"So it is, I understand," ADI said while taking off his clothes, all of a sudden revealed his true face, just like a jade, vowing to die, all his bullshit.

Sable and her sisters are consciously turned around, they are all unconscious girls, naturally will not see ADI undress.

"OK" ADI's time to speak has been put on the bodyguard's clothes, and the bodyguard put on ADI's clothes.

Because the bodyguard and Adi are similar in stature, they look the same. The sable's mink flies out in an instant, bites the bodyguard's neck, and quickly returns to his sleeve.

"May I go now?" ADI asked. He wanted to get out of here.

"You go, don't forget all this today," said the red mink.

"Don't remind me, it's my hatred. I won't forget it," ADI said as he walked away and ran to his boat.

"Sisters, do it," said the sable, whose voice had just dropped. Nine minks flew out at the same time and bit the whole body of the bodyguard.

The bodyguard passed out without starting. The sable left ADI with all her sisters. They wanted to send the fake ADI back.

The seal returned to his boat, and everyone gathered around and looked at him with concern.

"What's the matter? What's the use of your staring at me? Get me water quickly, I want to gargle, "ADI said aloud to his man.

"Are you all right? Chief ADI, you look very embarrassed, "a brother asked.

"Let's leave here soon." ADI orders quickly. He knows it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. He's afraid that the poison mother Lvji will hunt him down.

"Report to ADI leader, just another island came news that the whole island was occupied by a strong man," a scout ran to ADI's home and said.

"It's bad luck for people to drink cold water. I don't care. I'll go back and leave here," ADI said while gargling.

The sailor launched the ship, a ship full of ADI elite quickly like ADI where to find.

"Poison mother, we brought ADI's body back and ran a bodyguard. We tried our best," the sable said to poison mother Lvji.

"Well, it's really good. Let him go is to let the tiger go back to the mountain. You've worked hard. Bury him." poison mother Lvji didn't look back from beginning to end to see if it was ADI. Poison mother Lvji believed in sable and her sisters too much, because sable and all her younger sisters never failed, and they completed the task very beautifully every time.

"It's poison mother," the sable replied. The sable carried the bodyguard's body out and went to the wasteland. They gave the bodyguard a pill and the bodyguard opened his eyes.

"Thank you for saving me. If you need anything in the future, I will do my best to cooperate with you." the bodyguard took off ADI's clothes, and sable and her sister buried them with all their hands.

"You'll be with us in the future. We won't let you die," the sable comforted.

"Well, thank you. I'll be obedient," the bodyguard promised.

"You go down, we have something else to do," the red mink arranged for the bodyguard to say.

"OK... I'm going down." the bodyguard retreated.

"Bao'er, don't you really remember your mother?" Poison mother green Ji said to the green eyes of the seal.

"No, why should I remember you? Are you important to me?" Asked the seal.

"Are you still my son?" Poison mother green Ji helplessly asks a way.

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