"Who is your son? Auntie, I'm the devil, not your son. " The seal said coldly.

"Leopard, maybe this is the life you want, as long as you are happy, I have nothing to say." poison mother Lvji gave up, she knew she would never change the seal.

"ADI was killed by me. I made the decision without my permission. I hope you can understand." poison mother Lvji is like a subordinate, groveling, not like a seal's biological mother at all.

"Why did you kill him? Believe it or not? " The seal is mad. He thinks his pet has been killed.

"Seal leader..." poison mother green Ji want to explain, she think keep ADI will cause big trouble.

"Call me the devil" seal looks like it's going to eat people.

"Demon lord, ADI has ulterior motives. He kills him ruthlessly to avoid future trouble. If he is released, he will return to the mountain. Later, he will come back and bite you." the poisonous mother Lvji explains with her head lowered.

"You flatter him too much. He's just a waste in my eyes. It's as simple as crushing an ant to kill him." the seal is arrogant and doesn't listen to the advice of poison mother Lvji.

"Devil, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, ADI is not a fuel-efficient lamp," poison mother green Ji said painstakingly.

"You old man, can you stop talking? If it wasn't for your age, I would kill you today, "said the seal, gnashing his teeth.

"I've killed people. If you want to kill them, you can do whatever you want." poison mother Lvji looks at the seal as if she's dead. She doesn't regret it. Even if the seal killed her, she doesn't regret it. Poison mother Lvji feels that she has removed a big problem for her son.

"You... Go away," the seal growled, shaking the tea sets in the room.

The poison mother Lvji retreats quietly. She feels very happy. The seal is still reluctant to kill her. The poison mother Lvji thinks that the seal still has her mother in her heart.

Pitiful world parents heart, no matter be beaten, scolded, abandoned, be abandoned without regret.

"Wait a minute, pick a hundred elites to come to me," the seal ordered, stopping the poison mother.

"What are you going to do Poison mother green Ji doesn't understand of ask a way.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, do what you should do," the seal said impatiently.

"Yes, the evil Lord" poison mother green Ji with a lot of worries back down, she vaguely feel something happened.

After a while, the poison mother Lvji brought a hundred strong and powerful experts who were close to the level of magic war to the seal's room.

"Here's a bowl, and each of you drops a drop of blood into it," the seal ordered.

Everyone is afraid of the strength of the seal, and no one dares not to do so, because if someone raises an objection, he will end up dead.

After a while, the empty bowl was full of blood. The seal picked up the bowl of blood, slowly pulled out the Shenqi blood knife, and inserted the blade of the Shenqi blood knife into the bowl

The God sobs the blood knife to send out the green faint light suddenly, the blood in the bowl seems to be absorbed the same, less and less, finally only left an empty bowl.

The bowl used to drip blood is as clean as if it has never been filled with blood. The seal held the knife tightly and said something in his mouth. The green light of the bloody sword became more and more intense, so that the whole room was illuminated green.

The seal roared, and the Shenqi blood knife sent out a green light. As the Shenqi blood knife became more and more green, the eyes of every elite warrior dripping blood in the bowl became green. All the people in the room except the poison mother Lvji were ferocious and had no light in their eyes.

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