Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 123 The function of the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, the catastrophe of heaven and ea

Xihe and Chang Xi walked hard in the Buzhou Mountains. Pangu's coercive presence made it difficult for them to walk, but they could only grit their teeth and persevere.

They saw the Dao marks left by Di Jun and Taiyi on the stone tablet in front of the mountain. It was only then that they became convinced that there was a star god on the Sun Star.

Although they have never seen Taiyi and Dijun's Tao, the feeling of the majestic sun standing in front of them is unmistakable.

"Sister, do you think the ancient land is really so good? Let the two star gods linger in it for a long time."

Chang Xi tried to get Xihe to agree to travel with her to the wilderness. Although there was some persuasion in it, the vibrant scene was indeed very attractive to her.

These scenery cannot be seen in the Lunar Star. No matter in the Lunar Star or in the entire starry sky, loneliness will always be the eternal tone.

Xihe was a little moved, but he still kept in mind what he had said before and the responsibility he shouldered, and decisively refused:

"Don't let this break your Taoist heart. We come from the starry sky and will eventually return to the starry sky. As gods, we must not forget our responsibilities."

"If you miss the timing of the weather because of your greed for fun, and there is a problem with the flow of the four seasons, resulting in an imbalance of yin and yang in the world, I'm afraid you will be guilty of a serious crime!"

Xi He's words were very harsh. Although Chang Xi felt that they were making a fuss, he could not refute. He just whispered from the side:

"Aren't those two from Sun Star always outside? How come they can do it but I can't? My sister really doesn't know how to adapt!"

Xihe was a little helpless and thought to himself: The Star God of the Sun Star has given the God of Heaven a bad start.

But seeing that Chang Xi was still a little emotional and looked bad, he could only comfort himself and said:

"Don't worry, there will always be a chance. It's just that you and I are low in strength now. It's already very difficult to adjust yin and yang. How can we have extra energy to travel through the wilderness?"

Most of the gods live in the starry sky and never communicate with the outside world. Even the stars rarely go out, let alone the prehistoric times.

Nowadays, Xihe and Chang Xi are no less than Fuxi and Nuwa in terms of life cultivation and Taoism. Unfortunately, their realms are completely different.

Xihe and Chang Xi are not even the Supreme Gods of Taiyi now, but because they have not yet learned the method, they are unable to move forward on the great road.

However, as long as they can understand the method of improving their realm, they can also achieve Luotian Zunshen in a short period of time.

This is also the predicament of most gods today. They have no solution and can only seek to improve their spiritual conduct through time and continuous refinement of life and enlightenment.

Among the gods, like Dijun and Taiyi, there are only a few people who have traveled through the wilderness early.

And like Qinglong and Suzaku, there are only two people who have been born for a long time, but have settled in the wilderness in ancient times.

Chang Xi also knew this truth, and the mood in his heart recovered a little, but he still said unfairly:

"I don't know what means the Sun Star God has to stay in the wilderness for such a long time and suppress the Sun Star Fire Poison."

"Are you really not afraid of an imbalance of yin and yang, and if something goes wrong, the avenue will punish you?"

Chang Xi's words resonated with Xihe. This was also a question that confused Xihe. According to common sense, even though the star gods of the Sun Star were stronger than them, the gap should not be so big.

How can they get rid of it once and for all, and maintain the state of the Sun Star for a long time, so that the fire poison will not break out.

You must know that the fire poison is the same as the cold poison of the Taiyin star, but it is caused by the change of yin and yang. It is always suppressed so easily and maintained for a long time.

"That's all, don't think too much. Now that the existence of the Sun Star God has been confirmed, we will eventually meet one day. Then just ask me a question."

Chang Xi was comforted by Xi He and reluctantly let go of his prejudices. He concentrated on facing the pressure of Buzhou Mountain and tried his best to walk up the mountain.

In the starry sky, Di Jun, Qi and others kept walking through the storms. As long as there was a slight fluctuation in the manic innate spiritual energy, they would become violently active and form various storms.

"The spiritual energy in the starry sky is much more violent than before. With such violent fluctuations, it may be difficult to retain the spiritual energy."

Fuxi traveled through the starry sky for the first time and was shocked by the scene in front of him. Although he had been to the starry sky in the past to watch Taiyi and Qi fight, he had never seen such a scene at that time.

Di Jun smiled and explained:

"The starry sky is vast, the nameless mountains and rivers suppress the spiritual energy, and it is close to chaos. It is the first pass for the chaotic airflow to transform into innate spiritual energy."

"The spiritual energy here, with a trace of chaos remaining, will naturally become more manic. If it is near the stars in the sky, it will be better. If it is not there, it will naturally be chaotic and disorderly."

Qi became somewhat interested in this and asked:

"The chaotic air flow is transformed into innate spiritual energy? The starry sky is the first pass? Let me tell you in detail. This is the first time I have heard of this."

Taiyi answered Qi’s doubts on the side and said:

"You are in the ancient land, and most of the time you can't see clearly because the starry sky is too close to the chaos. If you pay careful attention, you will naturally be able to detect things that outsiders don't know."

"Beyond the starry sky is the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, which protects the entire prehistoric world from the erosion of chaos."

"Those chaotic airflows pass through the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, and are partially filtered. What remains in the fetal membrane of heaven and earth will be absorbed by it and become part of it."

"What is filtered out is the original innate spiritual energy, with a hint of chaotic characteristics. That is, the spiritual energy in the starry sky is violent and volatile, and is not easy to absorb."

"After the stars in the sky constantly suppress and regulate it, it is sent into the prehistoric world, and then filtered again by the sky curtain that separates the starry sky and the prehistoric land, which is the innate spiritual energy of the prehistoric world today."

"After conditioning and two filtrations, the chaotic properties in it are completely refined, making them docile and pure, which makes them much more stable and easier to absorb."

Seeing that Qi understood these situations, Taiyi said again:

"If the sun star had not been moving in the starry sky and constantly approaching the prehistoric land and chaos, we would not have discovered these things. Although it is of no use, it is also a little knowledge."

"However, there are some problems, that is, when the fetal membrane of heaven and earth filters the chaotic airflow, At that time, the things that remain will make the fetal membrane of heaven and earth thicker. "

"Although this makes the fetal membrane of heaven and earth more solid, the spiritual energy filtered out is also much less. "

"It seems that only when the heaven and earth are in great disaster, causing the entire prehistoric world to experience a huge shock, can these fetal membranes of heaven and earth be broken, allowing them to flow, automatically heal and become thinner, and then more spiritual energy will be filtered out. "

"My brother and I guess that this may also be one of the reasons for the outbreak of the prehistoric catastrophe, but we are not sure. "

The three people, including Qi, all had a look of shattered views. They had never thought that there was such an unknown secret in the prehistoric world.

Qi thought about it and felt that this made sense. After all, after each catastrophe, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth would be much more active.

In the past, Qi believed that it was because the cause and effect between heaven and earth dissipated, countless creatures died, and heaven and earth recovered the origin. Now it seems much simpler.

However, if this is really the case, then every time a great catastrophe causes such destruction to the heaven and earth, the heaven and earth still continue to push the catastrophe to happen, which can be fully explained.

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