Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 124 Xihe trains her sister

On the sun star, the real fire filled the air, and everyone walked through the hibiscus trees, storing the downed mulberry fruits in spiritual bamboos for later use.

"You guys can pick some more. Taiyi and I will suppress the fire poison first and we'll come back later."

Di Jun's voice came from afar. Qi looked up, but was blocked by the branches and leaves of the hibiscus tree. Nuwa's voice came from the side and she could only be heard shouting:

"Okay, you go now. We will probably stay here for a long time. The hibiscus trees are too thick and can block spiritual consciousness, so it is difficult to find them."

Qi pried open a few mulberry leaves and saw Nuwa's figure not far from him. There were only a few leaves between them, but Qi didn't notice it.

When she saw Qi appear, Nuwa was also a little shocked and said:

"Qi? Why are you here? I remember that we are not in different directions?"

Nuwa did not expect that the distance between the two was so close, and she was easily approached without even realizing it.

"If this hibiscus tree is used properly, it feels like it can be a weapon against the enemy. It is indestructible, and there is a huge entanglement of cause and effect, so people dare not damage it easily."

"As long as you avoid it properly, it's really a natural geographical advantage."

Qi sighed at the side, but Nuwa rolled her eyes and said:

"Why do you keep thinking about using it in battles? Let me tell you, a treasure of heaven and earth like the hibiscus tree lives above the sun and cannot be easily moved. How can it be used in battles?"

"If the location is conducive, on the Sun Star, the true sun fire all over the sky can't protect you, so what's the use of placing the battlefield under a hibiscus tree."

Qi was speechless for a moment, and what Nuwa said was indeed true. For someone who could not be protected by the sun or stars, a hibiscus tree would certainly have no effect. It would only delay some time.

"Don't be lazy. This hibiscus tree covers almost one-tenth of the entire Sun Star. The mulberry fruits are extremely small and difficult to pick. If you continue to delay, we will not be able to pick them all even if we use up our Yuanhui."

Nuwa didn't care about Qi's thoughts, she just kept urging Qi not to waste time.

Qiu could only change the direction and continue picking mulberry fruits. After ten thousand years, his eyes were dim and he couldn't help but complain:

"How many fruits does this hibiscus tree have? Why doesn't it end?"

Someone was pushing aside the leaves below, Qi looked down and bumped into Nuwa again.

Seeing that the harvest was no less than his own, he prayed:

"Which direction did you come from? I remember that the area nearby should have been picked clean."

Nuwa was also a little confused, and she said in confusion:

"I don't know. I just kept picking normally. Although I saw signs of picking, the harvest was normal."

The two of them remained speechless. They turned back silently and searched the roads they had passed before. Sure enough, they found many omissions.

Qi Fei flew into the sky and took a closer look, only to find that he and Nuwa had been on the same branch, and there were still a lot of mulberries on the branches that had not yet been picked. His mentality suddenly exploded and he said:

"What kind of heaven-defying spiritual root is this? How can picking it be such a torture!"

You must know that this is just a small branch, and with the size of the hibiscus tree, what the two of them picked was just a drop in the ocean.

Nuwa also flew into the sky until she was beside Qi. After looking at her in detail, her mentality suddenly became a little unstable and she said:

"How did Dijun and Taiyi pick them before? Such a large-scale spiritual root, and the mulberries are so thin and dense, I'm afraid they can't pick them all even if they concentrate on picking them every day, right?"

Qi didn't have the intention to reply, he just kept thinking about how to improve efficiency.

After a while, Fuxi flew out from a nearby branch, his face full of confusion.

Just listen to what he said:

"Pray, have you noticed the peculiarity of this mulberry tree? I clearly remember picking it in many places, but when I look back, I can always find a lot of mulberry fruits."

The three of them looked at the hibiscus tree and fell into deep thought.

"Why don't we go back to the palace first and take a rest? We can talk about how to pick it after Emperor Jun and Taiyi return."

"Goodness!" x2

Regarding Qi's proposal, Nuwa and Fuxi unanimously agreed.

The hibiscus tree is too vast. Although it is not difficult to pick, it is unwise to continue picking mulberry fruits among the dense branches and leaves due to the shielding of spiritual awareness.

The three returned to the palace in the Sun Star where Taiyi and Dijun used to live. After resting for a thousand years, they saw Taiyi and the two return.

Qi walked to the main hall to greet the two of them. When he saw that there was nothing unusual about them, he said:

"Taiyi, Emperor Jun, you are back so soon, I think this trip must be a smooth one."

Di Jun smiled and said:

"This is natural. Ever since Taiyi and I were born, we have never had any problems with each other. We are already familiar with each other. Now we have made progress in cultivation. If we had not adjusted the yin and yang by the way, we would have been thousands of years earlier."

"I just don't know why, Yin and Yang have never been chaotic in the past, but now there are some changes. Although it is not a big trouble, it is my first time to experience it. I have less experience and a lot of time was wasted."

"If there is another time, it will be much easier."

Di Jun and Tai Yi are still a little confused about the changes in Yin and Yang. After all, they mainly suppressed the fire poison in the past and never made any mistakes in Yin and Yang. For some reason, there was a problem when they returned this time.

It’s just that they don’t know that in the past, Xi He and Chang Xi were responsible for regulating yin and yang. They only need to concentrate on suppressing the sun and star fire poison.

Now the two of them have also traveled to the ancient world. Although it didn't last long, it is normal to have some imbalances. What's more, the sun star at that time was extremely active and the yang energy fluctuated greatly.

Buzhou Mountain.

Xihe and Chang Xi finally completed their cultivation under Pangu's pressure. Now their auras are perfect and their fortunes are solidified. It is expected that they will gain a lot.

"Chang Xi, you and I have been away from the Taiyin Star for a long time now, and it's time to return. It has been almost 30,000 years since we last adjusted Yin and Yang, so the impact must be considerable."

Xihe looked at Chang Xi, who was clearly not yet convinced, and told him in a solemn tone not to forget his self-blame.

Chang Xi smiled somewhat complacently and said:

"Sister, you are worrying too much. Do you still remember the outbreak cycle of Sun Star Fire Poison? I am counting the time."

Hearing this, Xi and Yi Leng, after thinking carefully, suddenly said angrily:

"How could you do this! You actually put your responsibilities on others to do it for you!"

"You have calculated that the outbreak period of the Sun Star Fire Poison is approaching. The Sun Star God will return. Let them suppress the fire poison and discover the imbalance of Yin and Yang. Let them complete the responsibility of regulating Yin and Yang for you."

"Have you ever thought that the two of them have never had the experience of adjusting yin and yang, how to solve it if something goes wrong?"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if they were unable to continue regulating Yin and Yang after suppressing the Sun Star Fire Poison?"

"How could you do this! You and I will quickly return to the Lunar Star, firstly to check for the deficiencies and make up for them, and secondly, follow me to the Sun Star to apologize!"

Chang Xi had never seen her sister look like this before, and couldn't help but regret it. She could only shout cowardly from the side:

"elder sister."

Seeing this, Xihe knew that he was scared by him, so his attitude softened a little, but he still insisted on his own ideas and said:

"Chang Xi, you have to know that regulating yin and yang is the responsibility of you and me as innate gods."

"Born in the Taiyin Star, only for the Lord of the Celestial Star. These are the heaven and earth that gave birth to you and me. Under the authority of the heaven and the earth, what should be done, how can it be done by human hands."

"What's more, you and I are not familiar with them. The other party does not have the responsibility to complete your and my work. The heaven and the earth move and each performs his or her duties. This is the basis for the heaven and the earth to run normally without chaos!"

Xihe's sincere advice only hoped that Chang Xi could correctly understand his responsibilities.

Faced with such words, Chang Xi's eyes turned red and he felt a little ashamed.

Seeing this, Xi He also knew that Chang Xi had heard his words in his heart, so his attitude softened, and his tone was as gentle as possible, and he said:

"Sister, I know you can't stand the loneliness of the starry sky, but as gods, isn't that the meaning of our existence?"

"It's human nature to yearn for the bustling ancient land, but we must never forget our responsibilities!"

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