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"Yamauchi, don't worry!" Mita said indifferently,"Didn't you see that Sanada and the other two looked more and more relaxed? It seems that they were just adapting to each other's rhythm! After all, although he and Mao Li are strong, they are not real doubles."

"Really?" Yamauchi also played doubles, and after hearing this, he immediately figured it out. It was just because he got too involved and judged completely based on his own doubles cooperation standards."Mita, you are amazing, you can see this?"

"Of course, after all, I am also a man who has been a minister."

Mita patted Yamauchi's shoulder proudly, looking like a lonely master.

"Senior Yamauchi, you seemed to be distracted when I was analyzing just now."Yanagi's voice suddenly came, making Mita's movements stiff. Feeling that Yamauchi's eyes turned into contempt, Mita looked at the sky and turned his head.

Why are you looking at me? I won't even look at you even if you look at me!

"Senior, defeat them." Sanada adjusted his hat on the court. He had figured out the opponent's coordinated attack on the tennis ball.

"Ah, okay... Let them see what it means to attack!" Mao Li nodded with a smile. His strong physical fitness did not affect him too much.

"Humph, people from Rikkai University can actually laugh, haha, it seems that they are going to admit defeat?"

Nishikawa Fumiyuki was still very loud, and all the players echoed their captain beside them. Only the coach who was excluded beside him closed his eyes and secretly cursed him as an idiot in his heart!

Fortunately, there are many potential players in the first and second grades of the tennis club. This Nishikawa Fumiyuki almost dominates the tennis club with his own strength and nepotism of the school leaders. He has no choice.

After this group of people graduate this year, he can save the tennis club.


Yingcheng Middle School serves

"It's time to go, Sanada!"


"Fast as the wind!"



"2 to 2! Both sides are tied!"


"3 to 2! Rikkai University High School is leading!"

Gradually, Hattori and his team found that their attacks were no longer effective, while the other two players' cooperation became smoother and smoother.

"Hey! Hattori, Kawashima! Cheer up, Mao Li is not easy to deal with, just beat up that first-year student!" Nishikawa jumped in the contestant's seat.


Hearing that he was being targeted as a weakness, Sanada gripped his racket a little tighter.

"It seems that Yingcheng Middle School lost this round."

Inoue took a few photos of Sanada and Maori. The hand that Yingcheng relied on was ineffective, so he could only be slaughtered. He was not familiar with Sanada and it was difficult to judge, but he was more familiar with Mao, it was not that simple.




The tennis ball hit Hattori's feet hard, bounced up quickly, and passed by Kawashima's ear, causing him to feel pain.

"5 to 3!"

Mauri turned back to his position. Attack? He was not afraid of anyone! There were many players who played offensive tennis in the national competition last year, and he had played against them before.

The two people on the opposite side were not up to standard!


"6 to 3! Rikkai University High School wins!"

"Fortunately, I have accomplished my mission!" Mao Li and Jiang Chuan high-fived,"Seniors, it's your turn now"

"You guys take a rest first, leave it to us!" Jiangchuan and Yamauchi also finished warming up and nodded.


A scream attracted everyone's attention. When everyone looked over, they found that Hattori was lying on the ground with his face covered.

"Senior, be careful."

Facing Nishikawa's gaze, Yukimura whispered

"Well, don't worry."

"Next up is the doubles match! Rikkai University High School Shintaro Egawa, Makoto Yamauchi vs. Eagle City Junior High School Kenma Watanabe, Hisashi Imamura!"

Both opponents have terrifying muscles, but according to Yanagi's information, Niou thinks they are the same type as the future Jackal, with all their talents focused on endurance.

Both of them play defensively and counterattack, consuming their physical strength to drag the opponent to death. The style of this doubles combination can be imagined.


Rikkai University High School serves!


"3 to 3! Both sides tied!"

Six rounds, the two sides played hard for an hour, Jiang Chuan and his partner were sweating profusely, while the other two were just breathing lightly.

""Puh~ I'll go warm up!"

Ren Wang picked up his racket and left the player's seat without looking back. He could see that Jiang Chuan and his two seniors had reached their limit. Without super-aggressive tennis, they could only try their best to score points, and the opponent would deliberately give in when they could score, and would not win until the score was 40-40, which caused Jiang Chuan and his two seniors to consume more energy.

""Oh, it's that white-haired kid?"

On the other side, Nishikawa saw that it wasn't Yukimura who went to warm up, and he spat,"Just watch me carefully, how I beat them!" After saying that, he also picked up the racket and left the player's seat.

" seems that Rikkai's doubles is a weakness this year, which is not good."

Inoue shook his head. This year's Makinoto doubles seems to be stronger. Rikkai's situation is similar to that of Shitenhoji this year, both of which are good at singles but not doubles.


"5 to 4 Yingcheng Middle School leads!"


Jiangchuan took two steps weakly, squatted down and rubbed his feet. His feet were already cramping, and Yamauchi's situation was not much better.

"So the runner-up school is this strong?"


With the opponent's ridicule, the doubles team lost!

This sound also happened to reach the ears of Ren Wang who came back.

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