Chapter 259 : Gorgeous opera, tennis romance

“So anxious~”

Not in a hurry, he walked slowly to the court with racquet, Nioh said with a smile.

“By the way, Atobe one-”

“Are you ready to lose?”

With the corner of his mouth curled, he smiled and said to the young master whose face suddenly became very bad on the other side of the net.

The people around were in an uproar.

“what did he say?”

“So mad!”

“Rikkai is so bullying!”

The formal elections in many schools have been fried.

But some calmer people looked at Rikkai-da’s well-thought-out candidates, and Hyotei, whose faces turned out to be as bad as their ministers, and suddenly realized something.

“Could it be”

“Renji! You stayed with “Nine-Five-Zero” Hyotei that time, did Nioh compete with Atobe Keigo?”

Inui Sadaharu suddenly asked Rikkai in the broad direction.

He suddenly realized that before Atobe and Oshitari, their attitude towards Nioh might not be because of Oshitari, but because of Atobe!

[Finally realized, Sadaji. 】

Liu stared at the court and spoke in a rather plain tone that would make many people crazy–

“Yeah, that time, Nioh and Atobe fought against each other, and it was him who won.

-Now, many people silenced and quieted instantly.

At the beginning of the month, I used my fingers to curl my hair madly, and felt that my “script” was completely wrong with the background! If it is really like Liu said, then this competition

“Nioh, it will be my uncle to win this time!”

Since that game, Atobe has long added Nioh Masaharu’s name to his list of ideal opponents. For so long, he has never relaxed his tennis training, so

[My uncle wants to see if you can win this time!]

Kirihara Akaya can take a leap in strength within a few months, and Atobe Keigo can naturally also make great progress in tennis strength!

“Positive or negative?”

“It’s the opposite.

racquet is spinning, a few seconds later–


“Atobe Keigo serve bureau!”

Except for the draw, Atobe’s luck has always been good.

[Let you see the magnificent new stunt of this uncle!]

Throw the ball, raise your shoulders, swing!



“15:0, Atobe Keigo scored!

The tennis ball lands unexpectedly and then slides against the ground towards the net.

The height of the rebound is minimal!

This is Atobe’s own new serve stunt!

“Named, Tang Huaise serve!”

“My uncle’s evolution is rapid!

Atobe who sent out this serve can be said to be extremely happy in his heart.

The aggrieved and unwillingness of losing the game before, as well as the depression of watching the game just now, now completely vented with this amazing goal!

“nice shot!

The people who watched the game reacted and praised.

To be honest, they actually couldn’t see the publicity of Atobe. But isn’t this the current moment for the enemy? Except for Rikkai, everyone else is allies!


“Huh! What’s your name? Senior Nioh hasn’t done anything yet!”

Kirihara Akaya is very disdainful of those who only applaud but dare not challenge Rikkai in person.

In his mind, Nioh can even get rid of the zero-type serve, and naturally it can get rid of the so-called Tang Huaise serve!

“Is Atobe a follower of Wagner? This kind of character really suits him!”

Tang Huaise, that is, Atobe Keigo can only take out the name of this serving technique.

Liu started to take notes as he spoke.

He doesn’t care about his teammates on court at all, because he trusts Nioh to be confident.


“30:0, Atobe Keigo is leading!

It’s another Don Wise serve.

Even though this kind of serve causes Atobe’s shoulder loss to be relatively large, Atobe, which is already in the third country, can still afford this serve technique continuously.

Faced with this serve, Nioh seemed to be unable to find a solution. He just meant to run two steps, just wait for the tennis ball to land, and then wait for the referee to announce the score.

“What is Nioh thinking? Does he have to hide his strength?”

Marui doesn’t understand. The time has come, and everyone else knows that Nioh is actually very strong. He doesn’t try his best to paddle the water, is it a tactic to show the enemy’s weakness?

“Masaharu, he is’cooperating’ with Atobe.

Yukimura is not in a hurry. Because before the game, Nioh said that Kwantung Youth selected the four places in Group A, Rikkai. Although Nioh may seem casual and careless in normal times, since he said that sentence, it means that he will do his best!

“Since it is Don Wise, Masaharu may be planning a magnificent opera!”

With scorching eyes, Yukimura looked at the court with an appreciative look.

As a minister, he knows the thoughts of his members. If Nioh is determined to win beautifully, he will definitely not let the game end flatly!

In fact, it is true.

In the previous national singles second game against Fuji Syusuke, Nioh was over-indulged in the Phantom Hand, which gave Fuji a chance to breathe, which led to the final comeback. Later, the U17 played against the doubles of the first army. It was because of Atobe’s proposal of the Phantom Hand’s “dream doubles” that he was moved..

Now one-

[This is the first time for Atobe’s Tang Huaise serve! As Rikkai’s big candidate and future teammate after him, I should leave a deep impression on him and everyone. 2.8

[Although I am very troublesome with music, I can be said to be a sound idiot. But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t affect my experience of romanticism in your heart. So Atobe, do you want to struggle in romance? It will be gorgeous!]

I don’t know what musical operas to appreciate, but because of the faint memories of the past life and Liu’s popular science at that time, and he searched a lot of information for the phantom, Nioh thinks that he still knows “Tang Huaise” very well.

Moreover, this is a tennis match!

[Tennis, I will never lose!]

Nioh looked like he was waiting, but in fact he waited leisurely for another serve to land and then slipped back.

“40:0, Atobe Keigo scored!”

PS, the timing of July 7th,

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