Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 25 Luo Tianzun God

"What is Luo Tianzun God?"

Faced with Yang Mei's question, everyone pondered.

Qi talked about the Daluo Dao that Hongjun had mentioned.

"Open a small world of your own, rely on the prehistoric world, and rely on the Tao fruit of the prehistoric world. Compare it with the prehistoric world and correct it from time to time."

"Moreover, you can also use the power of the small world and the prehistoric world to fight and perform."

This statement was refuted by Yang Mei: "Then is the way you follow your way, or the prehistoric heavenly way."

"Entering the chaos, away from the prehistoric world and the small world, without the blessing of heaven and earth, the realm has fallen. In this way, is your cultivation still yours?"

"Although this method is easy, it is just an attempt to take shortcuts."

"Using this method as Daluo, you will go astray without knowing it!"

"Comparing the Tao with the prehistoric world, although the future is clear, you can know that you have already died!"

"A clear and visible road is valuable, but it will eventually come to an end."

"The emperor has the prehistoric world in his heart, and the road he has opened up is mainly based on the prehistoric world."

"But compared with the Thai emperor, he has fallen a little bit."

Hearing this, everyone woke up and listened quietly.

"Luotian, in the eight directions of the world outside this world, there are many Luotians above, with sun, moon, five stars, and twenty-eight constellations, which are no different from Wanli in the south."

"Although it does not exist at this time, the emperor foresees that people in the future will create Daluotian, rely on the primeval world, and transform the three thousand worlds."

"So Luotian means to gather all the heavens!"

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, he raised his eyebrows and continued:

"The Thai emperor was inspired by this and went a step further, which is different from the way of the emperor."

"The way of the Thai emperor's Luotian is to create Daluotian by himself, and Daluotian relies on the fruit of the Tao."

"The evolution of the world starts with one's own way and ends with one's own way. You know right from wrong!"

"When walking or lying down, you have the power of the world, and your position is the same as the heavens."

Everyone's eyes are solemn. The two ways seem to be the same but very different. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but if they choose, they will surely choose the latter.

"And the way of the Emperor of Earth is the most different. The earth nourishes all things and nurtures all living things."

"Instead of creating the Great Luo Heaven, he uses the Dao Fruit to refine the heaven and earth. Within the heaven and earth, the divine power is blessed."

"The wider the area, the stronger the divine power. If there is a secret realm of heaven and earth, it is not impossible to be on par with Hunyuan."

"The Dao is heaven and earth, and it has great merits."

Hearing this, everyone also felt that it was a way out, but they would give up their own Dao and pursue the Dao of heaven and earth.

The world is so big that it cannot be taken by one person.

While refining, one's own Dao Fruit will also become heaven and earth.

Within the scope of refining, the strength is naturally strong, but once you leave, I am afraid that your cultivation will also fall.

If you leave too far, you may even become a mortal.

Seeing everyone thinking, Yang Mei asked:

"What do you want?"

At this point, everyone knew that he would only talk about one of the three ways, and it depends on how everyone chooses.

Qi and Taiyi and others looked at each other, understood everyone's thoughts, and answered everyone's choice:

"Senior, we are willing to follow the great way of the Taihuang, and the great power will belong to ourselves."

Seeing this, Yangmei smiled and said: "Good!"

"We are all innate sacred, and the scene of Pangu the Great God opening the sky is still before our eyes."

"How to open up the Daluo Heaven, you must have your own ideas, so I won't say more."

"I will just tell you how the world hangs on the fruit of the Tao."

This time, Yangmei's preaching did not cause any strange phenomena in the world, it was calm and peaceful, without a single ripple.

But everyone listened seriously, not daring to slack off in the slightest, for fear of missing something.

Niuniu on the hill in the distance raised his head and listened, but he couldn't hear anything. He jumped up anxiously, but didn't dare to go over casually.

He had listened to the way of Taiyi Shangshen before, like listening to fairy music, confused, and had forgotten most of it.

But there were also some parts that he could understand that were recorded down, which was considered a great harvest and a great increase in Taoism.

The gains from this listening to the teachings were even greater than those from his cultivation since he was born.

That’s why he was so anxious and restless.

He knew that there was a great opportunity in front of him, but he just couldn’t get it.

Niu Niu felt that he had suffered a great loss, so he could only lie down by the lake at the foot of the mountain, close his eyes and listen quietly, trying to hear a few words.

In the end, he got nothing, and could only go up the mountain to eat grass without interest.

Yang Mei’s sermon this time was intermittent, and he often stopped to answer everyone’s doubts.

If there was something he didn’t understand, he would even go back and tell it again so that everyone could fully understand and remember the truth.

But in total, it only stopped for three thousand years. He fully narrated the way of Taihuang Luotian.

Seeing that everyone was in deep thought, he didn’t say anything, but just walked to the mountain over there, teased Niu Niu with a branch of a top-grade spiritual root, and played alone.

When Qi and others woke up, Niu Niu was already lying on the ground and had no strength to stand up.

Seeing everyone wake up, Yang Mei stuffed the branches of the spiritual root into Niu Niu's mouth and turned to walk towards them.

When he arrived beside everyone, Yang Mei folded his hands to greet them.

"My dear friends, now our fate has ended. I hope that you will all succeed in the future. If we meet again in the future, we will sit and discuss the Tao again."

Without waiting for everyone to reply, the figure gradually disappeared in Yunmengze.

Everyone was helpless and raised their hands to return the greeting at the same time.

"Farewell, senior, thank you for your kindness in preaching."

Far away at the other end of the prehistoric world.

A green willow branch stretched out from the space, and Yang Mei looked at the three people who resisted the beast.

Sitting cross-legged on the side, waiting quietly.

He didn't make a move until he saw the three people win and start chasing the beast Qiongqi, and the projection of Shen Ni appeared.

The dense willow branches sealed the sky and locked the earth, cutting off the projection of Shen Ni.

"I am a hollow willow, so I raise my eyebrows! I have met all fellow Taoists."

After raising their eyebrows and leaving, everyone became a little idle for a while.

Now the ferocious beast has crossed Yunmengze and headed further north.

After the crisis was over, everyone seemed to feel that the separation was imminent and felt a little reluctant to leave.

The intersection of several Yuanhui makes them become true like-minded people.

Qi saw that the atmosphere was a bit dull, but he enlivened the atmosphere and said:

"Why do you all make this gesture? We are innately sacred and live as long as heaven, so why worry about not meeting each other?"

"I didn't do anything to drive people away, so why should everyone leave in a hurry and come to have a banquet."

"Besides, Yun Mengze always welcomes everyone. If you miss me, you can come over at any time."

After everyone thought about it, they also felt that they were pretending to be sentimental, and Yun Mengze was not too far away.

As long as you are willing to tear apart space and rush forward, thousands of years will come.

If he improves his cultivation, it might not take this long.

Thinking of this, I smiled.

"I'm afraid that fellow Taoists will think that we are too much trouble and find an excuse to go out and travel."

Nuwa joked.

Everyone laughed together, and the laughter spread far away.

"The sun sets soon, let's have a feast first."

Those who played the wind played, those who played the piano played the piano, and they played chess for entertainment. It was so enjoyable.

"These three brothers are so boring, but Yun Mengze is the most fun!"

While he was preaching in Dongkunlun with raised eyebrows, he was also sighing in his heart.

This miserable life will last for thousands of years, and it will be hard to endure.

After all, he would get tired of explaining the same truth several times. In this calamity, he has already said it many times, and he will continue to say it.

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