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Yukimura closed his eyes and felt the majestic mental power of Nioh. Even he, who was sitting in the contestant's seat, was affected. Some people in the audience who were sensitive to mental power felt uncomfortable at first, and only recovered when Nioh's mental power was operating steadily.

This movement was unprecedentedly large!

This was the first time Yukimura saw Nioh almost exert his mental power at full strength, and it was also the fastest time Yukimura had seen the five senses being destroyed take effect. At least at this stage, even compared with Nioh, who had a natural fit in destroying the five senses, he couldn't do it to this extent.

"It's really reassuring.……"

Yukimura praised him in a low voice and stopped talking. He used his mental power to feel Niou's movements silently, hoping to verify it with himself.


Niou served the ball.



Short ball? I expected it!

Seeing Niou coming to the net, Jin Youping raised his lips slightly and came to the net in a few big strides.


A powerful drive hit the tennis ball to the opposite corner. Niou's phantom Sanada seemed to have given up and stood there motionless.

"Out of bounds! 2 to 1! Rikkai University is leading!"

The referee's voice instantly froze Jin Youping's smile. Out of bounds? How could it be out of bounds?


"Out of bounds! 15-0! The serving team is ahead!"


"3 to 1! Rikkai University High School is leading!"


"Serve error!"

As Jin Youping's number of errors suddenly increased, many people in the audience began to discuss it. After all, this kind of situation is too rare in this level of competition.

"What's going on?……"

The players in Dou's seat gradually became nervous. This situation was completely different from what they had expected.


"41! Rikkai University High School is leading!

As Jin Youping's heart was shaken, his eyes suddenly went dark.


"Kabuto Junior High School contestant Jin Youping forfeited the game because he could not continue! Rikkai University Affiliated High School won!"

"We will definitely win next year!"

Jin Youping, who finally recovered, shook hands with Yukimura. He looked at Nioh who was looking around behind Yukimura and felt unwilling. They still had two masters who hadn't had a chance to play!

"See you next year then."

Yukimura smiled. No matter what, Rikkai won this year.

Some official personnel at the side of the field also sorted out the process of the game in detail and prepared to hand it in.

Rikkai University's style of playing both singles and doubles has seriously affected the viewing quality of the game for schools with serious imbalance in singles and doubles strength.

These things are also a factor that the officials consider.

Schools that can play in the national competition have at least some outstanding points. They have been swept down before they have enough opportunities to show themselves. This is a loss for both the parties involved and the officials.

The competition system... maybe it's time to make adjustments.

At the same time, both Shiten Baoji and Makinofuji, who were in the competition, received the news that Rikkai was the first to enter the championship contention.

At present, the situation of Shiten Baoji is grim. They have one win and one loss in doubles, and three singles were also won by Makinofuji. The remaining Shiraishi and Hei Yoshiyuki can only win if they win all.

"Shiraishi, go ahead!"

Ping Shanzhi stopped joking and patted Shiraishi's shoulder with a rare serious look.

"Yes, Minister!"

Shiraishi subconsciously touched the bandage on his left hand. Can he really do it in this state?

"Beichuan, take down the second singles! Try to maintain your condition as much as possible, and take down Rikkai University in the afternoon!"

The head of Makino Teng, Kamiya Yuki, also looks thin and weak, but his aura is impossible to ignore. The expectations of the predecessors are finally going to be fulfilled!

The establishment of the three consecutive championships dynasty was laid by the Phoenix of Byodoin, and will also be established by Kamiya Yuki himself!

Just like the king Rikkai two years later, they dare not relax at all for the goal of three consecutive championships. Because of the responsibilities handed over to them by their predecessors, they dare not relax for a moment. Now it is finally time to complete the goal. Everyone in Makino Teng is a little excited.

"I won't let you play again."

Kitagawa Yusuke said in his deep voice.

"Now let's start the singles match! Kitagawa Yusuke from Makinoto Academy vs. Shiraishi Kuranosuke from Shitenhoji!"

"It looks like this year's championship will be won by Rikkai University and Makinofuji again."Chitose sighed in the stands.

"Next year, we will definitely be the ones standing here!"

Tachibana's tone was full of affirmation, which surprised Liu, who came to see if he could collect any useful information. It was a bit interesting...

After advancing, Niou and the others did not hang around. They hurried back to the lounge. Those who had not competed gently massaged those who had competed. Even Sanada was not idle. Only Liu was still outside collecting information.

There were drinks and fruits for sale outside the venue.

Marui and others saw that they could not help and ran to buy some bananas, which were fast energy-replenishing foods.

However, no one ate them.

After all, there was lunch at noon.

It would be terrible if they had a stomachache.

It was not until about an hour later that Liu came back and brought back the same news - Makino Fuji advanced to the next round and competed with them for the championship and runner-up.

Shitenhoji and Kabuto divided the third and fourth place.

Similarly, Liu's general information about Makino Fuji was also formed.

PS: I found a lot of deficiencies in the discussion with the book friends, thank you very much! I hope to improve it in the next Prince of Tennis... This book should be about 800,000 to 900,000 words at most. Because there is nothing to write about the protagonist in the second grade, the third grade is mainly about the game with Seigaku, and the rest is the World Cup.

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