“Oh my, he really beat it~!?”

One of the Seven Heroes, the saintess of Salvation, Celie, uttered in a surprised voice, totally unexpected from someone who holds the second position after the Pope in the Church. {TN: Changed her name from “Serie” to “Celie”}

–A dim conference room somewhere in the world.

The meeting of heroes continued to hold secretly there, and the state of the deepest part of the Labyrinth, Sky Mountain, was projected as a hologram on the round table.

And earlier, they saw it.

The figure of Brad completely dominating the cyclops who had monstrous power with overwhelming strength and even surviving after receiving the desperate self-destruction spell.

Many of the participants at the meeting were initially not interested and partly started watching only because of Glace’s forceful recommendation, but now they were all glued to the hologram image and exclaiming in astonishment.

“I can’t believe it… He’s not the same person he was during the battle with his brother Prince Alberto. I can’t believe he’s reached this level in just over a month.”

“I told you, he’s a monster ☆”

The “Great Sage ” Merlin said, still in disbelief, while “Demon Slayer” Glace replied proudly as if he were the one being praised.

“He’s not just a monster … This prince, Brad, was just a month ago more or less like those beastmen. He was just giant food. And yet today, He didn’t just defeat the giant, he overwhelmed him with ease. Can a person grow so quickly? “

“I suppose they can, cause he did. To be honest, he used to be the picture of incompetence, but from the looks of it, maybe his incompetence was just an act.”

Glacé shrugged as seeing brad’s potential made him strangely pleased.

“But this kind of rapid growth is different. It’s a clear departure from the usual. Is it a contract with the devil … or is the guy himself like a devil or god? Otherwise, I won’t be convinced. “

“Devil or God …?”

”Maybe that’s the case ☆” said Glace having fun.

On the other hand, Merlin puts a hand on his chin with a thoughtful look and looks again at Brad in the hologram.

“Well….. I kind of understand why you wanted me to see this, and why you took him as your apprentice. But don’t raise your hopes too high, or you’ll ruin yourself.”


Glace shakes his head.

“Your disciple is certainly extremely irregular. I’ve lived for hundreds of years, but I’ve never seen such a foreign existence. He’ll probably have a great impact on this world. But if you’re expecting him to bring a chance to save that person, I’d say you’re being short-sighted. “

Merlin tells him strictly, and Glace keeps silent without changing his expression.

It looked like he would ignore it as usual, however,

“I’m just … I’m just curious about his potential. How far can he go?”

”Besides, Brad-kun is messy and cute, isn’t he☆” he continued in his usual light-hearted way. But Glace himself didn’t realize that taking Merlin’s question seriously in the first place is different from what he usually does.

“…If it’s just that, it’s fine.”

Clearly aware of his unusual attitude, Merlin briefly said that and didn’t say anything further.

The place was filled with a heavy silence.

The content of the conversation was not something that could be touched lightly by anyone present, and no one dared to touch it.

Each of the heroes kept silent as if to think and the silence continued until Merlin said, “Anyway …”.

“Having that strength at such a young age, the “Giant slayer” prince, no matter how you look at it, there’s no doubt that he will greatly affect the power map of the continent. I’m also worried about the fact that he gained the trust of the Cat People. The area around the Cat tribe’s village is full of valuable minerals and resources. It would be nothing short of astonishing if they were to follow Pistel who already have a powerful force, the Magic Knights.”

“Oh my, I think it’s going to be a lot of fun in the future ~ ♡”

Merlin lets out a frustrated voice when he hears Celie’s words of amusement, as if she were a young lady looking forward to an evening party at the royal palace.

“What fun!? When problems are already piled up and we’re in an overcapacity situation … We can’t afford to have anymore problems.”

It’s cause you guys keep slacking! And suddenly, Merlin’s sermon time begins.

This sermon time is always long.

Since everyone knew this, they immediately entered thinking time as if it didn’t involve them. This was the way they had learned to deal with Merlin’s long sermons in the course of their relationship until he calmed down.

However, this sermon was too long.

Glace finally couldn’t take it anymore and stands up with a big yawn.

“… Can I go now?”

“What do you mean? Of course not!”

“But your story is boring. It’s like the greeting from an incompetent king before the party ☆”

“Na!?…… what did you say!!!!”

Merlin was almost indignant, but managed to regain his composure when Celie calmed him down with her usual, “Ma, ma ~ ♡”. {TN: Basically calm down}

“……There are still many things to discuss, such as the impact your disciple will have on the world, and speaking of irregularities, the prophet is also a concern.”

“Oh, I know him! “Almighty Prophet Perfect scorer” Isn’t that what he was called?” (Celie)

―― “Almighty Prophet Perfect scorer”.

His prophecy accuracy rate is an astounding 100%. He’s the man of the hour who is rumored to always get his prophecies right. A man of many mysteries whose name has suddenly begun to be heard.

It’s unclear what kind of power the prophecy is based on, but it’s amazing that it always hits. If that power is abused, it could redraw the continent’s power map just as much as Brad. They had to talk about countermeasures for that as well.

But Glace said–

“I see, but I have plans ☆”

”See you!” Without waiting for a reply, he tries to leave the conference room immediately.

“Well, wait a minute! What’s more important than this meeting !?”

“Hmm, I’m going to watch Brad-kun at the sword dance festival ☆”

When Merlin forcibly stopped him from moving with a spell, Glace looked back and said without hesitation.

“Sword dance festival … I see, it’s a tournament in the noble children’s academy. And this Brad and others will also participate.”

”I thought that would be the case”, Merlin said with a deep sigh in his eyes.

“Eh~, Glace-chan is sly! I want to see it too! I’ve become a fan of Bra-chan because he’s so cool ♡ Hey, why don’t we go see it Marin-chan~!?”

“Why me! I’m busy with research. If you want to go, go with Glace on your own. And I’ll say it again, my name is Merlin-ja!”

Celie makes a dissatisfied voice.

“But if we don’t have Marin-chan, we’ll get tired just by going~! Only Marin-chan can take us in an instant with magic, right~?”

“… Are you mistaking me for a convenient carriage? And not Merlin, Marin … Oh, no, it was the other way around.”

Hah, this is too much trouble! Merlin scratches his head.

“If you want to go with someone anyway, take Cascade. Cascade’s kid is studying abroad at Pistel right. Maybe he’ll be at the sword dance festival?”

“Eh, is that so ~? I’m sure he’s like Kasu-chan and he’s really strong right~? It’ll be fun to play against Bra-chan ~!”

“Oh, that’s something I definitely want to see ☆”

Glace says with shining eyes.

“… I mean, Marin-chan is so small, but you really know everything right~? You’re such a good boy ♡.”

“Urusai (shut up)! being little has nothing to do with it!”

Besides, I’m hundreds of years older than you, have a little respect! Ignoring the dissatisfied Merlin, Celie turns to a man who was silent throughout the meeting.

“Kasu-chan, why don’t we go? You want to see your child’s sunny appearance right~?”

“Not interested”

Celie leans forward and invites him, but the man’s answer was frosty.

“Kasu-chan you’re being like that again ~ ♡ You’ve always been like this ~! Shouldn’t you care more~?”

“In the first place, I’m the ruler of a country. I don’t cross the threshold of other countries as lightly as you do.”

The name of the man who said that to her was Cascade.

He was the current emperor of Dastria, the “gray Empire” whose territory was in the barren land closest to the Deltola Peninsula, which is infested with evil beings.

He is known as the “Berserk Emperor” because of his insane charisma and his ability to forcefully unite the evil subhumans, fierce barbarians, and the natives known as the “Gray People” and reign over them as emperor.

“… Well, that’s right. There are still a lot of disturbing issues in Dastria. In addition to the response, there’s also a crack in the relationship between you and Ernade, so you won’t even have time to sleep. And with regard to Ernade, there’s also that disturbing prophecy from the Prophet.”

“I don’t blindly believe in prophecy, but it’s true that there was discord between our country and Ernade. We need to take immediate action. There’s no time to spend idly.”

The political situation in Dastria is still unstable, as the entire region has only just been pacified. It’s true that the emperor can’t afford to go on an outing.

Celie seems to understand that, and shrugs as if she can’t help it.

“I don’t think anybody else wants to go … I wonder if just Marin-chan, Glace-chan, and I will go together?”

“Don’t add me without permission! What kind of punishment game is this!”

“Eeh … you’re not coming?”

Celie says in an extremely sad voice.

Merlin, who is vulnerable to such mental attacks, groaned.

“It’s no use being sad, I’m not going.”

“Uu … I’m crying”

Merlin turned away with a pout, but when Celia went into serious crying attack mode with a runny nose, his fall was quick.

“… Alright alright, I’ll go!”

“Hurray! Marin-chan, I love you ♡”

When Merlin sighs as if he has given up, Celie turns from sobbing to a happy voice immediately.

Merlin was too easy.

“Don’t … don’t get me wrong. I need to personally check Brad’s value someday. This just makes it quicker. And if I take you guys, the travel time will be instant, we can continue the meeting. “

“Marin-chan Tsundere ~ ♡”

Ignoring Celie’s teasing, Merlin calls out to Glace, who is still standing, “Since that’s settled let’s resume the discussion.”

Glace shrugged and returned to his seat, seemingly annoyed.

“… Okay, first we have to talk about the remnants of the Demon King army. They may change their policy with the cyclops’ subjugation.”

The heroes returned to their usual meeting as if nothing had happened.


An unprecedented decision was made that three heroes, Glace, Celie, and Merlin, three of the “Seven Heroes,” mankind’s strongest warriors who maintain the balance of power in each country, will visit the Kingdom of Pistel without the knowledge of Brad himself.

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