Chapter 142 : Decisive battle Hyotei, Kirihaya and Oshitari, Xiangri (please ask for flowers!)

The final of the Kanto Contest is coming soon.

Rikkai High School and Hyotei Gakuen once again met in this arena-the Kanto overlord, who has won 14 consecutive hegemonies, Rikkai Dai and Hyotei, who has always been runner-up, have a long history

“Ah, Sanada, this year’s champion belongs to the uncle’s Hyotei!”

Atobe said confidently.

“The winner is Rikkai!”

Although Sanada is the deputy minister, his aura is not weaker than that of Atobe, the minister of Hyotei.

“The uncle will wait and see.”

“”Eight Seven Three” Sanada, I don’t know how many games you can win in the hands of this uncle!”

After speaking, the others left without a trace.

Although this uncle’s self-confidence (narcissism) made the senior candidates of Rikkai very dissatisfied, but under the background of other schools where their ministers always talk about things, even Sanada feels that Atobe Keigo has become” “Lovely” much.

In order to show respect to Hyotei, Nioh and Liusheng played doubles two, and did not hesitate to give each other a love result, which made the cheering for Hyotei on the field much smaller.

Lost in the first game, Hyotei actually

– Hyotei is not unexpected!

To be honest, it’s as gorgeous as Atobe, and it’s also a headache for Hyotei’s doubles every day. All of them are singles players. Is it so difficult to find someone who can doubles?!

Oshitari, who said that doubles are not so difficult, was ready to warm up with his doubles partner Mukahi Gakuto when Atobe gritted his teeth secretly.

Yes, yes, in order not to make Hyotei’s doubles so embarrassing, Oshitari has changed his job to become a doubles player

Atobe is still quite satisfied with this set of doubles-Oshitari Yuushi, you are also Hyotei’s second person anyway, you can’t even hold a doubles, what do you call “Hyotei’s genius”?!

“Thanks a lot, you two.”

Hyotei’s genius stood in front of the net and said with a smile.

“A lot of advice!

Marui blew a bubble when he finished talking-he had found a way to replenish his stamina, eating cake before the game and eating bubble gum on the field!

The players performed the pre-match etiquette, and the player seat on Rikkai’s side was fried because of someone’s frying–

“It’s them?!”

“Senior Marui, senior Kuwabara, kill those two big liars!”

Kirihara Akaya couldn’t wait to roll up his sleeves and play in person.

“Akaya, Akaya calm down!”

Liu felt the more and more solemn aura in Sanada, and for the safety of the younger generation, he had to persuade Kirihaya to calm down.

But I don’t know why the younger generation who has blown up the hair, at this moment, can’t listen to the dissuasion of his dear Senior Liu, has already got up from his seat, and wants to stand on the seat–


Sanada couldn’t bear it, reaching out directly was a fist – how could their Rikkai image be destroyed on Kirihaya!

Kirihaya, who exploded his hair, finally “calmed down” under the violent attack, and sat down on his seat grievingly.

Liu helplessly held his forehead on the sidelines and advised you to be honest and calm down.

“Puff, Akaya, why are you so excited?”

Nioh was curious and wanted to know why Kirihaya was so emotionally angry with the two Hyotei players on the field–could it be that Kirihaya took the tram to Hyotei before and was fooled by Oshitari? Or was he defeated? What about Xiangri? The same thing?

Nioh has a big brain, determined to ask some questions

“I’m not excited, Nioh-senpai!”

“The two big liars!

“Especially the one with glasses called Oshitari!”

Kirihaya said angrily.

“Hey, when did Hyotei’s “天オ” provoke you?”

Nioh became more curious.

The surrounding candidates, except Sanada frowned and then concentrated on watching the game, Maori and Yanagi were ready to listen to the story.Yiu also opened the notebook and prepared to record the data-as for the game.

The game-isn’t Marui and Kuwabara’s responsibility?

Watch the battle?

–Isn’t this 2.8 still written by Sanadacho?

Come, come, come!

Let’s sit together and listen to the story!

# The story of Rikkai’s large specialty small kelp and Hyotei’s Kansai wolf, located at the high end of the food chain and only under the daffodils#

# Really can’t think of how Oshitari (Oshitari Yuushi, not Kenya!) got so much hatred from Kirihaya#

# Fortunately, it’s not that Kirihaya and Oshitari are facing each other, otherwise they will have to play 120 in advance#

#Lady met Hyotei’s genius, red eyes with anger#.

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