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"Sanada... you've reached this point without even realizing it.……"

Yukimura squatted in front of Sanada and pulled him up, his tone full of admiration.

""Sanada, you have improved my initial data by about 20%! But... I have completely mastered your data!"

Liu opened his eyes with confidence. When a person's data is completely mastered by him, his winning rate will be at least 60%!

""Puff~" Niou, who was lying on the ground, raised his hands helplessly,"Hey, you three, don't you know that doing this hurts my heart?"

This was not an illusion that he used his mental power to induce Sanada, otherwise Yukimura would have discovered it long ago. Except for the illusion, he did the rest with real force. Hmm... maybe there is some mental component in thunder?

After all, his body does not allow him to use thunder so many times in a row, and he actually has not figured out the essence of thunder.

Anyway, he looks even worse than Sanada now, and his braids have become messy without knowing when.

"Thank you."

Sanada walked up to him and pulled him up. Although he was very angry at what he said just now, after thinking about it carefully after the fight, Sanada found that his future was much brighter.

Every move of Nioh just now made him see his own shadow.……

"Phew... I'm hungry, please treat me to a meal?"

Ren Wang tied his braids back into place.

"Let's go!"

Sanada nodded, and the others packed up and prepared to leave the club. Today's trip was a reward for everyone.

"Hey, Niou, you're here so early today? How have you been these past few days?"I just happened to run into Kadota who was coming in.

""Pu Li~ Uncle Kadota... Thank you for that day. By the way, were you okay when you went back that day?"

Ren Wang smiled a little nervously.

""Ahem, no, nothing!" Kadota quickly shook his head,"I have something else to do, you guys go ahead!"

Kadota ran away in a bit of a panic. The influence of the King's mental power on him had a great impact on him. Not only was he despised by his daughter when he returned, but he even went to the bathroom in front of his wife in the evening.……

"By the way, I remember you said you knew a way to integrate tennis with the Dao and the Dao?"

After Kadota's little episode, Sanada suddenly

"Well... you should have all said it. One is the legend of Japanese tennis, Echizen Nanjiro!"

"Echizen Nanjiro?!"

"Phew~ That’s right, so…Sanada, work hard!"

"I won't let up!"

Sanada looked into the distance, the legend of Japanese tennis, one day, I, Sanada Genichirō, will not lose to you either!

"There is another half... that is the legendary minister of Mu Zhi Teng, but he only extracted some things that suited him, so it only counts as half."

"The Minister of Makinoto?!"

"Nioh, can you play a game with me sometime? A serious game?"

""Pu Li~ You... You are kidding, Yukimura."

The rising sun stretched the shadows of several people very long.……


"Hurry up! Hurry up! You are too lax!"It's the last day until the final of the Kanto Tournament!

Sanada's rackets are roaring at the group of players except Yukimura and several substitutes.

"He must be taking revenge! He must be taking revenge on me!"

Niou and Maori were hanging at the back, constantly complaining.

"When did you provoke him again? Didn't you see that I didn't dare to escape the training?" Mao Li rolled his eyes at him and said,"I didn't realize you are so brave."

""Puh~ Really? You think so now?" Niou smiled at

Maori while sweating.


Now he realized that the bravest person seemed to be the one complaining to him?

"Well, everyone seems to be in good shape.

A breeze blew by, and Yukimura's clothes fluttered.

"Niou Masaharu! What are you doing! Do you want to be punished to run fifty laps?"

Sanada's roar came from behind again, making Niou look bitter.

The situation on Hyotei's side was not much better. Jiro, who always wanted to sleep, was followed by Kabata like a shadow, so he could only train hard.

Atobe, Oshitari, and others were also making final preparations.

PS:This is a transition chapter, so it is short and weak.

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