Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 39 Yinglong

In a flash, the beasts were about to reach the ambush point, but suddenly stopped thousands of miles before the ambush point.

The leading beast was at the level of Taiyi God. It looked around with a vigilant look, and its eyes were bright, but it didn't find anything.

They could only continue to move forward, but at a much slower speed, and they were a little more vigilant.

Seeing the beasts stop, several people couldn't help but sigh that these beasts were so vigilant.

When the beasts used their spiritual light to explore, except for Yu Qiang, several people were a little worried about being discovered, and their moods were much heavier.

Until they continued to approach the ambush point, they calmed down and waited quietly.

In about an incense stick of time, more than 20 Taiyi beasts rushed to the side of several people. Seeing that the time was ripe, Yu Qiang signaled everyone to take action.

Attack the five beasts comparable to Taiyi God with all their strength, and Yu Qiang waited for an opportunity to sneak attack the beasts that had been explored with spiritual light before with Xuanyin arrows.

It was not until this time that Yu Qiang saw the face of the beast clearly.

The beast had a lion's head and was covered in scales. There were two snakes in its belly. The two snakes were constantly spitting out their tongues to explore the surrounding environment.

Three pairs of ears trembled in the wind, and the fangs in its bloody mouth were still stained with some blood.

The six innate saints attacked at the same time, and the divine light emitted by the spiritual treasure broke through the cover of the sky-covering gas gourd and rushed straight into the sky.

Six black stripes were drawn in the space, and an amazing attraction came from it, but it could not interfere with everyone's division.

And in the black stripes, a tiny arrow was hidden in it and went straight into the lion's brain.

The lion-like beast felt as if its head was stabbed by something, and it felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

It was seen that its limbs twitched, its eyes were wide open and its tongue was sticking out, and it was silent after three or five breaths.

The other four Taiyi upper god beasts were besieged before they could react. Two of them were seriously injured and two died here.

At this time, the fierce beasts that were as powerful as the Taiyi Golden Immortal came over.

A series of magical powers flashed, and a congenital saint was unable to dodge and was directly frozen into an ice block.

Although he broke through in time, a layer of skin on his body had been left in the ice.

"Damn beast!"

All seven people showed their true colors.

Yu Qiang had a human-faced bird body, with a green snake hanging from each ear and two green snakes on his feet. When he moved, there was a violent storm, flying sand and rocks.

The other six people also had different expressions and magical powers.

The only goal of these six people at this moment was to hold back at least two-thirds of the fierce beasts, leaving enough time for Yu Qiang to kill the rest.

Everyone's magical powers flashed, and they all achieved their goals and held back two Taiyi Golden Immortal beasts, while Yu Qiang went to face the two seriously injured Taiyi Upper God Realm beasts and four Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm beasts.

Taotie noticed the changes here at the first time and rushed to the battlefield, but was blocked by Yinglong before he arrived.

Yinglong also showed his true appearance, a beast with wings on his back, scaly body and spines, with a body size of more than 800,000 feet, much larger than Taotie.

Taotie's mouth was extremely large, as if it was just a beast head, and it opened its mouth and bit Yinglong.

A huge black vortex formed in its mouth, and its gravity was so strong that it distorted the space as if it was sucked into its mouth.

Yinglong spit out the dragon ball from his mouth, and Xuantian Sword looked around.

While avoiding Taotie's attack, the dragon ball carried the power of Wanjun Yiyuan heavy water and hit its head, forcibly closing the beast's mouth.

Xuantian Sword also took the opportunity to fly and break through Taotie's physical defense, causing a huge wound to it, accounting for about one-third of Taotie's body surface.

Amidst the angry roar of Taotie, the wound healed quickly, and at the same time, huge sound waves condensed and attacked Yinglong.

Under the impact of the sound waves, the earth vibrated and cracked to form countless trenches, and a large amount of turbid air and evil spirits spewed out from them.

The ground was covered with black flames, which were poisonous fires caused by the collision of evil spirits and turbid air, and the flames erupted thousands of feet high.

Faced with this scene, Yinglong remained unmoved, and his dragon tail swung, and the rain clouds between heaven and earth were gathered together to form heavy rain.

The rain condensed Yinglong's divine power, which extinguished the poisonous fire and purified the poisonous gas accompanying the burning of the poisonous fire.

The dragon ball smashed down again, directly hitting Taotie into the crack.

The Xuantian Sword followed closely, and at the same time continued to grow larger, and actually nailed Taotie directly to the boulder.

"If the catastrophe officially begins, I will still respect you. You are no match for me now. Run away now. There is still a glimmer of hope."

"If you are stubborn, you will die!"

As the war god of the dragon clan, his fighting power is even higher than Qinglong. Among the dragon clan, he is only below Zulong and Zhulong.

Although he has only become Luo Tianzun God not long ago, much later than Qinglong, but as a pure fighting god, when he just became Luo Tianzun God, his fighting power can already be on par with Qinglong.

Now he can freely use the power of Luo Tianzun God. Looking at the whole world, there are very few people who can suppress him.

He has enough capital to be proud.

"Now you are just wearing the skin of Luo Tianzun God, and your strength is ordinary."

The contempt in Yinglong's eyes and his arrogant attitude made Taotie extremely angry, but he couldn't even roar.

His devouring magic power could not shake Yinglong at all. His life cultivation was so high that it was astonishing.

The Xuantian Sword nailed its upper and lower mouth and tongue to the boulder, and the powerful spiritual power and sword energy kept destroying its body.

It had no spare energy to destroy the boulder and escape.

Yinglong turned into a human, stretched out his right hand, and the Xuantian Sword flew back to his hand. Only five small words were seen on the sword of the Xuantian Sword.

Yinglong Xuantian Sword!

Slightly opening his mouth, the dragon ball turned into a point of spiritual light and was swallowed by Yinglong, who then looked at Taotie.

"If you don't leave within three breaths, you will die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Taotie fled in panic at an incredible speed.

It didn't expect that this fierce god would actually let it live. Although it didn't know why, it must not be kept now.

Yinglong was also puzzled as to why the Zulong clan leader sent him a message, telling him that the four fierce beasts could not die now.

It was obvious that this thing with only the appearance of Luo Tianzun God, but actually a belly full of straw, could be easily killed, but he was left until the great catastrophe.

And Zulong just told him that this straw bag contained the great fortune of the fierce beast clan and had a very heavy weight in the great catastrophe.

And although it was not strong at this time, when the great catastrophe completely began, that was the peak state of its strength growth.

And at that time, it was even stronger than Yinglong.

Yinglong scoffed at such things. He didn't believe that within tens of thousands of years, there would be creatures that could easily surpass him.

Even under the blessing of the great calamity, Yinglong was confident that he would never lose to such a fool.

But he would not refute Zulong's words. After all, time has proved that the patriarch is not wrong.

He also memorized the four fierce beasts in his heart. When the time comes, he will definitely see how much blessing this so-called luck and calamity can bring.

He will also prove to Zulong that these things are actually vulnerable. Only the life cultivation that has been painstakingly polished is the real way to heaven.

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