Chapter 141 : Prelude to the decisive battle, doubles partner

After the group went to Zhao Tokyo to visit Yukimura, the mood of Rikkai people was obviously better; even in the face of heavy training, they were very happy to accept and exceeded the standard.

Liu Xinxi looked at the performance of his teammates-the mentality is also one of the keys to determine the outcome of the game.

This is the reason Yukimura gave him in the main draw.

Although their Minister of Rikkai was unable to face Hyotei in the finals of the Kanto Contest, it does not mean that they have given up the honor of Kanto’s 15th consecutive hegemony–

What the hell are those saying “this year’s Kanto champion must be Hyotei”!

Liu looked through the information about Hyotei’s Minister Atobe Keigo in his heart. The gorgeous and majestic appearance has become his representative symbol, but the tennis prowess of Hyotei’s minister does match his gorgeousness.

Although Sanada has improved a lot in strength, Yoo is not sure whether Atobe has improved even more. If the two are facing each other, the outcome is difficult to say.

However, did Hyotei’s Atobe forget that there is still a third-year candidate in their Rikkai team?

When the Maori seniors first transferred to Rikkai, but~ a lot of limelight~

–I believe that Hyotei’s Ochi-Minister will remember this.

It was because last year and Nioh doubles for so long, and then controlled singles three, the limelight was covered by Yukimura and Sanada-is it?

Mr. Atobe, ignoring the predecessors is not a traditional virtue~

Well, it seems that before the Maori senior enters school, he still has to leave a “legend” in the middle of the country-invincible singles-?

Everyone of them Rikkai is a trump card

Thinking like this, Liu felt better-they had spent a depressing time because of Yukimura’s illness before Rikkai was older, and now it’s time for other people to experience a gloomy mood!

The decisive battle against Hyotei Gakuen, this is what each of them is looking forward to~

Nioh, Yanagyu, Marui, and Kuwabara were practicing doubles. At this moment, the white-haired fox had forgotten his “dislike” for Atobe’s Hyotei when he sat on the coach’s bench to watch the regional games.

The current Nioh-san is full of expectations for the appearance of Hyotei and Atobe-san!

Putting aside the worries about Yukimura’s condition, Nioh is completely in the mood to watch a good show one-

Shido and Feng’s national-level doubles have not been combined yet, and they have not been trained. He and Yanagyu have no pressure to face other combinations that are like cannon fodder;

This year, Oshitari Yushi and Mukahi Gakuto’s doubles combination should have been completed, and it happened to match their Rikkai big Marui and Kuwabara;

And Mr. Atobe—Puff, the person who has always occupied the singles, and the former Maori

Nioh was very excited just thinking about it this way–the current position of Maori-senpai was completely overturned.Before getting acquainted with Yuezhi-senpai, he cut off the junior director.

Spray, plus the already met Tanegashima-senpai, Heyzen-senpai, Oni-senpai, Irie-senpai, and Tokugawa-kun!

I look forward to the daily life of Maori seniors in U17 next year~

Must maintain close contact with seniors – Nioh secretly made up his mind.

Even if the other person is not in U17, the desire for gossip (crossed out) is still there to care about the mood of the senior

Also, I don’t know if the butterfly will lose the doubles group of Maori seniors and Yuezhi seniors-shouldn’t it? The top ten in the first army next year, except for Maori seniors, they should be all high school seniors. Seniors are only freshmen in high school. Stay in the doubles group and exercise..

It’s rare to have a guilty conscience, and Nioh regained his sense of confidence – things like doubles still depend on fate!

Look at the doubles level of Mukai and Shido of Hyotei, who are the children of each other, and the doubles level, think about the current doubles level of Mukai and Oshitari, and then recall the (previous life) Shido and Feng together doubles the whole country Level

So, Bilyshi and I are really fate!

………Look for flowers…

Nioh hit a ball back hard and scored;

Then he turned his head and looked at Liu Sheng-hey, Liu Sheng is also looking at him, then smile~

Nioh smiled and turned around to end the brief encounter. He didn’t know the rather complicated mood in Liu Sheng’s heart at this time – what is Nioh-kun thinking again?!

Liu Sheng feels so tired

I don’t even know what my doubles partner is thinking about every day.

Nioh-kun is too mysterious and elusive, right?-Suddenly I feel better, and sometimes inexplicably low pressure

Such a temper–is it true that Yukimura can afford this fox?

And senior Maori, how did you get along with Nioh-kun?

Mr. Nioh’s mood changes unpredictably, so he will just hit you when he is not happy, oh, he still hates the sun!

Is it really okay for athletic teenagers to be so “squeaky”?

Now, every day, Yanagi, who habitually carries an umbrella in his bag and a few chocolates, plays a ball and wanders away.

#Who spoiled this “squeaky” tennis player? Yukimura is still a Maori predecessor–it can’t be Sanada anyway, right?#

This Nioh’s current doubles partner didn’t realize that he was also a member of Nioh who was “arrogantly indulging” – it was precisely with the umbrella he carried in his bag that Nioh would always complain about the sun!

Otherwise, do you think that Nioh had been taking indoor tennis practice before Liu Shengjun entered the club?


#Just say what you want#

Nioh said that he knew that Liu Sheng had a habit of carrying an umbrella before looking for him!

PS: Although I decided to fast forward and skipped a lot of daily life (Kirihaya and Yanagi!!!), before Maori leave, I must try my best to stir up the combination of Yanagyu and Nioh! I must make everyone aware of this Two are the official doubles of the XF plot!

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