Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 27: Leaving the Customs

Qi now seems to have washed away the dust of the past, his mind is peaceful, and his hostility has disappeared.

Although his cultivation has not improved much, his breath is more rounded and natural.

Qi can feel that the current path is more suitable for him.

In the retreat, Qi gathered the three flowers and five qi, and took the initiative to disconnect from the state of being connected with the Dao fruit.

No longer in the Taiyi realm.

Rebuild the state of life and let the yellow buds of life grow spontaneously to "climb" the Dao fruit.

Until it is wrapped and then integrated into one.

At that time, there is no need to use life and death cultivation to attract, and the Taiyi realm is naturally formed.

It can be said that:

The three flowers on the top of the head naturally bloom, and the five qi in the chest are combined into one.

The two merits of life and death are both carried, and the road opens to people.

In order to achieve this goal, Qi calmed down and gathered his qi under the pool to polish the spiritual light of life.

I don’t know how time flies, and the merits of two Yuanhui have made the future a better way to go.

At this time, all the fierce beasts have poured into the northern continent. There are only three epochs left before the end of the catastrophe.

Within three epochs, the Xiantian gods and the fierce beasts must decide the winner.

In other words, within these three epochs, Shen Ni must die, otherwise, the catastrophe of the fierce beasts will continue to the next catastrophe.

At that time, they will enjoy the same treatment as the Xiantian gods in the world.

Of course, this is not because their treatment is so high, but because the luck of the Xiantian gods is distributed to the fierce beasts.

At that time, as the winner of the catastrophe, perhaps a large area of ​​spiritual wisdom will be opened.

Because the luck occupied by the Xiantian gods is too huge, almost accounting for 50% of the luck of the prehistoric world.

Of the remaining 50%, 20% is still fixed to the spiritual roots of spiritual treasures, famous mountains and rivers.

And the spiritual roots of spiritual treasures are mostly occupied by the Xiantian gods.

The famous mountains and rivers are mostly the places where they are bred and the places where the Dao is located, so the real situation is that the Xiantian gods occupy 70% of the luck in the world.

The remaining three layers are shared by all living beings in the prehistoric world, and the fierce beasts now occupy about 10%.

Therefore, as long as Shen Ni can survive, they will be the winners.

Share the destiny of the innate gods until the beginning of the next catastrophe.

This is also the reason why the top gods continue to preach to the new generation of innate gods.

This battle is of great importance, and we must have an effective heart of death to ensure that Shen Ni is killed.

Leave the inheritance in advance so that the Taoism can be preserved and not be cut off.

Qi counted the time with his fingers and realized that he had been in seclusion for so long.

He transformed into a Taoist body again and slowly left the space under the pool.

As soon as he looked up from the water, he saw Fuxi and Nuwa playing chess in the pavilion in the center of the pool.

Seeing this, Qi smiled brightly and said:

"It is a great blessing to meet a good friend just after coming out of retreat."

Hearing this, Nuwa looked up and smiled and replied:

"Fellow Daoist Qi, we have been waiting here for a long time."

"You were not here last time, so my brother and I turned to the Sun Star."

"Now, we are back again, waiting for you here for a thousand years."

"If you don't come out of retreat again, we will go back to Fengqi Mountain."

After speaking, Nuwa was looking forward to what Qi would say.

They did wait for a thousand years, but they did not come to Yunmengze first, but went directly to the Sun Star.

Fuxi's calculation skills have improved, and he calculated that if he came to Yunmengze, he would most likely return empty-handed.

So he turned to the Sun Star. At that time, Di Jun had just come out of retreat, but Taiyi was still in retreat, so he was the only one who came out.

"It's my fault that you didn't even call me."

Qi responded with a smile and counterattacked.

What he received was a roll of the eyes from Nuwa.

Fuxi put away the chess pieces, took out the fine wine, and invited:

"Qi, come and taste the fine wine of my Fengqi Mountain!"


The three sat in the pavilion, exchanging their gains from this retreat and sharing their own insights.

As they talked, they talked about the Northern Continent.

This is also an inevitable topic among the innate gods now.

Everyone knows that now all the fierce beasts have gathered in the Northern Continent. Because the catastrophe is about to end, they will definitely worry about it.

With the strength of the fierce beasts, there is no chance of winning this catastrophe. It depends on whether they can survive to the next catastrophe.

Most of the innate gods have not yet left the field, because the situation has not yet reached the point where they must leave the field.

In this catastrophe, those who resist the gods are the old gods and the three tribes of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn.

The old gods have the cause and effect of the Three Emperors. In their cognition, they must leave the field.

Otherwise, it is a betrayal of the Three Emperors.

Departing from their own way, denying themselves who have inherited the Three Emperors' Taoism.

They who have received the legacy of the Three Emperors have the obligation to stop the beasts.

The three tribes are to divide the beasts' luck and the legacy left behind.

Compared with most ordinary creatures, powerful beasts often occupy more and better territories.

Only when they die in the hands of the three tribes can they legitimately let these territories become theirs.

Otherwise, forcible possession will only leave trouble and ruin the luck of the tribe.

Most innate sacred beings do not attach too much importance to the luck of the beasts.

Because they do not have their own tribe, they do not need this luck, and their own luck is enough.

There are three kinds of luck: heaven and earth luck, sentient beings luck, and self-luck.

Most innate sacred beings have strong luck, are born with the power of heaven and earth, are connected to heaven and earth, and occupy most of the heaven and earth luck in a place.

And the heaven and earth luck will not flow or change easily. If they do not get into trouble, outsiders cannot take it away.

The fluctuation of one's own luck will not affect outsiders, nor will it shift.

Only the luck of all living beings is constantly flowing, and will shift for various reasons.

It can be artificially interfered with and gathered, accounting for about 30% of the total luck.

This 30% is what the three tribes can fight for.

As for the territory, the place where the Xiantian Divine was born has been a natural territory and a Taoist temple.

It is not the famous mountains and rivers that have this ability.

Therefore, the Xiantian Divine will not compete with the three tribes for land luck, because there is no shortage, and they do not look down on it.

Only the Xiantian Divine is favored by the luck of heaven and earth, and the benefits to the tribe are not very great.

Only those who have the luck of all living beings are the protagonists of the times.

Only by occupying enough luck of all living beings can the tribe become a truly powerful race and the darling of the times.

If the three tribes want to achieve their goals, they can only snatch it from the hands of the fierce beasts.

Only by exterminating them and making it impossible for them to rise again can the luck condensed by the fierce beasts be released to the maximum extent.

There is only so much luck. If you occupy a little more, I will have a little less.

There is no possibility of making the pie bigger together.

Although the prehistoric world is huge, it will always be full.

Although the luck is good and has many uses, you will have to bear as many responsibilities as you have rights and enjoy conveniences.

Therefore, whenever there is a great catastrophe that harms the heaven and earth, there must be innate sacred beings entering the scene, it’s just a matter of number.

If you give up the innate sacredness of heaven and earth, you will spit out as much as you have taken from the luck of heaven and earth, or even more.

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