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"I also want to see the strength of the person praised by Maori as this year's Rikkai Gatekeeper.

What is a Gatekeeper? It is the most critical singles position, using one's victory to save the team or lay the foundation for victory.


"Come on, the game has begun, Rikkai Tanejima vs. Rikkai Niou! Niou Masaharu serves!"

Mori hurriedly climbed up to the referee's seat, fearing that Aoki would snatch the ball from him. He also wanted to see how much strength Niou could force out of Tanejima, or... were they evenly matched?

The contest between the two white-haired men is about to begin!

"Senior, I’m going to do it!"



"0 to 15! The receiving team is ahead! Little Niou, you can't keep up with this speed, can you?"After Maori announced the score, he gloated on the sidelines.


Niou said nothing and continued to serve. His speed and power were much faster than usual. Maori was secretly shocked. It seemed that this first-year junior with unknown strength did not relax even during the holidays.

However, these were useless. Tanedo leisurely hit back at Niou's tennis ball.

""Pu Li~"

With his concentration, Ni Wang was still able to catch the tennis ball easily. As for the problem of physical strength, he didn't want to think about it anymore. In this situation, he would only hinder himself if he looked ahead and behind.


Pa Pa... The tennis ball landed weakly in front of the net, and Ni Wang skillfully used a slice to win a point.

"15 to 15!"

"Not bad, use all your tricks."Taneshima nodded with satisfaction, the smooth switching of the slice alone was enough to explain everything. Although

Niou didn't show any expression on his face, his mind was working. Taneshima had an absolute advantage in strength and speed. The slice he just used put a lot of pressure on his wrist, so he couldn't use it too much.

His advantage was all kinds of unexpected tricks, although many of them could only score one point and couldn't be used repeatedly! He also had mental strength, and this advantage must be used well...


Niou served.


"Fast as the wind!"

"30 to 15! The serving team has the advantage!"

I don't know when, the player opposite to Tanejima has become"Sanada". Is this the move that Mori mentioned? Tanejima was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there is such a move?



"Move like thunder!"



"1 to 0! Niou is leading!"

Pu Li~ Looking at the still-standing Taneda on the opposite side, Niou could only sigh in his heart. He was indeed a figure on the same level as Oni and Phoenix. He won this round almost entirely by taking the opponent by surprise.

Even with his Thunderbolt, he only got one point from Taneda. The second Thunderbolt was directly resolved by Taneda. In the end, Niou still got one point by slicing the ball.

"The Minister actually scored first? That kid's tennis... is so tricky!" Aoki on the sidelines was full of surprise.

"But what's the use for the minister? I'm mainly worried about that move.……"

Maori knew that Niou had many tricks, but none of them worked for Tanedima. Once used, they would be ineffective. The only thing was that one trick, mental power... It was simply illusory for those who were not good at it. Could Tanedima defend against this trick?

Little did he know that Niou was secretly calculating in his heart. Even with his huge mental power, if Tanedima didn't use the uninterrupted method, it would take at least six or seven rounds for him to successfully make the five senses or even the next trick take effect.

But... what if Tanedima broke free?

Niou had to consider this.

"Don't be distracted, I'm serving."

Tanjima tossed the ball, bang! There was no trick, no speed increase, just an ordinary serve.



Tanjima saw that Niou's reaction seemed a little slow, and he hit the ball to the left corner with a single shot.

But... in an instant, Niou suddenly appeared in front of the tennis ball, bang! By the time Tanjima reacted, the tennis ball had already landed.

"0 to 15! The receiving team has the upper hand!"

"No way? That guy suddenly appeared in front of the tennis ball."Aoki found it hard to accept.

"Hey, this kid used this trick again?"Maori's eyes lit up. He hadn't used this trick since the last time Nioh defeated him. He didn't expect that he would use it again! He's out of tricks, right?

Maori chuckled. He finally let this kid know that there are always people better than you. Let this kid squeeze him out when he's old!


Move like thunder!

Shrink the earth!

Short ball!


"15 to 15!"

Ryou used all the tricks he could, but Tanejima, who was on guard, fought back easily, leaving Ryou feeling deeply powerless.

""Pu Li~"

Niou immediately withdrew his mental power and turned into his original appearance. It didn't matter whether it was Sanada, Mori or Yukimura. If he turned into Yukimura, it might alert Tanejima.

Mori must have told Tanejima this information.



"1-1 draw!"

"Senior, I have finally collected almost all the things.……"As he spoke, Niou's voice changed into a Kansai accent.


Even though they knew that Niou could transform into someone else, when two Tanejima Shuji appeared in front of Maori and Aoki, they still found it hard to accept.

"Are you… kidding me?"

Even Zhongdao’s mouth twitched. If this were true, wouldn’t it become a protracted war? No one vs. nothing? Thinking of this scene, Zhongdao shuddered.

Now he suddenly looked forward to this little guy appearing in the U17, but… he still had to test whether he was good enough!


Niou serves!



One goal, three minutes! In the end, Zhongdao suddenly burst into the ball and scored a goal.��

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