Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 26 Sending Guests Away and Retreat

After sending you thousands of miles away, there will always be a farewell.

Everyone stayed together in Yunmengze for another hundred years, but they all left in the end.

Fuxi and Nuwa went back to Fengqi Mountain first. They wanted to retreat and sort out their gains this time.

They also wanted to go back to see if there were any changes in their own dojo.

They had been in Yunmengze for nearly two Yuanhui this time.

Although there were risks in going to Yunmengze, they all felt that the trip was worthwhile.

It was time to return to Fengqi Mountain Dojo and practice in seclusion for a while.

He also told Qi that he would not travel again before the end of this catastrophe.

If Qi wanted to go out, he was welcome to have a small gathering at Fengqi Mountain.

After that, he left Yunmengze.

Not long after Fuxi and Nuwa left, Dijun Taiyi also said goodbye.

They had traveled in the prehistoric world for too long. Now that the crisis in Yunmengze had been resolved, they should return to Sun Star to practice in seclusion for a while.

Taiyi also needed to restore his origin on Sun Star, which was their dojo and the place where they were born.

There, Taiyi can get better recovery and recuperation.

Moreover, he experienced a lot of things and gained a lot during this trip to the prehistoric world, and he also needs to go back to sort it out.

The fire poison of the Sun Star also needs to be suppressed and released, and he can't stay in the prehistoric continent for a long time.

Having said all, Qi can only let go of his reluctance and bid farewell to the two.

After the four people left, Qi felt that Yunmengze suddenly became empty, and he felt quite uncomfortable for a while.

But he didn't know that the other people were the same, and they all felt that life suddenly became quiet.

Taiyi and the others went back to retreat, but Qi couldn't.

Qi still needed to sort out Yunmengze after this catastrophe.

Qi first summoned the various tribes in Yunmengze and told them that the catastrophe was over and they could return to the life they wanted.

He also warned them not to disturb him on weekdays.

He gave some Ganoderma Lucidum, and sent them back after practicing and understanding.

After everyone received the reward, they also returned to their own tribes happily to digest the gains of this catastrophe.

Qi closed the formation again and retrieved his various spiritual treasures and spiritual roots.

Looking at the lotus pond filled with spiritual roots again, Qi smiled with satisfaction.

There were more than 30 kinds of spiritual root lotuses, ten more than before the formation was built.

One of them stayed in the lotus pond for a long time and evolved into a spiritual root.

He got a chance when Yang Mei was preaching. When the vision of the goddess scattering flowers appeared, he received several spiritual flowers and returned to the innate state.

The other nine flowers also got a chance when he was preaching and became spiritual roots luckily. Although they evolved from acquired state, they are also rare treasures.

He summoned his mount Bai Niu and asked him to guard the mountain gate during his retreat.

Keep an eye on the spiritual roots. Don't lose them, and don't sneak out to play.

Seeing Bai Niu nod in agreement, Qi went back to retreat with peace of mind.

He also experienced a lot in this catastrophe, and also gained a lot.

He needed to settle his mind again.

The pressure during this period was too great, and he was a little indulgent. He needed to retreat to sort out his gains and restrain his mind.

Qi entered the lotus pond, showed his true form, and sank to the bottom of the water without any movement.

There was a string of prayer beads under the lotus pond, which separated the three-light holy water in the pond, forming a small space.

Qi's snake tail swam and stepped into it.

The prayer beads spread out, expanding the space a little, and then gathered in Qi's hand.

The snake tail coiled up, leaving a place for the body to lean on. Qi closed his eyes and began to retreat.

The spiritual power around him was silent, but his mind was extremely active.

The spiritual treasure floated beside Qi, and a faint spiritual light was reflected on Qi's body.

The soul appeared, and a sense of ferocity surrounded the space.

As time passed, the sense of ferocity on the soul gradually disappeared and became peaceful.

After Qi retreated, Niu Niu first stayed by the pond quietly for a few years.

After making sure Qi would not come out, he began to jump around actively.

From time to time, he dived into the pool and sniffed the scent of each spiritual root.

He pretended to lick it casually and licked away the spiritual dew left on it every morning.

These spiritual dews are the essence of water that is attracted by the spiritual roots and gathered between heaven and earth.

For ordinary creatures, it is a rare treasure that has the effect of cleansing the tendons and marrow.

For the beasts of heaven and earth, it is also a rare delicacy that has an effect on the accumulation of cultivation.

Most innate sacred things do not value these things, but they are actually rare treasures in the world.

Bai Niu has been coveting them for a long time, and found that the master does not care at all. Many spiritual dews disappear in the air with the rising of the sun.

But they are not collected, and all are wasted.

Niu Niu dare not steal spiritual roots, but the spiritual dew that the master does not care about will dissipate anyway, so it is better to give it to Niu Niu.

Bai Niu's cunning little thoughts are well hidden and have never been shown.

Bai Niu is very satisfied with his hiding, he has never been discovered.

Little did he know that if he showed it, he could eat it openly.

"Now that the master is in seclusion, there are so many fairy herbs in the surrounding mountains and no one is taking care of them. I have to pick up these jobs."

Bai Niu sighed, but there are so many fairy herbs, he has to work hard.

"I think as long as they grow well, it should be no problem for me to steal a few plants, and the master won't find out."

As soon as he said it, Bai Niu turned into a human form. Although it was a human form, it was actually just a cow with hands and two feet.

The big horns soared into the sky, and the muscles all over his body bulged.

This horn is so majestic, keep it.

My white fur is so beautiful, keep it.

These three tails can also be used to repel mosquitoes, keep them.

Finally, it turned into a human form, a white-haired man with horns, a nose, and three tails.

Niu Niu was very satisfied with his appearance after taking a photo of himself by the water.

Then he went to plant the fairy grass with great interest.

Qi, who was at the bottom of the pool, knew nothing about it and was still trying his best to eliminate the hidden dangers of the evil spirit in his soul.

With the advantage of the way of purification, the violence developed during the catastrophe was eliminated one by one, and the breath of the soul became more peaceful.

After finishing the work, Qi began to sort out his gains in the Yunmengze catastrophe.

Sorting out a little bit, starting from the discussion of Yu Taiyi and others.

Bit by bit, sorting out all the insights.

The changes in the formation communicated with Fuxi, the shortcomings of the formation when fighting against the fierce beast, and the ways to improve them.

Compared with the Taiyi Supreme God and Luo Tianzun God's way mentioned by Yang Mei, have I taken the wrong path now?

Should I start over and start again?

The extremely active mind and spirit made the Yuanshen show fatigue.

Qi also woke up from his silence and turned around in the space at the bottom of the pool.

He fell into seclusion again.

The prehistoric world does not remember the years and the time passed by like a white horse.

When he came out of seclusion, although Qi was still Taiyi, he was no longer the Taiyi Jinxian mentioned by Hongjun.

He was the Taiyi Supreme God on the right path of the gods!

P S: Today's update is finished. I will test the water on May 5th, and I want to save a little burst! ! ! !

I still owe nine chapters.

I will pay it back, and I hope everyone will support me, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets are required! ! Thank you all.

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