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"1 to 1! Both sides are tied!"

Not to mention the two players in this round, even Mao Li and Aoki who were watching were very entangled. They fought back and forth for a long time, and the slightly more powerful moves were resolved by Wu. In the end, the scoring balls were all missed by the opponent.


Niou served!


"Hmm? Something is wrong!"

Zhongdao frowned. Although the phantom Zhongdao on the opposite side had the same playing style and skills as him, Wu mainly relied on his talent. It was not just skills that could make him play the real Wu.

And this ball... seemed different from his!


Almost in an instant, Zhongdao confirmed this judgment. This so-called person who played the same tennis as him was simply misleading him.


In an instant, Zhongdao put a little more force on the racket. After Niou returned the ball very reluctantly, Zhongdao scored with a shot.

"0 to 15!"

"Why don't you use"wu"? Hmm." Zhongdao carried the racket and said,"I didn't expect that I was almost fooled by you. This reminds me of a friend."

"Phew~ Senior is worthy of being a senior."

Ryooh restored his original appearance, but did not intend to explain anything. Don't be impatient, don't be impatient!

"Maori, what are they talking about? Aoki was a little confused.

"How should I know?" Mao Li rolled his eyes,"Both of them can beat me 6-0."


Well, you have a point.


"15 to 15!"

Ryooh scored with a Zero-style serve, and Wu had to receive the ball to resolve it. Zero-style is not something that can be easily cracked.

"Oh? There is actually this trick? This is incredible."Zhongdao's tone was full of exclamations, and his expression was also full of solemnity. When he was in the first grade, could he have the strength of the boy in front of him? The answer is no!

"But... you can't use five games, right?"

Tanedima's strong insight allowed him to see through the essence of this move at a glance. Even if the outcome is decided in one game, there are still five games left. Can Nioh's hand bear this burden?

Obviously, no!

""Puh! Of course not!"


"30 to 15!"

He admitted what Taneda said, but he was still firing the Zero.


"2 to 1! Niou is leading!"

I can't use it anymore... Niou feels the heat in his arm. If he uses it forcefully, it will cause some damage to his arm. It is meaningless to get hurt in this kind of game, even if it is not serious.

But how can he win next?


While catching the ball, Niou is still dividing

"15 to 0! Niou, I tell you to give up. You can't win against Bu Attack Bu Po Bu Bu, and all your tricks are useless!"

Mao Li started to mock Niou again, but after school started, if he knew that he had been teased for a week because of his performance today, Mao would definitely regret it.

Can't win?!

A flash of inspiration flashed through Niou's mind.

Since he can't win, why not just not attack? Just drag it out until his arrangement takes effect...




"15 to 15!"


"30 to 15!"

What's going on?! Tennis, it seems, is dragging on again. This was the most immediate thought of the two onlookers.

Taneshima also felt strange, but if it dragged on like this, he, who had the advantage in physical strength, would definitely win in the end.

"Destroy……"Maori opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"3 to 3! Both sides are tied!"


Ren Wang wiped the sweat from his head. A protracted war really wasn't suitable for him.

"Haha, you're out of energy?"

Tanedo smiled. He and Niou were completely different now.

"Phew~ Yeah……"Niou smiled inexplicably.


Niou served the ball.


"Out of bounds! 15 to 0!"Maori sighed inwardly, it turned out that this had been arranged long ago.

"Mistake?!"Both Shimajima and Aoki could not accept it. At this level of strength, it is almost impossible to make mistakes, but now...


"Minister Tanejima, let me, the minister, send you to failure.……"I don't know when, Niou's appearance changed to Yukimura's, but without the coat.

"Is this the current minister, Yukimura Seiichi?……"Tanedo looked at his hands, and sure enough, they were all monsters...


Tanedo was indeed Tanedo. Even though his sense of touch had been gradually lost, he could still return the ball with his strong foundation, and he used the"nothingness" continuously to weaken the effect of the five senses.

Yes, when the auxiliary effect took effect, Nioh's mental power had already attacked crazily.


Losing sound, losing vision... Tanedo felt as if he had come to a cage.

Is this what it feels like to lose the sense of nothingness? Tanedo closed his eyes and opened his hands, quietly experiencing

"What is the Minister doing?"

Maori and Aoki looked at each other, not understanding what Tanejima was doing in the venue.



"40 to 0!"

"Maori, what's going on, Captain? If Nioh gets one more point, it will be the end of the match!"

""Let's see!" Maori shook his head, but clenched his fists tightly. Even the minister couldn't do it?

Maybe if it was Yukimura's mental power, the minister might be able to break free? Looking at Taneshima who still didn't respond, Maori thought a little disappointedly.


Just when Nioh was about to make the total score 5-0, a tennis racket suddenly appeared in front of the tennis ball.


"40 to 15!"

"Ah, what an incredible move, but... this move alone is not enough."

Tanejima Shuji's eyes became focused.

Niou's heart sank.

His current mental power is not inferior to Yukimura's mental power that skyrocketed after the operation in his previous life, and it is even better. Then he used the five senses to destroy, but was still broken free. Has this person really entered that realm?

It seems that he should have just entered...

I just don't know if there is any way in the dream world... But considering the subsequent troubles, Niou did not want to use that move.

In fact, there is no other way to destroy the five senses. For him, who has weak physical talents but strong mental talents, before entering that realm, the strongest move is undoubtedly Yukimura's move.

In the junior high school league in the previous life, Yukimura never lost a game, and every time he swept his opponent 6-0, you can imagine the effect of this move.




"6 to 4, Shima Shuji wins!"

The five senses have lost their function, and Nio's physical strength has been basically exhausted. He can barely use his mental power to induce one or two points, but he can't change the situation. ps: Thank you for your rewards!

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