When Dai Qi and Taiyi entered King Pan's cave together, King Pan was not in a hurry to change his robes. Instead, he took out various spiritual fruits and fine wines for the two of them to taste.

After the two of them sat down, he apologized and went to change his clothes.

Such a warm and hospitable attitude made both Qi and Taiyi feel that this person was the best choice for making friends.

After a while, King Pan changed his clothes and rushed over. He saw King Pan wearing a green cloth turban on his head, a flat top without beads, a bronze double-breasted top, and wide-legged trousers.

Wearing a blue belt, the cassock has a large collar, large cuffs, peach blossom embroidery, big ears, and a heroic appearance.

I pray to see the current King Pan. His image is completely separated from the previous one. Now he is showing his Shinto style and is full of the regional characteristics of Shiwandashan.

Qi and Taiyi could not help but praise:

"You must be a god to show off your appearance like this."

As soon as these words came out, King Pan, who was so majestic just now, turned red in the face.

When Pan Wangben met Qi and Taiyi for the first time, he felt that they were dressed in expensive clothes and had a noble temperament. His image was not good at that time, so he thought about changing into beautiful clothes that he liked so as not to lose face.

Since he first met Yuan Feng, he had made this dress, thinking that it would look better when they met one day. This was also the first time he wore it to meet outsiders, but he never expected that the two of them would praise it so much.

There are few living creatures in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and there are few meetings between the mountain gods. Most of them don't like to move and don't care about these things. Now it makes him a little shy, but he is also very happy.

"The performance of these two Taoist friends is a little too exaggerated. Don't flatter me. We are in a remote location and you came in a hurry. Your hospitality is a little rough. Please don't dislike it and come and have a drink."

King Pan's words made Qi and Taiyi a little surprised. They looked at the more than a hundred kinds of spiritual fruits in front of them, most of which they had never seen before. Is this superficial?

"Fellow Taoist, please don't be humble. There is no reason to treat you so kindly. Let's drink first. Friend Panwang, please."

Qi quickly interrupted King Pan's self-effacing words. If these so many spiritual melon and fruit seeds were still superficial, then he could only treat guests with lotus seeds, so that was nothing.

Taiyi also had weird eyes. He looked at Qi from time to time. There was only one kind of mulberry fruit on his sun star. Faced with all kinds of fruits here, he didn't even know where to start and which one to eat first.

"It's the same thing. I didn't treat my guests well enough. I forgot about them and rushed on my way. I'm a little thirsty, so I'll drink some wine first."

King Pan did not notice anything unusual about Qi and Taiyi, but joined the banquet and drank together.

When Qi and Taiyi tasted this wine for the first time, they only found it sweet and delicious. It was very soft in the mouth, just like fruit wine. It had no impact, and they gradually lost control in drinking it.

It wasn't until Qi saw several Taiyi lying on the stone table in front of him that he realized something was wrong.

Qi took advantage of the moment when he was still a little awake and asked Pan Wang, who was also dizzy:

"How is this wine made and why is it so powerful?"

In a daze, Qi heard Pan Wang seem to be saying something. He picked the fruit to brew it himself. He didn't have much strength and it didn't taste intoxicating.

When Qi woke up from his drunkenness, he was already lying on a jade bed, and Taiyi, who was still sleeping, was lying on the other jade bed.

Next to it was the stone table where they had been drinking, but the chaos on the stone table was nowhere to be seen.

Qi sat on the jade bed, trying to recall what happened at that time, but he only remembered that the three of them kept pushing cups and changing cups without stopping.

After another half a while, Taiyi woke up from his deep sleep and heard him say:

"Why am I lying here? Qi, where is fellow Taoist Panwang?"

I pray that I am speechless.

After a while, Qi finally replied slowly:

"I don't know, I just woke up."

Qi was still waiting for Taiyi's reply, but saw Taiyi lying down again in a daze, sleeping soundly at this time.

Qi found that this was the first time that he felt so speechless towards Taiyi. He shook his head, forced himself to wake up, and sat on the jade bed to meditate.

The Yuan Shen looked at himself, only to find that his divine body was full of divine power, and the hidden wounds that had not been repaired in the past practice and sparring had already been restored unconsciously.

"Friend Panwang's wine actually has such effects!"

Qi couldn't help but sigh, and no longer thought about practicing. He immediately walked out of the cave and felt the sun shining on his body. Only then did Qi feel like he was alive.

Qi walked around the courtyard for a while, but saw that fellow Taoist Pan Wang had not returned. He was not in a hurry and changed into another robe while waving his hand.

Then he walked to the mountain stream next to the courtyard, stretched out his hand to touch the water in the mountain, felt the rhythm of the water, and just entertained himself by sitting on the big rock on the shore.

It wasn't until night fell that Qi saw Taiyi walking out of the cave, but he still looked unconscious and a little listless.

Taiyi was not in the mood to reach out and play with the water. Instead, he directly placed his feet in the mountain stream. After a while, he heard him exhale a long breath and sigh:

"Fellow Panwang's wine is really terrible. Before we knew it, we were all drunk."

Qi nodded in agreement, followed Taiyi and stood his feet in the water, hesitated for a moment and then said:

"Perhaps we can bring more of it back. Fuxi, Nuwa, and Dijun have never drunk such fine wine, so we should take it with them to taste it."

As soon as Qi finished speaking, Taiyi said with great agreement:

"It should be so. Such a beautiful wine should be shared with them."

Until the moon rose, Pan Wang came back carrying a huge prey. He saw Qi and Taiyi standing in the water and talking from afar. He did not go forward to disturb them, but waited quietly for the two to finish their conversation before going forward.

However, although he was far away, the wind brought the content of the two's conversation. For a moment, he actually felt sorry for the three Taoist friends he had never met.

"Why are you two Taoist friends talking here? The water in the mountain stream is cold. Why don't you come to the fire together, eat some barbecue and warm your body."

Pan Wang had not arrived yet, but his voice came first. Qi and Taiyi smiled at each other and walked towards Pan Wang together.

"Daoist Qi, Daoist Tai, the moon is high in the sky, and you can still see the stars. With such a beautiful view, you should drink a few more cups."

Qi and Taiyi had not arrived yet, and they were interrupted before they said that they should drink in moderation in the future.

The smiles on their faces had not faded yet, but when they heard Pan Wang's words, they froze a little, and their steps towards Pan Wang also became slower.

"Fellow Daoist Pan Wang, please don't drink today."

Qi's voice was a little stiff. He was indeed a little scared. This experience of being drunk unconscious was rare.

Pan Wang knew what Qi was thinking, but he just laughed and said:

"Fellow Daoist, please rest assured. Don't drink too much today, but just enjoy yourself."

Qi was relieved.

Pan Wang thought to himself.

Yes, just enjoy yourself, but if you get drunk later, it's none of his business.

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