Chapter 121 : For victory, but also for yourself!

“Senior Nioh, teach me to play tennis!”

After being punished for three-time basic training, Kirihaya only took a rest for less than ten minutes, and immediately approached Nioh and asked kindly.

Well, yes, Kirihaya, who had been working in the basic department in the afternoon, has already learned about the “legendary deeds” of the white-haired senior from the seniors and other members of the national department!

Let’s not talk about the homology of the doubles-the first time you can win against the deputy minister! It’s amazing!

Moreover, Senior Liu also told him that Senior Nioh also taught the minister their tricks for a while!

That being the case, my Kirihaya can’t be left behind!

I also want to learn the tricks the minister and they will know!

The stubborn boy thought as above.

“Akaya has to be prepared to suffer.”

Nioh rarely said seriously.

If you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, you must put in several times the sweat and effort!

Just like himself, even a reborn person, since that moment, he has been training hard almost every day, and he has improved his current strength from all aspects! Otherwise, it is impossible for him to just rely on the mental power of cheating. Defeated Senior Ghost so easily

“Are you ready?”

Akaya’s physical talent is actually much higher than him, but his mental strength is relatively weak.

As a spiritual master, Nioh naturally has 17 quicker ways to improve mental power, but the process is very painful and suffering for the person involved!

To put it simply and crudely, it means to keep pressing and squeezing! Use Nioh’s own strong and outrageous mental power to force “help” the other party to continuously compress and refine, and then let the other party slowly rise again!

The premise of all this is one-the other party must have strong willpower

Otherwise, Nioh would rudely use his own mental power to make Marui and Kuwabara into the same tune, so why did he keep training like this?

“Senior, I am not afraid of hardship!”

“I want to win!”

I don’t want to lose anymore!

I don’t want to have this kind of experience when I hit the ball to kneel on the court!

In order to win, I am willing to accept all painful training!

“All right, Akaya, you come with me.”

Looking at the firm eyes of the immature junior in front of him, Nioh motioned to Kirihaya to follow him and go to his “secret base” for training.

“Akaya, do you know what you used in the game against Sanada yesterday?”

While walking, Nioh asked.

“That, I just discovered it not long ago.

“But senior, I call it “Red Eye Mode”!”

“It seems that the strength and speed will rise after being stimulated, and the mental strength has also risen a lot, but the physical strength has dropped, and the technique is also much rougher.”

Kirihaya had an unexpected understanding of his “red eyes”.

“Senior Nioh, you don’t know!”

“My sister told me that when I was two years old, my eyes turned red.”

“The reason is that she deliberately snatched my toys! But later my sister and parents took good care of my emotions, so I haven’t had a red eye all these years.”

“I was so anxious a few days ago that I discovered the usefulness of this skill in tennis.”

Kirihaya explained with some embarrassment.

“Is that so?

Nioh whispered.

He never knew that Kirihaya’s red eyes were aroused at such a young age – judging from his family deliberately preventing him from entering that state, the red eyes are definitely harmful to Kirihaya.

At the beginning, these third-year seniors, for their own selfishness, for the great glory of Rikkai, deliberately lost two games against Liliadent Krauser, leaving all the pressure on the younger generations.

What do you say is for the growth of younger generations? Not for victory!

So selfish

There was a bitter smile at the corner of Nioh’s mouth-in that game, Kirihaya broke out as they wanted, red eyes, white hair, and entered the evolutionary version of the red eye, which is called a demonized state!

But afterwards, after learning about the impact of that state on the younger generation’s body, all of their members couldn’t wait to strangle themselves at the time!

Fortunately, with the help of Shiraishi, Kirihaya evolved the demonization to the angelization mode. Otherwise, these seniors, I am afraid that they will not forgive themselves for the rest of their lives!

“Akaya, tennis matches are naturally based on physical fitness.”

“Any sports, the most basic requirement for participation is good physical fitness!”

“So the basic training must not be left behind!”

Nioh eagerly ordered.

“However, the five dimensions of mental power may seem inconspicuous, but for top tennis players, this one must not be a shortcoming! Even if it can’t become a strength, it can’t be delayed!”

Some of the trapped younger generations nodded their heads at the moment, seemingly understanding.

“What I want to say is that your’red eyes’ have improved your own strength, but it’s still too hurtful!”

“If you want to be No. 1, you don’t want you to end your tennis life early when the seniors are still fighting on the court?”

Nioh stopped and turned to face Kirihaya and said solemnly.

“Huh? Senior Nioh, not so–”

Kirihaya wanted to argue.

“Akaya! Your mental power is too weak, and you can’t afford the increase in strength that “Akaya” brings to you!”

“In order to win, there is nothing wrong with increasing your strength as much as possible; but remember, you are the one who controls that power, and you cannot get lost in a state that you can’t fully grasp!”

Nioh explained to the younger generation carefully, and sincerely hoped that Kirihaya’s tennis path would be less detours.

Demonization, this evolutionary version of the red-eye transformation, is ultimately a product of over-excited emotions, and victory over reason, causing one’s own potential to be stimulated but unable to grasp.

Kirihaya loses strength quickly in a demonized state;

Why does technology decline so fast? Isn’t it that I can’t control the soaring strength?

Nioh still remembers that they went to the hospital to visit Yukimura in the third year of the country. He happened to see them, the younger generations who had been caring for them, and walked out of the ward of Tachibana Jiping rather desperately-was it taunted?

Fuji-kun of Seigaku who was visited in that ward?

Heh, Nioh, who holds grudges, decided at the time that if he meets Fuji on the field, he will definitely teach him a profound lesson, but the result

E, I won’t mention this for now – what made Nioh most upset was that in that training camp, they were reluctant to beat them hard. )’S younger generation, was pushed down the stairs!

The injury caused Kirihaya’s singles to get worse and retired by injury, and was replaced by Seigaku’s Echizen Ryoma – this is another reason why Nioh hates Seigaku!

In the third year of junior high school, these tennis teenagers (oh, they were not familiar with the Maori seniors at the time), except Kirihaya, were all in the same class.

Seven seniors, one junior–Although 860 is all kinds of “dislikes” for him in his own tennis club, but if others dare to say that their juniors are not good, Nioh promises, even the elegant Liu, the gentleman’s Yanagi , Can hit people directly!

Therefore, for the long-term victory of his descendants, and for Akaya’s own future, Nioh decided to personally train Kirihaya. The most important item is mental power!

“Senior, I understand, I listen to you!,

Kirihaya agreed seriously.

Nioh then turned his head and continued to move forward, not letting the younger generation behind him see the corners of his lips that he couldn’t restrain it – how can such a cute and well-behaved Akaya be bullied by others?

Was injured by a tennis ball, it’s not that he is not as good as his skills–every time Sanada fights against Akaya, has he been injured once?

The sister of Fudomine’s Minister Tachihira Tachibana, when you started hurting people, did you ever think about the intentional harm your brother caused to other players in every game when he was in Kyushu?

Do it again, and never give anyone a chance to bully our younger generation from Rikkai!

Akaya, seniors will definitely help you improve your own strength-not only for Rikkai’s big victory, but also for your own better future!

PS, as a very beautiful and rare female character in the net king, I was very fond of Ju Xing at first, but then I really wanted to tear her up! And Fuji, as my first male god in the net king, even a fan Rikkai is big, I still have him in my heart. However, the ward incident (Akaya is obviously worried about Tachibana and apologizes, but there are outsiders-Fuji

After all, he is still young and has an impulsive character, so he is awkward to speak~) Once it is over, it turns to half black-to be honest, it will take a long time to face Fuji Syusuke! Akaya, as a big group pet of Rikkai, can only bully you! Who is it? A tennis ball killed you!

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