Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 24 Hollow Willow Raising Eyebrows to Preach (Additional chapter 110 for the Immortal Qi Tian

Qi and Nuwa quickly avoided the scene and rushed back to Yunmengze.

When they looked back, the battle was still going on, but the projection of Shen Ni was almost inaudible.

The willow branches were still spreading rapidly, and the black flames were much less than before, with only a few flowers burning on the branches.

When the two arrived at the edge of Yunmengze, the formation had not yet closed, but it was covered by smoke again.

At this time, a willow branch stretched out from the space beside the formation, and the tender green leaves were full of vitality.

Qi and Nuwa saw this scene, but they retreated as if they saw a death warrant.

Di Jun and Fuxi also teleported out of the formation and guarded Nuwa.

"This place is not far from the formation. Fuxi and I will try our best to delay it first, and you two will quickly return to the formation and adjust your status."

Di Jun's voice was full of urgency, and it could be heard from the pressure he felt in this situation.

"Be ready to pick me up at any time!"

As he said this, wisps of golden flames also burned on Di Jun's body, ready to go.

When everyone was nervous, a Taoist walked out from the willows.

"Don't be nervous, fellow Taoists. I have no ill will towards you."

Hearing the voice and looking, I saw the Taoist wearing a green Taoist robe with willow branches swaying in the wind, holding a whisk, and his eyebrows and hair tied up with a willow branch.

His face was like a young man, his spirit was high, and the Taoist spirit was flowing on his body. He was a good-looking face, born to be an immortal!

This person was the most beautiful among the gods Qi had seen, and he was also the most ignorant.

Facing him, Qi did not feel the pressure like facing Hongjun.

But he felt more unfathomable, he was standing in front of you, but you could not sense where he was.

In the sense of spiritual consciousness, it was as if he did not exist, but the danger warning given by the Yuanshen was a long-lasting alarm.

"I am the hollow willow, Yangmei! Meet fellow Taoists."

Yangmei bowed with both hands and took the lead in saluting.

Everyone hurriedly responded:

"We pay our respects to the great god."

Yang Mei smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "You don't need to do this. You and I were born and raised by the earth. We are people of the same path and seek the great way together. How can there be a great god?"

The four people didn't know how to answer after hearing this.

In the end, Qi could only step forward and say:

"We dare not do this. There are people who have learned the way first and those who have specialized in the art. The great god is the pioneer. We must not forget the etiquette."

"Haha, you and others are also polite. It seems that we have successors to the innate sacredness, and the way of the gods will flourish."

Yang Mei was very happy. The innate sacredness, the order of the Tao, although they are of the same generation, there are differences.

Although it is okay to treat them as peers, who doesn't want to be respected?

At the beginning, he followed the Three Emperors. Because they were all innate sacredness, they were arrogant and wanted to treat them as peers. He was beaten by the Thai King several times.

It was obviously the Lord of the Earth who said this first, and he never refuted it, but he was so petty.

Seeing that they were polite, he recalled these things and felt happy.

He also sighed a little, if he had been so sensible at the time, he would have suffered less.

But in the end, it happened that the one with whom he had the best relationship was the petty Thai King.

After the three emperors returned, the one he missed the most was the Thai King who found reasons to spar with him and took the opportunity to beat him.

This was what the Thai King said to him at the beginning.

Now he said these words to these outstanding descendants again, and he was also worried that he would be defeated in the catastrophe and wanted to leave some inheritance for the Shinto.

Seeing that the four people were still stunned, he smiled and said:

"Is this how you treat guests?"

The four people hurriedly invited Yang Mei to enter Yunmengze.

When they arrived at the lotus pond, Yang Mei saw the scenery of the water and lotus flowers, and praised: "It is a good blessed place."

"If you like it, you can live here for a long time. Although Yunmengze is small, it is also a blessed place."

Qi made an invitation.

If such a great god lives in Yunmengze for a long time, it will be a good opportunity for Yunmengze.

"I won't compete with you, a junior, for the dojo, but if I'm interested in the future, I can come and stay for a few days."

Yang Mei walked to the pavilion in the middle of the lake, sat down in the pavilion, and looked around with interest.

Qi brought lotus seeds, fruits and fine wine, and Di Jun Taiyi and others also sat down.

Yang Mei saw that everyone was there, and he didn't say anything, his eyes fixed on Taiyi.

"Are you willing to follow me to learn?"

He asked directly.

Seeing the prey, Yang Mei liked Taiyi very much, as a person who walked a unique way, and felt that his future achievements would not be lower than his own.

Taiyi kept looking at the people around him, and before they could persuade him, he directly refused:

"I'm sorry, senior, I'm on the right path now, and I have good friends by my side, and I don't want to separate."

Yang Mei was a little surprised, but he didn't blame him.

If he had these friends at the beginning, he would not have followed the Three Emperors.

Seeing Taiyi now is like seeing myself in the past, full of vigor and vitality.

He said no more, ate a few lotus seeds, and drank a pot of fine wine with everyone to relieve fatigue, and waved his hand to signal to remove the things on the table.

When Qi removed the fruits and wine and returned again, he saw Yangmei smiling gently and sitting cross-legged in the pavilion.

He waved his hand to signal Qi to come over, and asked everyone to sit cross-legged on the side, and then heard him say:

"Taiyi Supreme God is the realm of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It was created by Taihuang Jiutou among the Three Emperors and perfected by Tianhuang Cangli."

"Taiyi, therefore also known as Taiyi, is the origin of all things in the universe, the chaos before the division of heaven and earth..."

As Yangmei began to preach, the sound of Taoism between heaven and earth resounded like a huge bell, golden lotus emerged from the ground, and smallpox scattered from the ceiling.

The clouds in the sky are like dancing fairies, and the sun, moon and stars are also reflected in them.

Spirits are born on the water, and all trees are transformed into long grasses, condensing light and flying colors, and dew becomes jade beads.

A celestial horse is seen stepping on the sky, carrying flowers and fruits in its mouth, and a white ape is offering peaches on the ground, and the spiritual mist is filled.

All the lotus flowers in the pond are in full bloom, and the sky and the earth are stained with their colors.

Duckweed floats on the water, and the lotus is like a jasper placed in a treasure mirror.

Lotus roots sprout new buds, stones produce jade seeds, and the black soil is clean and white.

Yangmei has been telling the way of Taiyi for three thousand years, and another hundred years, only then did everyone wake up and the strange phenomenon disappear.

Knocking on the stone platform in the pavilion, Qi hurriedly took out fruits, wine and food.

Everyone bowed to Yangmei and thanked him.

But Yangmei avoided him.

"You have already refused before, which means we are not destined to be together. Don't act like this."

"Come and accompany me to drink and have fun, take a break, and talk about Luo Tianzun God three hundred years later."

Everyone no longer pretends to be a disciple. For practitioners, the importance of "sincerity" is the most clear.

Since this has been said, there is no need to think about anything else.

During this banquet, Qi and Taiyi often played the flute beside them, and Fuxi occasionally played the piano beside them.

Everyone sang in harmony, and even Yangmei was beating the rhythm.

Entertainment and laughter, as if forgetting the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, only the people in Yunmengze were left.

Happy times are always short, and three hundred years passed in a flash.

"You are living such a happy life. I should have pursued a Taoist partner back then."

"Instead of following Jiutou clan to create a paradise for all living beings!"

Faced with Yangmei's speech, everyone just smiled and said nothing.

Because they knew that if it happened again, Yangmei would definitely follow again.

Yangmei also knew.

P S: I will update the first chapter later. I found that I overestimated my typing speed! Good night everyone, but there are still nine chapters that I won’t forget!

1/10, nine chapters left

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