Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 128 Are you just going to wait?

Two golden swans crossed the starry sky at a high speed, and the Golden Crow Transformation Technique smashed all obstacles along the way, leaving behind a tail flame that burned the space.

Qi looked back and said to Fuxi and Nuwa:

"No matter how many times I see it, the Golden Crow Transformation Technique will bring me the same shock!"

Fuxi and Nuwa nodded in approval. It was true. They and Qi both created their own techniques based on it, but no matter how they improved it, it was still difficult to match it.

"Emperor Jun and Taiyi do have advantages that others cannot explain. The two of them complement each other."

"Emperor Jun has a unique talent for management and governance. With Taiyi's combat power, once the three tribes disappear, or they catch up with the accumulation of the three tribes, they may really be able to create a great cause that shakes the world."

Fuxi seemed to be deliberately guiding the topic, but it was too obvious, and even Nuwa heard a different meaning from it.

"Brother, it seems that you have remembered the advice of the great god Yangmei and are interested in them?"

Nuwa didn't want to have those conspiracies among the crowd, so she directly brought up the topic.

Fuxi was slightly stunned, then smiled confidently and said:

"Anyway, they have to choose one side. Since they have the opportunity, why not choose someone they are more familiar with? Besides, Di Jun is now inheriting the Taihuang Dao, wouldn't it be more in line with justice to choose him?"

"And the Sun Star is born to lead the Yang Qi of the world, and it is also orthodox in terms of footwork. In terms of strength, the two of them are also very good. I will choose them both in public and private."

After Fuxi finished speaking, he didn't care about Nuwa's attitude, but cast his eyes on Qi and said:

"What do you think, Qi? I believe that with our help, Di Jun has this possibility."

"And gathering the luck of heaven and earth can make it possible. Helping with cultivation, gathering the power of the world to serve one person, what great power will this have! "

Qi pondered for a moment before replying:

"Di Jun is indeed very likely. We have been together for a long time, and we recognize his talent. He also has the inheritance of the Taihuang Dao, so he is indeed the best choice. "

"If it really comes to that moment, even if I help, what's the harm. "

"Besides, we have come this far for so many years. If he has hope, I will never abandon him and choose another person. "

Qi approved of Fuxi's choice, because Di Jun is indeed the only choice outside the three tribes. Regardless of his background, luck, righteousness, and talent, Di Jun is indeed unique.

Fuxi just smiled, and Qi threw him a difficult question.

I only heard Qi ask:

"Since you choose to support Di Jun, what preparations do you have? It's not like you're just waiting for the three tribes to fight, and then don't make any preparations, right?"

Fuxi couldn't answer for a while when he heard this question, because he didn't know what kind of preparations he should make now.

In Fuxi's view now, the three tribes' domination of the prehistoric world is a foregone conclusion in a short period of time. There is no room for maneuver at all. What preparations can be made?

Seeing Fuxi like this, Qi just smiled and said:

"Think about it carefully first. Opportunities never come out by waiting. Opportunities that are not prepared are not your opportunities."

"When you have thought about the space you can operate, let Di Jun come to me in person. Everything we talk about now is just empty talk without action."

Qi didn't look at Fuxi anymore, but turned to chat with Nuwa. Unfortunately, Nuwa had been attracted by what Fuxi said before, and had no intention of chatting. She just agreed meaninglessly.

Fuxi's face was solemn, thinking about the problem Qi said, and wanted to find out where they could manipulate under the pressure of the three tribes.

To create the situation and opportunities they want, at that time, he can have the confidence to invite Qi again.

Because he knew that Qi had a special status among the earth gods, and the prehistoric land was the home court of the earth gods after all. On the earth, they could play the most powerful role.

If one wants to rule the wilderness, the role of the earthly gods is self-evident. The huge luck of heaven and earth and the influence in the field can help them easily complete the rule of an area.

So when Di Jun and Tai Yi caught up, they saw this incongruous scene in front of them.

Qi, who was doing nothing and didn't care.

Nuwa, who was wandering in the sky and was in a state of uncertainty.

Fuxi, who was solemn and lost in thought.

It was only when they arrived that the weird atmosphere was broken.

"Tell me quickly, why did the two goddesses come just now? Why do you two have to talk to you two alone?"

Qi's curious mind was not affected by the words just now. After all, there are too many things to explore in yin and yang, sun and moon, male gods and goddesses, and Qi couldn't help but be curious.

Even Fuxi and Nuwa, who were not in the state just now, cast their eyes, waiting for the reply of Di Jun and Tai Yi.

"It's just because of the imbalance of yin and yang before. They played some tricks and wanted to take a break. They felt that they had failed to fulfill their responsibilities, so they came to us to explain."

Di Jun explained with a smile, but Qi didn't believe it.

"What about the Sun and Moon Essence Wheel? I have never seen a spiritual treasure that can be refined by itself, and it can be used by two people to attack together."

Faced with Qi's words, Di Jun just smiled and said:

"I don't know either. After all, this spiritual treasure is the first time I have seen it. Maybe it's because of our destiny and fate."

"Then how do you explain your attitude? I remember that when we first met, you didn't have such a friendly attitude. Although you are gentle, you are not friendly."

Qi's remarks resonated with Nuwa, who nodded repeatedly and said:

"Qi is right, you are indeed like that, but don't deceive us with the words of the male god and goddess. When we first met, you didn't treat me so friendly."

Taiyi added a knife from the side, saying in an unclear tone:

"It's more than that. First, let them leave a letter in the Sun Palace if they have something to do, and then even told them that they have lived in Yunmengze for a long time, so that if they have any urgent matters, they can come to Yunmengze to find them."

As soon as Taiyi's words came out, everyone's eyes became strange, and they all stared at Di Jun, waiting for his explanation.

After all, leaving a letter in the Sun Palace is understandable, after all, they are both star gods, which is reasonable.

But even saying that they live in Yunmengze and asking them to come to find them if they have something to do is too unusual.

Qi especially had a strange feeling, as if Yunmengze had become a shared property of everyone. Although he didn't mind, he still had an inexplicable emotion.

The eyes of the people made Di Jun unable to resist, and Taiyi's sabotage gave everyone a reason to make trouble.

Most of the questions just now were reasonable, but now we have to tell the truth.

Di Jun coughed twice strategically.

Everyone was concentrating, wanting to hear Di Jun's explanation and satisfy their desire to find out more information.

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