Chapter 258 : Juvenile and vigorous

“Sorry, everyone, I lost.”

Looking at the regular candidates who Rikkai gathered together and cheered, Shoujia apologized to his staff.

It used to be Atobe, now it is Kirihaya

Although there is a reason that his strength has not been fully utilized, but losing is losing, and there is no excuse. In the arena, no player has compassion for his opponent’s competitive state.

“No, Shoujia, we are very happy that you can walk out of the shadows.”

You have paid too much for Seigaku

There was a smile on Fuji’s face, soft and joyful.

It is not only this competition to evaluate the strength of the hand Kunimitsu, nor to predict their fate after Seigaku from this youth election.

Fuji and others at Seigaku believe that if you come again~, Tezuka will definitely not lose!

“Not far!”

Echizen Ryoma glared at Kikumaru- Eiji who was hanging from him awkwardly.

This youth election really opened his eyes-I didn’t expect Kirihara Akaya, who seemed to be on par with him, to be so strong!

Seigaku’s little pillar had a fire burning in his heart, and he became more anxious.

Shoujia whispered to Oishi, Fuji and others, talking about other players’ game intelligence and Kirihaya’s information, and he glanced at Echizen by accident.

[Echizen seems to be in a wrong state!]

That kind of upset and distracted look is too anxious and too careless!

Pressing a trace of worry in my heart, the hand still didn’t say anything, and Fu and wholeheartedly exchanged views on the four games just now with his teammates.

Seigaku’s fighting spirit is still there, but there seems to be something wrong with the small pillar.

And Rikkai is over there one-

“Akaya is awesome!”

“Yes, great progress!”

A series of praises.

You know, it’s not the other miscellaneous fish player, it’s Kunimitsu, the hand of Minister Seigaku, the hand of Kunimitsu who has defeated Sanada and made him remember it for several years!

Kirihaya blushed embarrassedly, accepting the compliments of the seniors, rubbing her head, squeezing her face, and slapped her shoulders easily.

“The seniors are also very good.”

He whispered, a little embarrassed about the alternating praise of the seven seniors.

“No, this time it was Akaya who gave us all a big surprise!”

Before the game ended, even Nioh didn’t expect this to be the case.

Before the game started, he thought Kirihaya would drag his family to tiebreak, but no matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that this junior who made Rikkai’s high hopes could break through his own limits and defeated his family at the last minute!

Even if the result of another round will be different, at least this time, Kirihaya won without doubt. He won the victory in front of these candidates!

[This time, no one can talk about Akaya’s gossip behind our backs. The strength of our juniors, even in the third grade, is the top part. Next year, it will definitely be a stronger existence!]

“The goal seems to have been achieved~”

Yukimura thought about the “small goal” of “getting four places” set in their internal meeting before coming here, and felt that it was simply too small!

“Me, Kendichiro, and Akaya are already in Group A, Renji also holds the position of Group B. Masaharu, although you are also in Group B, but you have said that you want to challenge Atobe, you can’t forget what you said before. what!”

With a smile on his face, Yukimura glanced at the direction of Hyotei’s low pressure, and pointed.

“Atobe-san seems to want to be “with Tezuka”!”

Yukimura emphasized the three words “together”.

“Well, Nioh, don’t relax!”

Sanada nodded and said in a deep voice.

Nioh: Who is slack? Where am I slack!

Ignoring Sanada’s words, Nioh fully accepted the minister’s reminder.

“I will, the four confirmed places in Group A, we need Rikkai all!”

At that moment, blood rushed into my heart, and the young man was full of spirits.

Now that this level has been achieved, let others be even more horrified!

[It can be regarded as’killing the chicken and the monkey’ in advance, otherwise, do you really think that Rikkai is a good bully this year? Even if all of you are besieging, Rikkai is not afraid!]

“Masaharu said well, in this election, Rikkai is going to fight the entire Kanto alone!”

Yukimura couldn’t help but his blood boiled, and there was a touch of excitement in the gentle voice of the past.

After he finished speaking, he looked around his staff, and then stretched out his right hand.

The others knew, and put their hands up one by one–

“Chang Yisheng – Rikkai is big!

The loud voice made everyone look over.

But the teenagers of Rikkai didn’t care about these curious or hostile gazes, and they couldn’t extricate themselves from being immersed in this atmosphere one by one.

Sanada was even more excited by this atmosphere, he said loudly to his teammates,

“Lian wars are winning! Rikkai is big, the goal is to fight Kanto alone!”

…For flowers…

With the power of one school, against the entire Kanto Junior High School Tennis Club, this goal is more tempting and attractive to teenagers than “getting xX places.”

“Kanto alone!

“Changsheng Rikkai is big!”

Although I think about it later, everyone except Kirihaya felt more or less ashamed, but at this moment, the eight teenagers of Rikkai screamed from the heart to announce their goal to this Kanto youth election.

And it’s not just Kanto, there will be the whole country and even the world in the future

“Huh, really.”

Fairly gorgeous goal

Atobe, who was watching with everyone, gave a cold snort and didn’t finish speaking.

“Nioh, come on!

Minister Hyotei took racquet and walked to the court by himself, and then took the racquet and pointed at Nioh Masaharu who was still off the court and said coldly.


[My uncle will never lose this time! If you lose, let you Rikkai monopolize Group A, and the entire Kanto will be trampled underfoot!]

At this time, the Kanto Youth Selection is no longer just a simple question of the quotas for a few exchange matches, it is related to the honor of the entire Kanto school tennis club! Naturally, it also includes Hyotei Gakuen.

It is very unlikely that Tachibana will win Sanada, so Atobe is their last support at this time!

Even if it is not the right choice of Hyotei, others don’t want Atobe to lose!

With that little thought in their hearts, many people came to the court of Atobe Keigo to prepare to watch the game.

In this way, the invisible aura drifted away. Looking at the situation, it seems that a school of Rikkai University is under pressure from Hyotei, Seigaku, Fudomine, Shonan Seigaku, Yamabuki, Rokkaku, Saint Rudolf and other related East School Tennis Clubs!


“The winner is my uncle!”

With a snap of his fingers, Atobe threw away his coat.

Even if there is no support team and cheerleaders here, Atobe’s opening is still full of gorgeous posture.

PS Timing, July 6th! If I can’t memorize it, I’ll give you another chapter, what a damn~ I’m so “bad”, I just like this state of being all enemies except myself! But let me leave it first The juniors of Rikkai, the ministers of Hyotei and Seigaku, and the geniuses who are under the hood, will definitely “revenge private revenge” if they are all brushed down!

Every time I read the comments and blessings everyone gave me, I am very moved. Well, I probably have been able to pass the No.6 subject, and I also wish other little angels who are addicted to the exam to pass the exam without failing to target A+!

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