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"6 to 1! Rikkai University High School wins!"

Twenty-three minutes later, when Niou and Sanada came back, they saw Egawa and Yamauchi with smiles on their faces, saying to Yukimura that they had done their job well.

"You guys should also work hard and win beautifully?"

Jiang Chuan glanced at Mao Li and brought out this joke that he had used countless times.

"Phew~ Beautiful win!"

"Next up is the doubles match! Rikkai University Junior High School Niou Masaharu, Sanada Genichirō vs. Mukai Gakuto, Shishido Ryo!"

"Is it them?"

Atobe and Oshitari looked at each other. If this was the case, this round would be in jeopardy.

If they lost this round, they would have to win all the singles! Would Jiro’s singles be enough?

"It's already like this, let's go all out! This year, our lineup is not deep enough, it's still not good enough."

Oshitari adjusted his glasses, not hiding his pessimism about the national competition.

To be honest, even the strength of Mukai Taketo and Shishido Ryo is about the same as that of Marui and Jackal. If they were in Rikkai, they would not be able to enter the main selection.

But this year's Hyotei, there is really no way

"Rikkai University High School serves!"



"15 to 0!"

With the two opponents not mentally prepared, Niou's high-speed serve directly scored a point.


"30 to 0!"

"Hey, Yueren, don't be distracted!"


Just two simple balls put great psychological pressure on the two. The ball was too fast for them.



This time the tennis ball was caught by Shishido Ryo, but... Bang! Without using any moves, Sanada just simply drove the ball to the right corner of the opponent's weak defense.

""Pfft~ Sanada, you've made great progress." Niou's eyes lit up. It seemed that Sanada had made great progress in doubles. At least he could find the attack point instead of hitting randomly like before.

"Get over here!"

Xiangri Yueren leaped with all his might, bang!

"30 to 15! Hyotei scores!"

Jumping so high? Sanada was a little surprised. If the red-haired kid on the opposite side jumped a little higher, wouldn't he be taller than him?

Special hitting technique? Nioh gradually recalled that it seemed that Hongqing learned something very similar from someone... However, even if the difference in strength is not mentioned, the weakness is also revealed!




"30 to 30!"

"Hyotei, the winner is Hyotei! Hyotei! The winner is Hyotei!"The entire audience immediately started to shout slogans in unison, leaving the other people in Rikkai University looking at each other in bewilderment.

Niou suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of superiority when he saw the other people's expressions. You bunch of bumpkins! If you saw the momentum of Hyotei's cheerleading team two years later, wouldn't you be surprised to death?

Two years later, Hyotei's cheerleading support group was also a well-known off-field killer. Half of the people were frightened by that momentum.




"40 to 30!"


Ten minutes later.


"2-0! Rikkai University High School is leading!"

"Whoosh……"Xiangri Yueren bent over, unwillingly supporting his legs with both hands,"Damn it! It's almost there every time!"

""Gakuto, don't worry! We can do it in the next round!" Shishido Ryo comforted Xiangri Gakuto and tried to calm him down.

"Are you still not going to do it?" Sanada asked in a low voice as they returned to their positions.

"Don't worry! Just make sure you win every round, and wait until they find out before you do it, and then you can make a quick decision! Don't be impulsive now, this is not a one-on-one match!"Ryo was afraid that Sanada would still be obsessed with defeating the enemy head-on, so he quickly reminded him. In his new life, his attitude towards important games is to play it safe! Perhaps it's because he has lost before, so he cherishes it especially.

"Got it!"

Sanada nodded solemnly, then his back hunched a little, and his movements became more intense, making him look like he was breathing heavily.

"Why do these two seem to be not good today?"

In the Rikkai player's seat, Mita was a little strange. Yukimura and Maori were instantly enlightened by Mita's words. Not good? These two can sweep Rikkai University, how can they not be good! Unless it is... intentional! Yanagi was writing something in his notebook again. On

Hyotei's side, Atobe found something wrong with his strong insight. Niou and Sanada's return balls either fell on the best return point of Hyotei, or just hit the flaw. Either Rikkai scored directly, or Hyotei scored in return... The coincidence was as if someone... deliberately arranged it!


Sanada served!


In order to let Mukai Taketo receive the ball, Sanada and Niou deliberately slowed down the ball speed a little bit, which not only saved the physical strength of the two, but also made the two opponents step into the abyss step by step.

Mukai Taketo and Shishido Ryo didn't realize that the doubles had unconsciously turned into singles in disguise. The scoring balls and the saving balls were almost all returned by Mukai Taketo.


"30 to 30!"

The score continued to rise alternately according to the plan of the two.



"40 to 30!"

Huh? Didn't catch this ball? Niou and Sanada looked at each other. It was a ball in a good position, but it was missed by Mukaito. It looked like they could make a move.

This is the biggest weakness of stunt shots! Flexible bodies and powerful creativity give them thrilling tennis. All their enthusiasm bursts out with every jump, but... physical strength is always a big problem!

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

Miraculous stood there in a daze. He should have been able to catch the ball, but why didn't he? I... seemed to have jumped too close?

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