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"Damn it! I am Genichirō Sanada!"

Sanada did not hesitate at all and yelled back in a furious manner. Fortunately, there were not many people around, otherwise they would have regarded these two people as lunatics.

"Haha, let's... let the facts speak for themselves!"

The phantom version of Sanada serves.


"I see!"


Without using the special skills of Sanada, Nioh's ball speed is nothing special except fast. At least now Sanada is prepared and can still return the ball normally, but it will consume more energy and physical strength.


Hidden from the side, the phantom Sanada smiled a standard fox-like smile that was incompatible with his face.

Fast as the wind!

Facing Niou's ball, Sanada did not hesitate at all. What he believed in was attack, attack! Defeat the enemy from the front!

"Fast as the wind Look! This is the real fast as the wind!"


"30 to 0!"

Yukimura did not hesitate this time. After reporting the score, he turned to look at Liu

"This time, the speed of the wind is 40% higher than that of Sanada's current performance."Ryu kept writing while writing."There is only one possibility, Nioh has completely mastered the wind move, and used his own powerful strength to deduce it, reaching the current level."


Yukimura didn't deny it, nor did he confirm it. Although both of them had another possibility in mind, no one wanted to believe it.

Someone who could see the future What a joke!

Unfortunately, they didn't know that their answer was very close to the real answer.


Nioh served the ball

"Fast as the wind!"

With all his strength and Niou's deliberate provocation, the furious Sanada used the Fast as the Wind which was only a little slower than the one Niou used just now.

"Humph! Too slow!"

Nio's phantom Sanada raised his racket, and the shocked faces of the three people froze instantly.

"Fast as the wind!"


"4…40 to 0!"

"Using the wind... to fight back Sanada's wind!"


Sanada's racket fell to the ground, and his hat, which had just been blown off by the tennis ball,

"This... How is this possible!"

"Humph, don't you want to defeat me Come on! Sanada, use your offensive to break me head-on!"Rio's face kept changing in the eyes of the three people, and his tone changed with the changes in his face.

"Originally, this move was used to deal with that person, but... I don't want to lose to you either!"

Sanada picked up his hat and racket, walked back to the receiving area, and waited for the opportunity.

"Oh Did Sanada hide his tricks"Yanagi was a little surprised.

"After he lost to Tezuka in the JR. League, he worked harder. In order to deal with Tezuka's two unique skills, he also developed two special methods to deal with them, which he had just completed."

Since Sanada was already planning to use them, Yukimura didn't need to hide it for him anymore. But when he thought of Tezuka, Yukimura's urgency for strength became even stronger.

Judging from the JR League, his strength should be on par with Tezuka's. If he wasn't good at mental power tricks, Yukimura felt that he couldn't compete with Tezuka.

Of course, he didn't know that from the day Tezuka joined Seigaku, it was destined that Tezuka would fall out of the two-man team and become the junior high school student who looked down on the world... Well, if Nioh didn't come back again.


Nioh serves!



Niou hit the ball directly to Sanada's backhand corner

"The probability that Sanada received this number is... 3%!"Yanagi, who has basically collected all the information about Sanada, is very sure. As for Nioh's information... there is no way to collect it!

"Move like thunder!"


"40 to 15!"

"That is……"

"That is Sanada's hidden strongest move, thunder! He instantly appears in front of the tennis ball, and then hits the ball with a vertical racket, faster than the wind, stronger than fire, and strengthens the change of the ball path... Sanada is really getting stronger and stronger."

Yukimura's expression did not change, but his clasped hands clenched into fists where Yanagi could not see.

It's true... I can't relax for a moment!

"Is this your hidden trick How disappointing!"Phantom Sanada adjusted his hat,"Huh, have you... forgotten who is standing in front of you"


""As fast as the wind!"

Lei was too much of a burden on Sanada. Without absolute certainty, he still didn't want to use it. And what did Niou mean by what he said just now Could it be that he could use this move just by looking at it once Or...……

""Move like thunder!"

The phantom Sanada appeared in front of the tennis ball in an instant, holding the racket upright, and hitting the ball! It was almost exactly the same as Sanada's previous hit.

But faster and stronger!

"It's a lie... It's a lie……"

Not to mention Sanada, even Yanagi and Yukimura found it hard to accept when their other guess became a reality.

"Humph, slow speed! Weak strength! Unstable mentality! What can you use to beat me! Pick up your racket, Sanada Genichirō... I didn't know I was so fragile!"

The phantom Sanada had a dark face and actually thought he was Sanada.

"Damn it! I am Genichirō Sanada! I will definitely lead you into the abyss of defeat!"

While speaking, Sanada actually ignored the serve and picked up a tennis ball and served directly.




"Where is the strength Didn't you eat Also, tennis is not kendo!"


"Move like thunder!"

"That's it! You'll never improve if you keep things hidden! Take them out and let me defeat you, then you'll know where your weaknesses are!"


An hour later……


Neither Sanada nor Nioh wanted to move, and they collapsed in their respective places. Nioh's phantom had already disappeared.

PS:Think carefully about the classes of Byodoin. Except for a few people, how weak were they compared to the classes of the protagonists After staying in U17 for so long, they were still abused. So were they all at the same level as Arai when they were in the first grade

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