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"I'm sorry!"

Jiangchuan and Yamauchi looked guilty, supporting each other and standing in front of everyone.

"Senior, why are you saying sorry? Just win it back! Mao Li smiled indifferently and asked the two to sit down.

"Nioh will win back, right?" Yukimura smiled and handed the two towels, looking at Nioh

"Phew~ Senior, have a good rest." Ren Wang answered irrelevantly,"I will let them know that even if they are runner-up, they can't win."

Runner-up? Haha……

"Next up is the singles match between Rikkai University Junior High School's Niou Masaharu and Eagle City Junior High School's Nishikawa Fumitaka!"

"Please give me your guidance."

Ryoou followed the pre-match etiquette step by step.

"snort……"Nishikawa slapped Ren Wang's hand and said,"I will teach you a lesson! White, hairy, boy!"

The audience who saw Nishikawa's actions frowned. They didn't expect this man to be so rude.

Ren Wang was stunned for a moment, looking at Nishikawa's tall back, and then touched his braid.

""Pu Li~"

Although he doesn't mind being called the white-haired boy, and sometimes he even feels proud of the name of white-haired, but this person's tone... is really annoying! Inoue, who was outside the venue, opened his mobile phone and checked the information about Niou that his colleague had just sent to him.


When seeing one of the lines, Inoue's pupils shrank sharply. He had shown synchronization when playing doubles with Yamabuki? And Genichirō Sanada?

Yamabuki's school is very special in the junior high school tennis world. For more than ten years, they have either directly entered the top eight in the country or wandered around Kanto.

Their doubles rarely have the title of the best in the country, but both pairs of doubles have never been weak, and have been like this for more than ten years. With strong singles, they can make it all the way to the national level.

Inoue also knows something about this school. Last year, there was a very strong second-year doubles pair, and this year should be even stronger. Damn.

But I didn't expect that after not learning about it for a while, I actually developed synchronization, and lost to the two people from Rikkai University!

Having worked as a tennis reporter for so long, Inoue naturally understands the importance of this stunt.

Why did you go to play singles? Is it a trump card?

Inoue, who thought he guessed correctly, admired Rikkai. He actually retained his strength in the quarterfinals?

According to the current situation of one win and one loss, if Rikkai fails in singles three, he will be at a disadvantage...

Rikkai's unclear strength made Inoue constantly guessing, and the game on the court had already begun.


Niou serves

"Too slow, boy!"

"Your ball is too light, kid!"

Knowing that Nishikawa Fumihiko was deliberately provoking him, Ren Wang still couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"0 to 15! The receiving team has the upper hand!"

"Hey, kid, just play the game, why are you distracted! Be careful of the tennis might hit you in the face, hahahaha……"

Nishikawa Fumio carried his racket and laughed at Nioh, but he was not as exaggerated as he appeared. Although he had a bad personality, he could not fake his strength, otherwise he would not have made it to the quarterfinals. In this case, three points were sincere, and seven points were just pretending to provoke Nioh. This method was particularly effective for a first-year player whose psychological quality was not good enough.

"Tsk tsk...really, you are courting death."

Mori in the Rikkai player's seat had a look of pity on his face. Nishikawa's strength was at best just like his, except that he was more aggressive. Nioh could have swept him hard, and this guy couldn't escape! It's not your fault that you are weak, but it's your fault that you challenged someone who could abuse you at any time.

"I don't know if Niou will be angry. Except for the time when Seigaku was not right, I have never seen him get angry on the court. He always looks like he is in control of the overall situation... If he is angry, it must be a very good statistic!"

This topic was forcibly changed by Liu.


Ren Wang took a deep breath. It seemed that he was still not calm enough. He became a little impatient because of the series of provocations.

But... this person is really annoying! Ren Wang confirmed this in his heart again, and then served the ball. Bang!

If you want to play, I will play something different with you!


"Still too slow! Is this the level of your Rikkai players? Why not go home early?……"


"15 to 15!"

The last word was swallowed by Nishikawa. The tennis ball in front of his net seemed to be mocking him.

Nioh used his usual trick to turn the baseline into a short ball in the face of a powerful shot.

"whispering sound……"

This time, Nishikawa didn't say anything harsh, but lowered his waist to prepare for Niou's next serve.

It seemed that the white-haired boy was not as weak as he thought.

"Haha, little Nioh is so mean!"

Mori hugged the impatient Sanada and laughed. Everyone else subconsciously moved away from him. What's so funny?

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