(… I’m glad it worked)

Brad confirms that the magic activated as he wished, and strokes his chest.

When the effect of the “fire wave” spell he released had subsided, hundreds of goblin and ogre corpses were lying around, with a pungent burnt odor like that of incinerated garbage.

Brad crushed an army of hundreds of monsters with just one blow-even the lowest spell of the third level, annihilating them.

“… I can’t believe it nya! it’s too different from the “fire wave ” I know!? Magic of the third level can’t produce such power.”

Suddenly, Mina’s astonished voice hits my ears.

It’s an undeniable fact that the higher the rank of magic, the stronger the effect.

But that’s not all.

The power, effect and size increase as the rank of magic increases. On the other hand, the effect produced  by the magic fluctuates violently depending on the amount of magic power and magical attack power of the user. In some cases, magic of a lower rank can surpass magic of a higher rank.

In the first rank, there’s a spell called “Lumos” which creates a small light, and it’s a custom in various places to judge the magical talent of a person by the magnitude of light released when they are a child.

Due to such magic properties – and the rules of this world being similar to the game “Final Quest” – “Fire Wave”, which originally only had the power to cause burns, had a greater effect than expected.

(… unreasonable)

Not only the monsters that received the scorching waves, but even the monsters that received the aftermath were burned to death by the overwhelming heat.

It was too unreasonable-too unfortunate a death.

In  “Final Quest”, there’s an upper limit to the number of monsters that can appear in a single battle, so it’s impossible to deal with such a number at once.

That’s why I thought in my previous life that it would be exhilarating to take down such an army at once, but in reality it wasn’t like that at all. Rather, discomfort prevails.

There are many demi-humans under the Cyclops’ command. Goblins and ogres are evil, man-eating beings for whom there’s no room for sympathy, but when I look at the horrible corpses in front of me, I can’t help but feel guilty for unreasonably killing the living.

“All… dead!?”

Suddenly, a thick voice reaches my ears.

“Hundreds of my subordinates … only one blow… with low-level magic !? Is this a dream!? Am I having a bad dream right now!?”


Brad responds to the upset cyclops without showing any emotion.

Before I noticed, the Cyclops had taken on the appearance of a demon with wings on its back.

It seems he completely completed his transformation while I engaged his subordinates.

His body itself has grown a little larger, and the body color, which looked like a pale corpse, has become darker and more terrifying. The claws and fangs were further sharpened to function as weapons on their own, with two new horns on his head and a new long tail that looked like a whip on its behind.

This demon form was definitely the second form of the Cyclops, the worst of the worst that had hunted down the hero party in Final Quest till the last minute.

But even though he was clearly more powerful than ever, there was a hint of fear in the Cyclops’ eyes as he looked at Brat.

“… That’s you’re true form right? Why don’t you show its power quickly?”

Brad asks the giant who doesn’t move easily.

But when the cyclops looks at me again, he shakes his head with in unbelievjng face.

By transforming and becoming stronger, I think it could clearly understand the overwhelming difference in ability between us, which had been vague until now.

“Then let’s end this”

There was also the goal of catching the Cyclops while he was still alive, but after showing such overwhelming power, I think it’s become difficult to achieve it.

In that case, it would be more human to end it quickly.

“W- wait! I have subordinates in the cats’ village right now! If you harm me, all the people in the village will be killed! When contact from me is cut off, I’ve already instructed them to do so! Are you still going to kill me!? “

“What … you coward!” (Mina)

The cyclops seems to have judged that there was no chance to win, and threatens me with a template hostage tactic. It’s simple but effective.

“He … hehehe, being called cowardly is a compliment to me. In this world you have to be clever to live. Now, kid, if you understand, stop and throw away your weapon!”

Perhaps because the cats seemed impatient, the cyclops regained some of its composure and bullishly intimidated Brad.

But Brad–

“Do what you want.”

Coldly saying that, he didn’t stop.

With his sword still in his hand, he nonchalantly approached the Cyclops.

Brad’s words and deeds, which can be taken as not caring even if the cat people die, make the Cyclops and the subjugation squad lost and speechless.

“Why!? Don’t you feel sorry for them!?”

Brad shrugs as the cyclops screamed.

“… Oh, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t say I would abandon them. I went to the village before I came here. I’ve taken care of all your subordinates in the village. Your hostage tactic won’t work. “

That’s how it is.

In “Final Quest”, the cyclops cornered the brave with a number of cunning methods. One of which is this hostage tactic.

Brad, who had been trying to level to the best of his ability, suddenly remembered the cyclops would use this cunning hand and decided in advance to ensure the safety of the village. Thanks to that, he was late to arrive here.

“… Evil Eye, connect to the village!”

The Cyclops ordered the Evil Eye which floated in a safe zone behind him, but the Evil Eye took a moment before shaking its head and saying something in a language Brad couldn’t understand, probably the ancient demon language Monstian.

No way really…!?? the cyclops shook his head like he couldn’t believe it, and staggered backward with an expression of despair.

“…… This has to be a mistake. I’m an elite! There’s no one who’s stronger than me, no one who can outmaneuver me! I’ve used my overwhelming talent to screw over enemies and allies alike to get to this point!

The cyclops yells as if trying to inspire himself, and his whole body overflows with evil magic power.

And that magical power was condensed into claws–


He uses it like a scythe to unleash a slash at Brad.

However, the slash does not reach Brad.

Before the slash arrived, Brad drew his sword at double the speed of the giant and cut the cyclops’ torso into two halves with his hips as the boundary.

It showed a vividly cut surface, spraying green blood, and the giant’s upper body falls to the ground of the dungeon. Eventually, the lower body, which had lost its upper body and also the brain that gave it orders, slowly collapsed.

“Ugh, it’s impossible … There can’t be such a human being.”

“There is, right here”

Brad responds to the cyclops, which still has an astonished expression even though it’s just his upper body and casually walks over.

But when Brad approached, he stretched his hand, though convulsing and dying, to Brad and grabbed his leg vigorously.

“Bra..d … you said … you’re … too dangerous. It was a mistake to let down my guard… against such a human being. Anyways … a bastard like you, for when his Majesty awakens … … it’s too dangerous to leave you alone. “

Brad listens to hear his will, but soon after sees the end of the the cyclops’ mouth spread eerily as if it were tearing apart.

A chilling chill runs through my body.

The expression on the giant’s face was clearly not that of someone who was going to die in vain. It was the face of someone who is cunningly aiming for something.


Brad immediately swung his sword to decapitate the giant, but the sword was repelled with an unprecedented response, leaving the giant’s neck untouched.

I noticed that the giant’s body was shining a strange light.

And when I see the light, I understand what the giant is trying to do.

In “Final Quest”, there is only one magic skill that has such a unique way of emitting light and has invincible time that swords cannot break through.

“… Mina, listen! Take the injured with your friends and run away with all your might, right now! Run as far as you can from here!”

“Ah … what do you mean nya!?”

Mina was confused when she was suddenly called by Brad, but Brad intensified his tone, saying, “Hurry, you’ll die!”

Mina nodded with a straight face saying, “I understand,” and immediately ran off to lead the subjugation team.

At the same time as Mina and her friends evacuate, Brad forcibly drags the cyclops giant body and runs in the opposite direction of the subjugation squad.

Perhaps he guessed Brad’s intention.

The giant smiled more evilly than Brad had ever seen.

And a dazzling light was emitted from his whole body–

“We’ll go together…” Explosion!””

Immediately after-Zudooooon!!!!! The body of the cyclops caused a violent magical reaction, and exploded with a roaring eardrum crushing sound.


<Mina’s POV>

–Some time after.

“Brad … Where’s Brad nya!?”

As the explosion subsided and the smoke cleared, Mina returned to the scene of the explosion with the subjugation team and began searching for Brad.

The scene was more miserable than she had imagined.

The ceiling and walls had collapsed and turned into rubble, and the ground had been largely scooped out around the place where the explosion started, creating craters.

Since the dungeon is made of hard magic minerals it’s nearly indestructible, it was basically not destroyed much. Nevertheless, it was destroyed this much. It must have been an extraordinary power.

“This is … the cyclops?”

As I walked to the explosion site, the remains of the cyclops were lying there.

It’s so miserable that it’s not necessary to confirm whether he’s alive or dead. The figure remained to the extent that it could be discerned, but it looks like black charcoal.

If the caster being so close to the attack was like this, you would think that Brad was already–but Mina shook her head refusing to believe it.

“… He should be near here nya! Everyone look for him! Brad, if you can hear me, please reply!”

Mina lifted the rubble around her and looked for him in every nook and cranny. Even though she knew he couldn’t be under such a small amount rubble, she desperately refused to dismiss even a small rock.

However, no matter how much she searched for him, she couldn’t find any shadow or shape of Brad.

“Please answer me nya…!”

Mina’s voice, which seemed to fade towards the end, echoes hollowly through the labyrinth.

Of course there was no reply from him.

But Mina still didn’t stop searching. While having large tears gather in the corners of her eyes, she looks for him and moves her hands and eyes as fast as she could.

But after a while, her cousin Yugurd put his hand on Mina’s shoulder.

“Mina … everyone is already at their limit. Let’s give up and go back to the village.”

“What … What did you say! Brad … is our lifesaver! He could have escaped if he was alone nya… In order to let us escape,  he risked his life to keep the Cyclops away from us nya. Hey! He bet his life to save us! Are you abandoning our benefactor!? “

Mina screamed in a quivering voice, but Yugurd shook his head.

“I know … I know that, but he’s probably already …”

“He said I was cute nya! He said it’s natural to rush to the predicament of a pretty woman! That’s already a marriage proposal! Saying that … I can’t forgive him for dying so easily nya!! “

A drop of water fell on her cheeks, drawing lines from Mina’s eyes, as she ranted with emotion.The water drops spilled endlessly, creating a dark stain like blood on the ground.

Seeing the sad appearance of the young chief, the members of the subjugation team opened their mouths to comfort her, but in the end, no one could say anything and kept silent.

However, at that time when the members of the subjugation team were giving up the search.


The sound of moving rubble reaches my ears.

The moment I turned my eyes to the sound, I saw a person crawling out from under the remains of the cyclops and slowly rising up.

Although he looked injured, his silver thread hair, brown skin, and red eyes that shone like red jade rubies were definitely the man I had been looking for.


When he found Mina, he made a gentle smile to reassure her.

Mina was so moved by his kindness and concern for her, that even though he was injured, she found herself hugging him.

“… I thought you were dead.”

“I won’t die so easily. I was able to meet a pretty girl like you again. won’t it be a waste?”

While gently stroking Mina’s head, he says those sly words, so the joy that he was alive and her embarrassment, mixed in, and Mina almost lost it.

For the time being, she nuzzled her face into his chest to hide it, but that was counterproductive again.

His chest was thicker than she had expected, and his gently stroking hands were calloused, making him feel strangely manly. The blood of her whole body rose to her face, making her feel like she was on fire.

(Maybe … this guy nya)

When I put my hand on my chest, my heart is beating fast.

I’ve only met him a few times, including in my childhood, and we’ve barely exchanged a few words, but I have to admit that I’m starting to develop special feelings for him.

When Mina is confused by unprecedented emotions, the voices of her compatriots reach her ears.

“How did he survive that explosion …”

“I can’t believe it, it’s a miracle!”

“The hero ” giant killer “who saved us from the nightmare by betting his own life … His Highness Prince Brad von Pistel, hurray! !! !!”

Voices praising him who caused so many miracles just today spread among the companions, and before he knew it, it was being chorused by everyone.

–Hurray, hurray! !! !!

The chorus became a huge swell and continued to echo through the labyrinth until their voices died out.

–But the cat tribe didn’t know

(… I’m being misunderstood again) {TN:bandk to Brad’s POV}

Brad’s expression listening to such a chorus of praise was terribly tense.

After all, they seem to think Brad saved them at the risk of his life, but the facts are completely different. If he received the cyclops self-destruct magic “Explosion”, even Brad will be injured.

However, even though he would take damage, it was still a low rank attack. Since he even added magic resistance at the last minute, he had no fear of dying. Brad hadn’t gambled his life in the slightest.

(Well, it’s fine isn’t it?)

It’s okay to be misunderstood.

Brad abandons his thoughts and embraces Mina, who is crying. He strokes her head, thinking fondly of his sister in his previous life.

–And Brad doesn’t know.

That today was a great first step towards the supremacy of Brad von Pistel, the first prince of the Kingdom of Pistel.

To put it badly … would bring a lot more trouble to Brad.

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