Chapter 579 : Imperfect different dimensions, unique advantages

Is it worth the joy to catch up with a game?

Perhaps for the other high school students in the U17 training camp, the ability to win a small game under the first army player Tanegashima Shuji is already something that they can brag about.

But for Kirihaya, this is not enough.

He subconsciously licked his lower lip again and looked at Nioh~.

–The white-haired predecessor is the “insurmountable” mountain he has encountered since joining the Ministry.

Even if he is today, there is no certainty in the face of Nioh.

This point, as early as in the back mountain, the three-ship coach sneered and told him.

Nioh Masaharu of Rikkai, the great country three, had already completed the different dimension and completed the road of perfection before entering the second dimension.

“The perfection of different dimensions” ー-It seems to be very simple to say.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but tennis is not about peace of mind after “beginning”.

If you can make rapid progress once you get started, why is the popular “Selfless State” so many years after Echizen Nanjiro, only Echizen Ryoma has realized it?

Every kind of game, every state, every state, the more advanced it is, the more difficult it is to improve.

Kirihaya can feel the worries and doubts from his current doubles partner, Shitenhouji senior Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

He also knows that the seniors outside the court will also worry about him.

But Kirihara Akaya believes in himself.

He believes that as the second-year ace of the King Rikkai, he must not be a waste without consciousness and will.

He also believes that Hou Shan’s sloppy three-ship instructor is actually very well-trained.

In the field of tennis, the only way to victory is to “win the game”.

But the personal style of “winning” is always different.

If you want not to be left behind by his predecessors, if you want to catch up with the minister and senior Nioh who have understood the different dimensions, if you want to be sure and unquestioned to enter the U17 training camp.

He must walk out of his own path to another dimension!

For this, at all costs!

[Boy, if you choose a mediocre path, then you will never be able to surpass the predecessors you want to catch up with!][Their advantages are too obvious, and the gap between you is simply an insurmountable gap!][If the gap is not widened, you should be laughing secretly–][Do you still want to surpass them?]

Shrill enough, with mocking words, Kirihaya still remembers.

He is naturally unwilling.

But reason told him–

The three boat coach, although the words are not sound, but

According to his current rate of progress, those words are the facts of the future!

【what do I do?】

[Three ships coach, please help me!]

The second-year student of Rikkai squeezed the racquet tightly and bowed deeply to the alcoholic coach in front of him.

Kirihaya knew that compared to his predecessors, he was never a smart person.

But the “stupid” has the straightforwardness and perseverance of the “stupid”.

[Boy, do you know your advantage?][Have you seen yourself clearly?]

At that time, the coach of Mifune did not directly give him the training menu, nor did he yell at him, but asked him these two sentences meaningfully.

Kirihara Akaya, the second-year student of Rikkai University, has long been recognized by all predecessors, the Minister of the Future of Rikkai, and a tennis player who shoulders the expectations of other third-year students.

In the big Rikkai tennis club, where the strong are like clouds, it can receive so many “favorites” from the seniors.

[Think carefully about it!][Wakame boy, how did you greatly improve your tennis skills before!]

Instructor Three Ships glared at him, hating iron can’t make steel.

In his current position, after so many years of coaching experience, the thing he hates most is that talented tennis players waste their talents.

The three boat coach is in the back mountain, although there are reasons for not adapting to the rigid training method, but he is somewhat out of the reason of “not being used to waste”.

A momentary difference in strength does not represent future results.

[Can’t you remember your unique advantage?]

How can there be “perfect” good things in the world?

Instructor Micune took a deep look at Kirihaya who was thoughtful.

[My advantage is not Selfless State!]

“Selfless State” is one of Kirihaya’s hole cards, but it is not his “ace”.

[Angelization!][There is also demonization one by one!]

Finally facing this problem, the second-year student of Rikkai University held his racquet tighter and tighter.

[At first, my strength suddenly rose during the game because of “Red Eyes!!]

The root cause was found.

The method of soaring strength is now in sight.

[It’s like going from “red eye to “demonization” to your current “angelization”. This is your own path to tennis, and it’s your own advantage!]

The three boat coach’s tone became serious.

In his opinion, the second-year students in front of him undoubtedly have huge potential and advantages.

[Since you can make a breakthrough from’red eye’ to’angelization’ in the realm of another dimension, why can’t you break through yourself again in the realm of another dimension?]

…For flowers …

[Wakame boy, are you scared?]

The sarcasm was restored again, but Kirihaya didn’t care about the sarcasm of the three boat coaches at all.

The second-year student of Rikkai University has found his way.

It turned out that his path to tennis has long been clear, but he himself didn’t notice it.


[I am the second-year ace Kirihara Akaya of Rikkai Grand Tennis Club!]

What can be done with the help of the predecessors before, how about doing one more thing?

Even though such a different-dimensional road is risky, isn’t it inherently risky to play tennis?

What’s more, he still has the support and help of his predecessors.

If he hesitates just because of this risk, what face does he have to face the seniors and the Rikkai tennis club?!

【You’re confident?】

[Such a different dimension, before it is perfected, is a huge hidden danger! Maybe one day it will destroy your tennis and destroy yourself!]

The three boat coach confessed to him.

[But isn’t that my advantage, three boat coach?]

Kirihaya looked directly at San Mifūne Nyudō San.

If he was afraid of “destroying himself”, then when he first entered the ministry, he would fall back with a pale face under Nioh’s racquet.

If his self-confidence is not enough, then he would have been in a trance and unable to hold the net racquet in the successive failures of the school practice matches with his predecessors.

[I will succeed!]

“I will succeed!”

The different-dimensional phantom in this state also exerts tremendous pressure and consumption on Kirihaya itself.

Kirihaya felt that he couldn’t last long by himself.

But even so, time is enough!

With the help of pressure, progress under pressure-isn’t this the most convenient way for him to improve his tennis strength before?

From “red-eye” to “demonization”, to “angelization”, and even the comprehension of “Selfless State”, which one was not developed after the predecessors were overwhelmed?

Maintaining the last trace of clarity of mind, Kirihaya completely focused on tennis.

He didn’t care about the different emotional eyes that fell on him at this moment…

PS: Don’t try to make me spoiler! And, I re-watched my small volume myself, and I am in progress with Akaya’s favorability max. Of course, the plot is going to go down, but please let me clarify the progress of Akaya’s strength! Soil.

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