Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 13 Four people arrive, the formation is complete

Emperor Jun Taiyi and others have not arrived yet, and Qi is worried.

Not only were they worried that they would encounter ferocious beasts on the way and be traumatized, but they were also worried about whether the formation could be completed before the beasts came.

The entire Yunmengze's manpower and material resources are now on the right track under Qi's mobilization.

Anyone who is timid, disobeys the manager, cheats and delays progress will be beheaded!

Pray that all the spiritual roots will be transplanted everywhere in Yunmengze to serve as the formation eyes of important nodes of the formation.

With the innate high-grade spiritual treasure Water Bloom Awakening Drum as the core, it suppresses the flow of spiritual power in Yunmeng Continent.

Then use the innate twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus as the center to control the formation.

Using Yunmengze's water veins as the spiritual power circulation channel, it ensures that the formation will not be destroyed.

The spiritual roots, fairy grass and mines of all tribes in Yunmengze are gathered together to refine one hundred and eight formation flags. Those who hold the formation flags can control part of the formation's spiritual power to fight against the enemy.

There is nothing to describe the hard work involved.

All ethnic groups work together to open up spiritual energy channels, move mountains and fill seas, and capture cloud energy.

While praying for the big formation, you also need to often add chaos to the beast tide and attack the small beast tides around Yunmengze.

All races do not know the formations and do not know the power of heaven and earth, so they often make useless achievements or make mistakes.

All of these need to be corrected one by one through prayer. It is okay if the efforts are in vain, and those that are wrong must be corrected again.

Some tribes are not up to standard and have to rework.

Or there may be conflicts and disputes between clans that require mediation.

Each of these things left Qi with no time to care.

This is the first time a large formation of this level has been built, and there will be omissions. These omissions can sometimes make decades of hard work in vain.

The tight time limit constantly forced Qi to make progress and deepen his understanding of the formation.

The threat from the beast tide kept Qi Yue from resting for 50,000 years, and his whole body was in a tense state.

Over the past 50,000 years, the conflicts between various ethnic groups have become more and more serious. There is no rest and many living beings are complaining.

However, under the pressure of the beast tide, all races reluctantly cooperated, but the efficiency was also affected. Now, only about 45% of the construction of the formation has been completed.

Although the current project progress can be completed before the beast wave, the training time is too short.

For such a complex and huge formation, the difference between being able to use it skillfully is huge.

The former can do twice the result with half the effort, while the latter can only do twice the result with half the result.

At this time, Qi seemed to notice something and raised his head to look at the horizon.

After confirming it, he immediately separated from the design of the formation and flew to the north with joy on his face.

"Pray, how good have you been lately!"

The speaker is Taiyi.

Hearing this, Qi smiled wryly.

In response to Taiyi: "I'm going crazy with these trivial matters!"

Then he looked at the two brothers and sisters who were following behind him, raised his hands in greeting: "Yunmengze Water God, pray, I have met these two Taoist friends."

"Fuxi (Nuwa), I met my Taoist friend."

Looking at the tired-looking man with red eyebrows and white hair in front of him, he couldn't see the high-spiritedness in Taiyi Emperor Jun's mouth.

They looked even more embarrassed than when they came from Buzhou Mountain.

Hearing their names, Qi was surprised but at the same time felt it was natural.

After all, this is ancient times, and it is normal for Fuxi Nuwa and Taiyi Emperor Jun to communicate with each other.

After all, they were Emperor Xi and Emperor Wa of the future Heavenly Court. If they had not been friends, they would not have entered the Heavenly Court.

After all, although luck is good, it can also lead to entanglement of cause and effect.

After thinking about it, if the current Emperor Jun Taiyi invited him to join Tianting, I am afraid that he would join without hesitation even though he knew it would be a big trouble.

"Everyone, please follow me into Yunmeng Lake first. I will talk about this matter after we enter the lake."

Pray to speak to everyone.

Everyone said: "Good!"

Fuxi and Di Jun saw the prototype of the great formation in Yunmeng Ze and understood why Qi looked tired.

The scale of this formation is so large that it is enough to get a glimpse of it from its prototype.

There are no traces of ferocious beasts passing around Yunmengze, so they must have been cleaning up from time to time.

Seeing this, Fuxi couldn't help but sigh:

"My fellow Taoist is really a great talent and has great merits!"

After hearing this, Qi just smiled at Fuxi and did not respond.

Nuwa didn't understand the formation, so she could only look at Fuxi with doubtful eyes.

Fuxi didn't explain. Anyway, she would know in a while, so there was no need to overstep her authority now.

Let's wait for the owner of this place to explain.

After entering the flower pavilion in the lotus pond and looking at the endless lotus flowers, I felt much better and my tense nerves relaxed a lot.

Take out lotus seeds and serve everyone with fine wine.

Yan Yan laughed for a while.

While enjoying the banquet, Nuwa was observing the lotus pond and found that this pond was actually filled with three-light divine water!

Although the lotus flowers in the water are beautiful, they don’t have any spiritual roots. I couldn’t help but wonder:

"Fellow Taoist, this pool of sacred water only grows ordinary flowers. It's a bit too extravagant."

"That's a long story."

Qi Gang's peaceful state of mind was broken again, and he explained:

"There were originally more than ten lotus flowers in this pool that have become spiritual roots, and there are also many fairy flowers and fairy grass."

"But in order to build a large formation, we can only move them all to Yunmeng Ze, and all the fairy flowers and grasses have been refined into the formation flag of the large formation!"

After hearing about the formation, everyone became a little interested, and Fuxi and Di Jun's eyes sparkled.

"I was very curious when I came here. With the accumulation of hundreds of millions of creatures and the savings of all the tribes in one place, how huge is the formation?"

Fuxi not only picked up the topic and continued the conversation, but he also sincerely wanted to know more about it.

"This formation is called the Xiantian Yunmeng Formation. It is divided into four main gates: confusion, illusion, entrapment, and concealment. It also hides four gates: death, injury, life, and universe."

"I plan to build this formation within one Yuanhui, covering the entire Yunmeng Lake. If it succeeds, there will be no worries about the beast tide."

"Now the formation has been built for nearly half, and it can be built before the beast tide comes, but there is less time for practice, so it is difficult to exert the full power of the formation."

"But now with the help of fellow Taoists, I think this calamity can be safely passed."

Qi explained to everyone.

"It's a pity that this formation is manifested by clouds and qi. The clouds and qi are more than illusion, but the power is a little smaller, so the power of the death and injury gates is limited."

"But Taiyi has returned and taken charge of the death and injury gates, which has made up for this shortcoming."

In the following time, everyone divided the work and cooperated to fight the catastrophe together!

Taiyi was responsible for interfering with the beast tide and hindering its progress.

Di Jun was responsible for supervising and managing the construction of the Yunmeng Formation and commanding the creatures of all races.

Nuwa was responsible for mediating conflicts and disputes between the various tribes and easing the high-pressure atmosphere in Yunmengze.

Fuxi and Qi were comprehending the Yunmeng formation together, constantly adjusting the details of the formation based on the scene, and checking for deficiencies and filling gaps.

With the concerted efforts of all, the formation was finally built in 40,000 years.

As the last rune copper pillar fell, the spiritual energy flowed through each node, the formation veins became clear, and the water veins of Yunmengze began to connect.

The huge spiritual energy between heaven and earth was aroused, and fine spiritual rain fell in the formation.

The spiritual rain fell to the ground, and combined with the earth's energy, forming clouds and mist.

After 90,000 years, the formation was finally completed!

I finished writing it early, but I'll post it at 9 o'clock, and try to keep some drafts

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