Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 129 It turns out that I am not a person who is content with what I have!

Under the gazes of the crowd, Di Jun dared not speak for a rare time. He wanted to escape faster, but was followed closely by everyone.

Di Jun did not understand. He could not say the reason that was not important, especially under the gaze of everyone.

Among the four people, Qi and Nuwa chased the most closely, just like a badger that smelled the melon. It was always impossible not to eat it. There was only one step left, so how could they let Di Jun run away.

Seeing that he could not get rid of the pursuit and interception of the crowd, Di Jun stopped the escape light at the sky curtain that separated the prehistoric world and the starry sky, and said angrily:

"Okay, I admit that I don't know why I had a little affection for them when I first met them. It may be because the great way is consistent, or it may be because we share such an opportunity. Anyway, I can't tell."

After saying that, Di Jun waited for everyone's teasing at the sky curtain, with a feeling of breaking the pot, as if he had given up struggling.

After hearing this, everyone was a little disappointed, and directly turned into escape light again and disappeared, leaving Di Jun alone in a mess.

It's always like this when eating melons. When you don't know, you scratch your head and want to understand.

If you really understand, it's meaningless, as if you are simply enjoying the process of chasing melons.

As for the state of the melon owner, it's not that important, especially when the protagonist is very familiar.

"It's a pity that Di Jun confessed so quickly. I thought it would be more interesting and last longer."

Qi was a little disappointed.

Nuwa beside him nodded in agreement. Di Jun confessed so quickly, which ruined her interest.

Fuxi and Taiyi didn't express any attitude. Fuxi didn't care about it very much, but just wanted to have fun.

Taiyi has never been interested. He just vented his boredom before.

The only ones who really ate melons seriously were Qi and Nuwa. Maybe because of this, Qi and Nuwa had a closer relationship among everyone.

And Fuxi fell into the previous problem again and began to think about whether he had missed something.

Until everyone returned to Yunmengze, Di Jun was still missing.

Fuxi intended to discuss with Dijun what preparations he could make, but found that he had not returned yet, so he could only fall into deep thought alone.

It was late at night when Dijun returned to Yunmengze. Although everyone had not rested, he had obviously calmed down a lot, and he didn't know how long he had calmed down alone.

When Fuxi went to find him alone, Dijun was still a little embarrassed, but when talking about business, Dijun could only force himself to put aside those unnecessary emotions.

"Qi means that we still have room to display, but we haven't discovered it?"

"But now that the three tribes dominate the world, how can we accumulate without attracting their attention except to cause trouble for them and lead them to fight each other?"

Dijun frowned and thought about the bottleneck with Fuxi. It is so difficult to accumulate strength without attracting the behemoth of the three tribes!

"Based on the current Yunmengze, expansion has become the limit. If we expand more, we will touch the bottom line of the dragon clan and will definitely attract their attention."

"But apart from Yunmengze, we have no place to accumulate strength, so how can we talk about making full preparations?"

"There are too few creatures in Fengqi Mountain. Even if we include the entire area around Buzhou Mountain, all the creatures added up cannot compare to Yunmengze, let alone the entire prehistoric land."

This is Di Jun's confusion and Fuxi's contemplation. If he wants to fight against the three clans, he must gather the luck of all living beings.

But as long as he gathers the luck of all living beings, it will inevitably attract the attention of the three clans and be targeted by them. In terms of the current size, there is no power to resist.

Fuxi smiled bitterly and said:

"It seems that you and I have missed something, but we are blocked by cognition and cannot see it."

"In the end, you still have to go to Xunqi in person and ask him for clarification."

Fuxi was a little frustrated. He practiced the way of deducing the secrets of heaven, but he was blinded by a leaf and could not see the mountain.

He knew his shortcomings and could see through the essence of things from the clues, but he had to pay attention to the traces first.

Originally, according to Fuxi's idea, he and Dijun kept alienating the three tribes, expanding their conflicts, and relying on Yunmengze to develop with all their heart.

But now it seems too conspicuous, and it also misses some key factors that are enough to expand their own strength.

Dijun heard this and hesitated for a moment and said:

"Qi's test has just begun. If I go now, I'm afraid it's not appropriate. Besides, it's late, and I seem to have no patience if I go."

Fuxi thought about it and felt it made sense, so he agreed:

"But after all, there must be a deadline, just one Yuanhui. If there is really no better way, then go and seek Qi's help."

"Okay, let's use one Yuanhui as the deadline. If there is no better way by then, I will go to find Qi."

Dijun agreed.

For the innate sacred, one Yuanhui is not long. Many things may have answers in an instant, but if you don't pay attention to it, thinking hard is not a solution.

In the pavilion in the center of the pond, Qi kept making moves and playing chess with Nuwa.

"Have you really decided to enter the world and help Di Jun and his brother?"

Nuwa's voice sounded. She was still distracted by this matter. In the dead of night, she would always think of what Qi said before.

This made Nuwa very uncomfortable. She didn't want Qi to enter this muddy water, but she also hoped that Qi could help Di Jun and Fuxi complete their great cause and prove his truth.

"When do you think Di Jun will come to find me?"

Qi's voice was calm, and the chess pieces were full of Taoism, crisscrossing the chessboard, constantly strangling Nuwa's dragon.

Nuwa's mind was obviously not on the game, and she was disturbed by Qi's words, and soon fell into a desperate situation.

Nuwa looked gloomy and said:

"I don't know, I have never been able to guess their thoughts, and you know this."

"You are not suitable to think about these things after all, don't worry too much about it, everyone has their own fate, there is no need to force yourself."

Faced with Qi's reminder, Nuwa forced herself to be energetic, glanced at the chessboard, waved her hand, and turned all the chess pieces away, saying:

"I don't feel like playing chess today, this game doesn't count, wait a few days, when the state is better, you and I will start again."

After that, she turned and left.

Nuwa, you think what Qi said makes some sense, she is not good at these things, there is no need to force herself.

Since they want to fight, then fight, I just need to support them.

She also understood that these people's minds were much deeper than hers, and it would be better to leave those conspiracies and tricks to them.

Qi saw Nuwa playing tricks, but she would not say much, just sitting quietly in the pavilion until dawn.

"The lotus flowers leave their shadows, competing to be the pure world. Although I know that the wind and clouds are coming, I don't want to talk in the pavilion."

Qi thought to himself.

It turns out that I am not a person who is content with my lot!

(The Conferred God is not the prehistoric world)

In the Conferred God world, chaos is about to begin.

A hundred years ago, the number of days changed, and since then, immortality has become poisonous, and cultivation has become a disaster.

Refining essence into qi, the skin shriveled;

Refining qi into spirit, flesh and blood rotted;

Refining spirit back to emptiness, muscles and bones loosened;

Refining emptiness into the Tao, the internal organs withered.

Three years before King Zhou ascended the throne, immortals appeared one after another, shocking the world.

Yang Ren entered the immortal way, killing and turning disaster...

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