Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 40 Seeking Benevolence and Obtaining Benevolence

On the other side, Yu Qiangfang's battlefield.

The wind was howling between the sky and the earth, sand and dust were flying, and it was extremely dark.

The Xuanyin arrow flashed past, shot out from the body of the dead lion-headed beast, and scratched three Taiyi Golden Fairyland beasts in succession.

Yu Qiang knew that the goal at this time was not to quickly solve one of them, but to weaken them as much as possible.

He couldn't fight against such a large number of Taiyi ferocious beasts by himself. After all, he was only the Supreme God of Taiyi at this time.

A vast white mist flows out of the sky-covering gas gourd, shrouding the entire battlefield. The wind cannot disperse it, and all the sand and dust are hidden.

In this white mist, the ferocious beast could no longer see, could not hear, and its sense of smell was useless. It could only release its magical powers randomly inside.

These magical powers have different manifestations, but most of them hit one's own body, and even harm the ferocious beasts from the outside world.

The white mist was like a thin snake, entering from the mouth and nose of the ferocious beast, constantly clouding their perception. The two snakes swam under Yu Qiang's feet, approaching silently.

He was very careful as he walked between the magical powers. Although it blinded their perception, he still had to worry that the magical powers they fired randomly would hit him.

Xuanyin Arrow struck again, taking away the remaining two seriously injured Taiyi Upper God Realm ferocious beasts, and Yu Qiang's divine power disappeared like running water.

The Xuanyin Arrow is very effective against the enemy, but it is based on the consumption of powerful divine power. The refining of the Xuanyin Arrow can exert a stronger effect, but the cost is the increase in the consumption of divine power.

Killing three Taiyi beasts in a row was a heavy burden for him, and the remaining four Taiyi beasts had become crazy.

Their instinct tells them that this place is dangerous, and they want to escape.

One of the ferocious beasts spit out black flames and sprayed them around continuously. The white mist began to melt as soon as the black flames were sprayed.

This black flame is the same as the black flame coming out of the ground, both are accompanied by highly toxic black smoke.

Seeing this, Yu Qiang could only avoid it. The flesh and blood of the three beasts that had been injured by Xuanyin arrows had begun to mutate, and blood flowed non-stop.

One of the ferocious beasts had blood foam flowing from its mouth, which made them become more frightened and crazy.

The ferocious beast that spits black flames looks like a horse, but has four heads. It is the only ferocious beast that is not injured now.

With a roaring sound, all the Taiyi ferocious beasts began to gather towards it, spitting out more black flames that spread thousands of miles and enveloped the entire battlefield.

Hearing this voice, an innate divine expression became strange, and he intensified his offensive crazily.

The others also tried their best to stop him.

Although the innate saints stepped up their attacks, they were finally able to gather together.

The blood and turbid energy between them gathered together to form a huge shield, protecting all the ferocious beasts within it.

"Things are getting complicated."

The speaking innate saint has ram's horns on his head, is half a man and half a horse, has four feet on the clouds and flies into the sky, and holds a long spear in his hand.

"There is no way, but you have to try."

Another innate divine responded.

His complexion was dark yellow, and a Dharma form appeared behind him. The Dharma form continued to grow, getting bigger and bigger, and finally reached a size of millions of feet.

His complexion seemed to be much more yellow at this moment.

No movement was seen on his part, but Faxiang's palm shot through the clouds towards the beasts.

The size of the palm alone is much larger than that of the ferocious beast. At the same time, as the palm falls, one after another Qi spreads.

It turned into a series of air swords, piercing through the shield and the ferocious beast and finally into the ground.

As the air sword fell more and more, his aura became weaker and weaker.

Everyone and Yu Qiang seemed invisible, allowing his breath to weaken little by little until he disappeared.

As his breath disappeared, the Dharma also dissipated between heaven and earth.

Blood rained from the sky, and sounds of pity rang out all around.

The innate holiness has fallen, and the whole world is saddened.

The shield of the ferocious beasts had been broken, eight ferocious beasts died tragically on the spot, and the rest were seriously injured.

"He's gone, but fortunately the great revenge has been avenged."

Sagittarius said.

"Yes, since he came back from the dojo, his heart has died."

"My bloodline was cut off, my fellow Taoists lost their lives, and the dojo was destroyed. I have done my best to survive here."

Another innate divine replied:

"But from what he said, it seems that the tradition has been passed down."

"It's a blessing in misfortune."

No one replied, they just killed the remaining seriously injured beasts and then returned silently.

They didn't know if they could last as long as he did if they saw the miserable condition of their own dojo.

Under the backlash of the fate of heaven and earth, the road was cut off and changed beyond recognition. Everything he had in the past disappeared. He still had a chance for revenge, but what about himself?

The six people returned to Yinglong Camp.

Ying Long saw that one of them was missing, and the atmosphere was dull. He didn't ask why or whether it was a success.

If they can come back alive, it already means success.

"Thank you for your help. This battle is difficult. You can rest in my camp."

Yinglong's voice was calm, neither happy nor sad.

Yu Qiang just refused:

"As long as we are okay, I won't bother Great Master Ying Long. Let's leave the camp to those who need it more."

Then he bowed out and took the remaining five people back to the place where they rested.

Yinglong saw that Yaizhen was a little dissatisfied with their attitude, so he reminded him.

"One fellow Taoist is missing, the one we returned to the Taoist temple before, but you haven't seen him in other places before."

When Ya Zi heard this, his expression froze.

Then he asked:

"With their strength, there shouldn't be any casualties, but why is this happening?"

Ying Long did not explain to him directly, but asked him a question:

"If one day, the dragon clan is destroyed, the four seas become fishing grounds for others, and only you are lucky enough to survive, what will you do?"

Ya Zi said without thinking:

"Leave the blood lineage, and then take revenge, but with the strength of my dragon clan, there is no such day."

As soon as the voice fell, Ya Zi reacted.

"The place where the ferocious beasts gather here is not far from his Taoist temple."

Ying Long explained with a smile.

After hearing this, Ya Zi returned to his tent in silence. Yes, if this great revenge is avenged, what should he do!

After Ya Zi left, Ying Long was silent for a while before he sighed:

"Daoyou, heaven and earth are so lucky to you. You have now achieved what you asked for. May you have a good journey."

"I just don't know if I will have such a day in the future? I am afraid I will not be so lucky."

Yu Qiang and others are also thinking about this question.

However, if there is such an opportunity, I am afraid they will be willing to exchange their lives.

Now they dare not imagine what they will look like when they see their own dojo.

ps: Today's update, daily vote request, it will soon enter the second round. I want to try to see if I can move up on the new book list. I hope everyone will support me.

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