Chapter 120 :a new day

“It’s too lax!”

Sanada’s roar sounded from the tennis club.

“Ten minutes have passed, Kirihara Akaya hasn’t arrived yet!”

Too lax! How could there be such a person in Rikkai!

Sanada was angrily and let all the members around who were doing morning training quietly stay away.


Yukimura smiled brighter and brighter–how can I punish him later?

Rikkai’s big tennis club set the rules for collective morning exercises at seven o’clock, but now it’s seven ten ten, and a certain member is still missing.

“Eight Six Zero”

“Hey, Nioh, you said Akaya wouldn’t forget it?”

Marui took advantage of Sanada to inspect the training of other staff members, and had no time to pay attention to this place, so he leaned to Nioh and whispered.

With that kid’s mind, this is really possible~

“I think Akaya may be lost or slept!”

Nioh said in a vague tone-too slack! I forgot that Akaya was the same road idiot before! It is estimated that 99% of him is still sleeping on the tram now!

“I wanted to see the juniors again~”

Maori said with a gloomy look-if he had known that he hadn’t seen him, he would not come to morning training.

“I’ll call him first.

On the other side, Liu looked at Sanada’s irritable expression and Yukimura’s brighter smile. He thought it would be better to call the younger generation first.

– Maybe it’s sick?

Although the existing data tells Liu that Kirihaya is unlikely to be ill today – but what if?

Thinking about Kirihaya’s mobile phone number that I wrote down a long time ago, Yanagi Renji dialed with a faint feeling of bad mood (something bad will always happen~)

“Well, yawn, who?”

The junior on the opposite side seemed to have just woke up, and lacked politeness.

“Too lax, Kirihara Akaya!”

Sanada couldn’t help but yelled at the phone.

– I just woke up and didn’t take the tennis department seriously, it was too lax!

“Deputy, Deputy Minister!”

The voice of Kirihaya on the phone trembled.

“Akaya, do you remember today’s morning training department job?”

Yukimura asked gently.

“Remember! Remember!”

The Minister is still the most gentle!

Kirihaya on the other side of the phone heard Sanada’s roar, and then listened to Yukimura’s gentle voice, she was moved to tears~

However, there is a saying that is good-happiness leads to sadness!


“Minister! I’ve sat before!”

Kirihaya, who discovered this tragic fact, wailed on the tram.

“Classmate, please be quiet!”

The driver loudly reminded someone who was howling.


Someone stunned in an instant.

“Senior, what should I do now?”

Kirihaya asked quietly.

He wanted to cry without tears in his heart now-because he trained in the morning today and then got up early on purpose-and fell asleep in the car!

“Akaya, you get off at the next stop immediately, and then send me the surrounding road signs and buildings, I will pick you up!

Liu gave the simplest solution

“Thank you Senior Liu!”

Kirihaya’s obedient thanks-he still respects the seniors who are stronger than him in tennis!

(At the beginning of school, Akaya challenged the Big Three, but it was um, here it is assumed that all three of them have played a seven-ball duel with him, and then the small kelp lost three consecutive times~~)

“Seiichi, I’ll pick up Akaya in a while, and ask for leave for today’s job!”

Liu said helplessly to the smiling “Son of God”.

-One he really can’t worry about the look, ah, no, the junior who is actually very confused!

Let him come back alone-I don’t know if he can do it before school

After that, opening the pen 2.8 notebook that he carried with him, Junshi Liu began to record the real-time data of Kirihara Akaya – Akaya is definitely a road idiot!

Although his home is very close to Rikkai, in order to get more sleep, he would rather take the tram!

If this happens again next time-49, 9% may be lost! There is a 49, 9% possibility that he has slept on the tram again! There is only a very small possibility that it is sick or other reasons

PS, Akaya’s Lost 1 tram has taken the station (in short, it is late for the job!) daily clocking~~.

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