Chapter 580 : The butterfly effect, really the same

The sophomore on the opposite side of the net touched the nerves of almost everyone present.

Even Nioh, who has always acted confidently, raised his own vigilance to the highest point at this time.

Nioh is certainly not afraid of being hurt by Kirihaya-

Although he is facing Kirihaya as an opponent, his predecessor status has never changed.

The object he was wary of was Kirihaya.

But the person he wants to protect is also Kirihara Akaya.

“Red eye” is a terrible state.

–This sentence not only refers to the incidental strength surge in the state, but also refers to the physical and mental depletion of the user in this state.

When the “loss” reaches a certain stage, it is difficult to recover.

not to mention..

“You really gave me a big surprise, Akaya.

Nioh said slowly.

The initial state of the different-dimensional shadow-demonization-

This is a different dimension that Nioh Masaharu has not “seen with” nor has any “impressions” before!

It was the different-dimensional phantom he encountered in the battle with the younger generation that he had never thought of!

[Appears again)

Wait, why did the first thing think of “again”?!

The Rikkai Grand Tennis Club is an uncommon place. The candidates in this tennis club are all outstanding young tennis players.

Perhaps it is not surprising that there are one or two “talents” who break “common sense” and break the “future” among outstanding teenagers.

Nioh tried to comfort himself.

Since Yukimura’s different dimension is gone forever in the direction of “Alaya”, there is nothing fuss about for the younger generation to walk the path of “red eye, demonization, and angelization” again, right?

Nioh didn’t know that it was his own motivation that made the talents of the younger generation get the deepest excavation and display.

The guidance of the three boat coaches on the back mountain made Kirihaya strengthen the beliefs and choices he had originally vaguely possessed.

Butterflies fan their wings, and there is a certain probability that a storm that changes from heaven to earth will appear.

What Nioh brought is not just the trophies of the current Kanto Championship and the National Championship in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club.

Wasn’t it true that Yukimura’s other-dimensional “Alaya” revealed this?

Different dimension from “impression memory”..

Even if it seems “powerful but not durable and in danger of losing the mind”, in the future – who can tell what kind of state Kirihaya’s different dimensions will evolve into in the future?

Just like the huge difference between “demonization” and “angelization”.

Kirihara Akaya is able to be selected into the ranks of junior high school students by virtue of his “angelization” strength, which shows that his special status brings him powerful help.

“The original plan was disrupted, Tanegashima-senpai.”

The plan was disrupted by the younger generation “playing cards in an unreasonable way”, Nioh then said to Tanegashima with some headaches.

According to Nioh’s original expectation, this doubles match should be Tanegashima’s “stage”.

He himself didn’t intend to mix too much.

Doing a good job “cooperate” with the doubles player’s job is what Nioh, who is “not motivated”, wants.


The different dimension revealed by the younger generation-the state of demonization, can’t help but let him leave it!

Nioh Masaharu always likes to take the initiative in things, so he has to test it once in the face of a strange, different-dimensional phantom.

This is not his distrust of Tanegashima.

On the contrary, Nioh officially trusted his Tanegashima predecessor to let this high school student take the initiative in the game and he was willing to be a “supporting role” before.

But the current state of affairs is different from what was said before.

The players present looked at Kirihaya almost with suspicion and concern.

But among everyone present, no one knows the aftereffects of “demonization” better than Nioh Masaharu.

“Demonization” is like a gift from a demon from hell, with the aura of the curse of the abyss. It is like the poisonous erosive bone, slowly eroding a healthy body, once the poison enters the bone marrow, there is no room for reversal.

Different from “angelization”, “demonization” is a special state that Kirihara Akaya uses to forcibly stimulate his own potential when he can’t master his power.

Frustrated self-esteem, strong and distorted desire for victory, fluctuating emotions, and even desperate madness

This is almost a “collection” of negative states.

In essence, the “different realm”, which is absolutely higher than the realm of ordinary tennis, has a profound impact on every move. Kirihaya used this kind of simulation when his different-dimensional phantom was not fully condensed. I don’t know if it is lucky or unfortunate.

Bang bang bang!

The white-haired player tapped his toes lightly, like a floating feather rising in the wind, floating and moving.

It seems that the steps are unstable and even a little vacant, but in fact every step is down to earth.

The most important thing is that this kind of pace, this kind of running, is very fast!

“Without the use of different-dimensional phantoms, or even those ball skills, I can compete with Kirihaya as it is now.”

Nioh Masaharu, how much strength do you usually hide!

Shiraishi sighed softly, even if the load caused by body movement was due to the heavy pressure in his heart.

Ever since he saw Nioh’s game, and since he personally played a game with Nioh, Shiraishi thought he would never be surprised by Nioh’s ability again.

But he didn’t expect that it was just the beginning!

Every time he saw Nioh take a shot, he was even more surprised.

The competitions in the national competitions can’t tell the depth at all, and the qualifying competitions that entered the U17 before now seem to be a little bit playful. In the match against senior high school students, Shiraishi was just a spectator, and he couldn’t figure out the strength of both sides in the match baseline.

Shiraishi actually didn’t really feel the strength of the “different dimension” before facing the No. 3 court doubles with Yukimura. He only knows that “Alternative Dimension” is very strong, but Shiraishi knows almost nothing about how strong it is.

However, Seiichi Yukimura opened the window sash for his Shitenhouji roommates to view the “different dimensions” scenery, and Kirihara Akaya created the opportunity for Shiraishi to experience the different dimensions again.

The “Alaya” in the perfect state is naturally different from the “different-dimensional demonization” in the preliminary state.

Yukimura’s “Alaya” is already firmly in the hands of Minister Rikkai, and there is no possibility of losing control. Just like plasticine, let Seiichi Yukimura knead it at will.

Therefore, the momentum of “Alaya” was converged by Yukimura very well, and there was almost no excess loss. Shiraishi can only see the power of a few different dimensions from the opponent’s reaction.

But Kirihaya’s different-dimensional phantom is different.

Preliminary mastery is just the threshold for the first entry into the different-dimensional phantom. The aura of the black wing of the different-dimensional phantom in the “demonized” state is undoubtedly a violent violent that can be felt without any effort.

Such stimulation undoubtedly increases the bargaining chip for Shiraishi.

“It’s time to rest again, Shiraishi-kun~”

Tanegashima himself is very happy to take over the rhythm of the game after Nioh said that.

But as an excellent senior high school student, Tanegashima Shuji never breaks his promise!

He said that if he wants to use “60% of his strength”, he will definitely use his own strength and truly contribute to the doubles!


“30:15, Tanegashima and Nioh are ahead!”

Yukimura watched the senior high school student swing his racket towards the strength of the court, and the tennis ball rushed forward without hesitation, and once again raised the senior’s “strength value” in his heart, at the same time, Did not forget to announce the score.

“Destroyed Nothing” is indeed a big killer on court.

It restricts not only the skills, but also all kinds of spins.

The spin attached to the tennis ball was originally menacing.

But when the tennis ball came into contact with Tanegashima’s racquet, the spin was like a black hole and was “swallowed” cleanly.

The invisible mental power, the quick response of the wrist and the wonderful skills together create such a “miracle.”

Kirihaya’s tennis ball was completely blocked by Nioh and Tanegashima through the powerful impact of the spin!

“Senior, stop talking and laughing.”

Shiraishi, who lost a goal, is not so gloomy as his current doubles partner. Shitenhouji’s minister’s inner mood at this time is more speechless and helpless.

–Break time?

Since it is “rest time”, what do you still hold racquet for, senior?

As we all know, Shitenhouji is a school that dares to do.

The tennis club of this school is also deeply influenced by the school spirit.

Therefore, as the head of the Shitenhouji Tennis Club, Shiraishi Kuranosuke is also a man who dares to speak and do!

Anyway, they were all crushed and beaten–then spit out!

“Shouldn’t the correct posture for rest be sitting down, Tanegashima-senpai?”

“Since the predecessors want to enter the break time, generally speaking, there are only two choices, abstaining or just stand aside.”

“Well, it’s also a good choice to sit down and watch the game-it’s harder for seniors to stand and play, right?”

Ding Zi’s tan-haired Sunshine Boy said 2.9 just to choke someone to death.

The true face of the “Holy Book” from the Osaka area was exposed by him in the doubles competition.

Marui, Kuwabara, and Yanagyu subconsciously glanced at Yukimura standing by the court.

Although Kite and Kai were puzzled, they followed the eyes of the Rikkai player next to them.

The instinct of practicing martial arts for many years made them feel the chill of the evening, and at the same time they also felt the subtle similarities between the two heads of the tennis department in the 201 dormitory.

But unlike Kai who was a little trembling, after taking a look at Yukimura, Kite almost snorted in his heart while shifting his eyes.

–Huh, it really is “of the same kind”!

Kite Eishirou knew that the coaches of the U17 training camp did not simply divide the dormitory!

Middle Minister Higa, who was silently “conspiring” in his heart again, continued to hold the “black pot” of “conspiracy” to other people in his heart.

PS, (big brother) Marui’s small lecture hall: Qi Tianlie is actually a little awkward and proud personality, usually too much thinking and too delicate, but he is a passionate fool when things happen! This kind of personality, I can see Marui Bunta too much!

Tanegashima: Mr. Shiraishi’s suggestion is good. So next time, I will try to sit and rest and watch Ryuuji play!.

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