Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 94 The Origin of the Immortal Volcano

No, I can't go on like this.

Qi shook his hungover head, trying to sober himself up.

Pan Wang's wine was really good. He said that he used nearly two hundred kinds of spiritual fruits and herbs to brew it. There was no special formula. He often put whatever he found in the process of opening up the mountain road.

When he learned that Qi and Taiyi wanted some, he generously gave them more than ten thousand jars, saying that he had brewed too much in so many Yuanhui and couldn't finish it.

According to him, all the innate gods he knew were drunk by him. Qi also thought so. Since he came to the Ten Thousand Mountains, he was drunk every day.

In desperation, Qi decided to tell Pan Wang today that he and Taiyi were going to find a mountain to refine the formation base.

If he continued to stay in the Ten Thousand Mountains with Pan Wang, Qi would have to worry about whether he could return to Yunmengze before the backflow of the Immortal Volcano.

Qi can go out for a few Yuanhui now, but he must rush back before the Phoenix Clan takes action, otherwise a large amount of water vapor will rise into the air and turn into clouds to rain over a large area. He is not in charge of Yunmengze, and he is still worried.

While Qi was thinking about the Phoenix Clan, the transportation of water vapor in the East China Sea was about to begin.

"Bai Yu, this time the water vapor will be transferred to the southern continent, and you will be in charge. Remember to be careful and don't interfere with the creatures along the way."

"And remember to inform the tribes along the way that there will be long-term heavy rains in the next two or three Yuanhui on the way, so that they can be prepared."

"This news should be spread as widely as possible, so that as many creatures as possible can know it, so that the prehistoric creatures can reduce some losses."

"This time the Dragon Clan will transport water vapor, and you will be the main person on the road, but you must take good care of the children of the tribe and don't let down the tribe leader's expectations of you."

Qiuniu's voice is gentle and his face is handsome, but his expression is a little solemn. He is very optimistic about Bai Yu.

As one of the leaders of the third generation of the dragon clan, he is strong and diligent in cultivation. He is the best of the third generation of the West Sea White Dragon Clan. Now he has reached the level of Taiyi Jinxian and is one of the strong contenders for the next West Sea Dragon King.

Qiuniu hopes that he can take advantage of this opportunity to transport water to see the vastness of the prehistoric world and not be confused by the strength of the dragon clan in front of him.

Now there are some new voices within the dragon clan. Although they are very small, they are keenly perceived by him.

A very small number of dragon clan members have begun to have ambitions to get involved in the entire prehistoric world. Although they are just some idle chats, Qiuniu is still worried about the spread of such remarks.

It is not that such ideas cannot exist, but that the current dragon clan cannot and should not let it spread. Only when the power is accumulated will it have enough power when it explodes.

They need to accumulate more advantages until they can sweep the prehistoric world with the momentum of thunder, and that is the time to show their ambitions.

Instead of being known to the world before they make any moves like now.

"Brother, please rest assured that there will be no mistakes. This matter concerns the prehistoric world, and the dragon clan, the phoenix clan, and many innate gods are involved. Who has the courage to intervene?"

Bai Yu was very confident about this. He felt that no one would risk the world's disapproval to interfere with the plans of the two clans and many innate gods.

Once this kind of thing is done, it is almost like being an enemy of the entire prehistoric world, and with the endorsement of the great god Hongjun, who would be bored enough to interfere with such a thing that is good for the world.

Seeing Bai Yu so confident, Qiu Niu no longer said anything, after all, he felt the same way.

"Then it depends on how you do it. You must remember to spread the news as much as possible, whether by land or water."

Qiuniu still couldn't help but remind him a few things.

"Don't worry, I understand, brother, how can I be such a person who doesn't know the importance of things?"

Bai Yu replied with a bit of annoyance. During this period of time, Qiu Niu had talked to him about this several times, and he was almost tired of hearing it.

Qiuniu could only smile for a moment, and then slapped Bai Yu into the mud and sand, saying with a smile:

"I said these things only because it is important. You just listen. You are still impatient and can't tell the difference between the important and the unimportant."

After speaking, Qiuniu turned and left, leaving Bai Yu in the mud and sand, unable to move.

He was imprisoned in it by Qiuniu's divine power, and stayed there for three days. After the divine power dissipated by itself, he was released.

"Bah, my brother's cultivation is getting more and more exaggerated, but he is a little stingy."

Bai Yu spit out a mouthful of mud and sand, and felt that his mouth was full of fishy smell. Seeing that the divine power could not dispel it, he knew that this was Qiuniu's impatient attitude towards him, and punished him.

Bai Yu turned and returned to his palace. He decided not to see outsiders for a while, and wait until the fishy smell disappeared.

Immortal Volcano.

Yuanfeng revealed its true form, and a huge five-colored phoenix kept flying over the Immortal Volcano.

The five elements of divine light continued to fall and land in the volcano, constantly consuming the new fire, or turning into five elements seals to suppress the eruption of the volcano.

Now, the sky above the Immortal Volcano is full of phoenixes flying. In addition to Yuan Feng, the patriarchs of the five tribes of the Phoenix Clan are also among them.

Now the Immortal Volcano is extremely active. Yuan Feng released a lot of fire before, and now it is not time for a new round of release. Now they can only rely on the power of all of them to suppress it.

"The fire of creation in the Immortal Volcano is becoming more and more active. It may be because the last large-scale eruption was dormant for too long. Now that the state has recovered, it has begun to move again."

Yuan Feng's voice was low. The Fire of Creation was extremely powerful. He and Yuan Huang had thought about it before, but found that they had no ability to get close to it.

After that attempt, the two of them also gave up this unrealistic idea and concentrated on suppressing the Immortal Volcano.

It was not until a long time later that they inadvertently learned that the Three Emperors had also tried to refine the Fire of Creation, but it was a pity that it was difficult to even get close to it, let alone refine it.

Since then, the Fire of Creation has been sleeping in the Immortal Volcano, accumulating strength, and then waking up every once in a while and becoming active.

Then it led to the large-scale eruption of the Immortal Volcano, consuming most of the fire, and then fell into sleep again, waiting for the next awakening.

The entire Immortal Volcano can be regarded as born under the influence of the Fire of Creation, and is closely related to the state of the Fire of Creation.

Yuan Feng also knew that diverting water back to the Immortal Volcano could only temporarily solve the problem, but now they had no better way, so they could only do this.

This will at least release most of the fire, consume the state of the Fire of Creation, and make it impossible for it to erupt within thousands of Yuanhui.

At least, it will give the Phoenix Clan some breathing time and no longer be restricted by it.

Yuan Feng's eyes are firm. Within these thousands of Yuanhui, the three clans must be ranked.

Only by success can the Phoenix Clan get rid of the huge burden of the Undead Volcano and gain the right to stretch in the world.

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