu Node to kill the powerful ones.

At the same time, snipe the beast tides that are gathering on the way, weakening them little by little.

In the next hundred years, this beast tide suffered heavy losses and its direction of advance also deviated from Yunmengze.

But Qi's feeling of uneasiness became heavier.

Qi began to tear the space and explore around Yunmengze.

Only then did he find that in addition to the north, there were also beast tides on the east and west sides, but the scale was not particularly large compared to the beast tide in the south.

And in the south of Yunmengze, farther away, the scale of the beast tide was so large that Qi even felt irresistible.

But Yunmengze is of great significance to Qi. It is the place where he became a Taoist and cannot be abandoned lightly.

At most one Yuanhui, this real beast tide is coming!

Qi immediately turned back to Yunmengze and started to build the Xiantian Yunmeng Formation.

A super Xiantian Yunmeng Formation that can cover the entire Yunmengze.

He only has one Yuanhui time.

In addition to building it, he called on the entire tribe living in Yunmengze to cooperate with the construction of the formation.

At the same time, he practiced combat in advance and cooperated with the formation to kill the enemy.

On the other side, Taiyi Dijun also came after hearing the news, and brought two Taoist friends he just met.

One of the future emperors of the demon court, Xihuang, is also the future emperor of the human race, Fuxi!

One of the future emperors of the demon court, Wahuang, is also the future saint, the holy mother of the human race, Nuwa!

The two people's dojo is in Fengqi Mountain around Buzhou Mountain. Under the protection of Pangu's pressure, the beast tide dare not approach.

So the two of them followed Dijun and Taiyi and went to Yunmengze together.

First, fighting against the beast tide and maintaining the prehistoric world is the innate obligation of the innate sacred.

Second, they also want to see how qualified the great god who is so praised by Dijun and Taiyi is.

Third, Fuxi was also very interested in formations, and he was also a master of formations, so he wanted to exchange and learn.

These three points led to the current situation where the four top innate saints of the new generation were traveling together.

Qi was doing infrastructure construction in Yunmengze.

"How many more of this damn beast tide are there!"

Di Jun shouted angrily.

At this time, they were blocked by the beast tide.

Taiyi suggested to break through directly and let him open the way.

Seeing Taiyi's confidence and the high spirits at that moment, the three of them agreed inexplicably.

So there was the scene now.

Four innate gods crossed the beast tide.

Dijun was angry, but with a hint of indulgence.

Nuwa was happy, but with a hint of madness.

Fuxi was worried, with helplessness and pampering in his eyes.

Taiyi was indifferent, and the response to his attitude was the buzzing sound of the Chaos Bell again.

Wherever the sound wave passed, time and space seemed to be frozen, and then shattered.

The sound wave plowed a wide road stretching for tens of millions of miles in the dense beast tide.

Dijun used his magic power to transport the Great Sun True Fire and burned it towards the fierce beasts rushing on the edge of the road.

The Great Sun True Fire ignited as soon as it touched it, burning in the beast tide, causing chaos and prolonging the time for the road to close.

Fuxi summoned a hurricane to speed up their progress.

And rolled up dust to hinder the encirclement of the beast tide, interfere with the fierce beasts to display their magical powers, and hide their bodies.

Nuwa set up the lotus lantern and the infinite umbrella, the top-grade innate spiritual treasures, to protect everyone.

She also killed those who slipped through the net with the five spiritual beads, the top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

The five spiritual beads of the innate spiritual treasures are composed of a set, belonging to the five elements, and each of the five spiritual beads is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Put together, it becomes a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. Such magic weapons include the innate five-element flag and the thirty-six Dinghai beads, which are usually difficult to collect.

But I didn't expect that Nuwa had a set.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of Nuwa's treasures.

In the beast tide, Nuwa has shown no less than five items besides these.

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