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"Now! Let me lead you into the abyss of defeat!"

Sanada changed his previous appearance and looked energetic, and even Niou looked much better.

" looks like Genichirō and Nioh have learned a lot." Yukimura laughed happily, but everyone felt like he was...jealous?

"Minister, you don't mean that Niwang has led the little black face astray, right?" Mao Li leaned over and asked

"Do you need me to convey this to King Ren?"


As a minister, could you please stop threatening me with other people


"3 to 0! Rikkai University High School is leading!"



"5 to 0! Rikkai University High School is leading!"

At this time, the two of Hyotei tried to cooperate, but with Mukai Taketo already half disabled, they couldn't even use their only capital, and failure was already inevitable!


"6 to 0! Rikkai University High School wins!"

"Have a good rest, I'll go get the trophy back." Yukimura took the racket and handed the towel he had prepared to the two of them.

"Phew~ Don't fight a protracted war with that guy, use that move as soon as possible."Niou still reminded Yukimura.

Fortunately, it was this year. If it was two years later, when everyone's tennis foundation was sufficient, Niou would not dare to say that Yukimura would definitely beat Atobe. At that time, everyone's state was basically the kind that could evolve at any time, although the probability of this was really small, what if it happened?

Their class was originally full of geniuses, and those who were still at the top of this class were all very powerful.


On the Hyotei side, Coach Sakaki in the coaching booth also called out to Keigo Atobe.


"Go take back the victory!"

"Humph, I came here to take away the victory! Right, Huadi?"


"Next up is the singles match! Rikkai University Affiliated High School Yukimura Seiichi vs. Hyotei Atobe Keigo!"

The audience was much quieter. One was the headmaster of Rikkai University, the overlord of Kanto, and the other was the headmaster of Hyotei, who was not favored by everyone this year but still overcame all the difficulties.

Who is better? More importantly, Hyotei has no way out.

"Dear Director of Rikkai University, please give me your guidance.……"

"Hehe...please give me more advice."

Atobe serves!




""What a fast match!"

Whether it was Rikkai, Hyotei or the audience, everyone made such a sound. This match started with a high-speed match from the serve.

"Humph, I see it!"

Atobe put his hands between his eyebrows. Although his current insight is not as terrifying as it was two years later, Yukimura's tennis skills are also not as good as they were two years later.



Yukimura's clothes on his shoulders did not move at all, and his brows were slightly furrowed. He was keenly aware of the pain caused by this ball, and the action of hitting the ball was too unsmooth.

"There are more! Victory belongs to me!"


"15 to 0! The serving team takes the lead!"

"Oh? You have some strength?……"Yukimura was excited for a rare moment, finally seeing a decent opponent.



"3 to 2! Hyotei is leading!"

"Oh my, is the minister's trick going to work?"

"Puff~ Yeah, it's almost done!

Their captain is quite strong and interrupted Yukimura's arrangement several times, so it was only completed now.

"Ryo nodded.

The five senses of destruction are not entirely based on mental power.

It needs the support of the tennis ball to make the opponent's muscles and related nerves react.

For players with strong Atobe, especially those who are good at insight, some of Yukimura's balls become chance balls for him, destroying Yukimura's arrangement, which will cause this situation.

"What's wrong with the people at Rikkai? Their minister is obviously at a disadvantage, so why are they still chatting so happily?"

Miraculous Mukai, who had just lost to Niou and Sanada, was a little surprised to see the situation at Rikkai. It shouldn't be like this, right? This is their minister, why don't they care?

"At a disadvantage? No, it's too early to draw a conclusion now!"Oshitari Yuushi felt uneasy in his heart. He might not have a chance to play in this match.


Yukimura serves!



Atobe curled his lips. It seemed that the opponent had more and more flaws without him noticing. Was his condition declining?


"15 to 0! The serving team takes the lead!"

"A mistake? How could this happen?" Mukaito was more unwilling than Atobe himself, and slapped himself hard. How could he make a mistake in such a ball?

"What happened?"Atobe frowned. He shouldn't have missed the ball, right? But Yukimura on the other side didn't give him time to think. He had to put it aside and get ready for the next ball.


"30 to 0!"

"How could this happen?"Tetsube looked at his hands in disbelief. How could this return ball go out of bounds?



"3 to 3! Both sides are tied!"


"43! Rikkai University leads, the two sides exchange venues!"

My hand... has no feeling?" Atobe finally realized that something was wrong with him, and slammed his hand twice, but there was no pain at all.

"Trace, you……"

Xiangri Yueren was shouting fiercely in the contestant's seat.

What was Yueren saying? Why was there no sound? Why...

Then, Atobe was completely plunged into darkness.

"According to rumors, Rikkai University's president Yukimura Seiichi has a move that can paralyze a person's entire body, and this move should be a rumor."Oshitari looked at Atobe in the field with worry.

In the end, Niou's fantasy of Atobe breaking through in the battle and defeating the great devil Yukimura like a god did not happen, because Atobe could no longer play and gave up. Rikkai University won the championship with a 3-0 sweep, which made other schools deeply aware of the gap between Rikkai University and them.

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