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"According to the information we have received so far, the strength of the players of Muzhiteng Academy is relatively average!

And their players are all in the second and third grades, either the main players of the previous session or the substitute players who were vigorously cultivated in the previous session!

So the strength is different from what we expected at the beginning, and their lineup is also very complete!

Or in other words, this is the championship lineup left by their previous minister!


Liu's tone was very serious.

"Phew~ The winning lineup? There are probably not many players this year who can compare with Yukimura and Mori-senpai. Makino Fuji can’t account for two of them, right? Yanagi, can you and Sanada form a doubles team to win a game? The strength of Jiangchuan and Yamauchi is about half and half with the opponent, right?"

Although Niou doesn't know how Rikkai University arranged the lineup in his previous life, since he was able to win in his previous life, there is no reason why he can win in this life with one more person!

The senior in his previous life should have played in the doubles position. At worst, he can play doubles himself. With the skill of forced synchronization, he is at least stronger than the combination in his previous life, right?

"Niou is right, even if it is the winning combination, it is us!" Yukimura stopped Yanagi from saying anything else. There was no need to think about it anymore.

"Doubles 2: Senior Egawa and Senior Yamauchi! Doubles 1: Sanada and... Niou!"


As soon as Yukimura finished speaking, Jiangchuan and others became anxious. In this situation, Nioh still wants to play doubles?

"Niou and Sanada have played doubles several times, and they still have that trick, so there is absolutely no problem in winning a game!" Yukimura's voice made them quiet down,"Like Niou said just now, Makinoto's strength is very average, and there shouldn't be two people of my strength like Mori-senpai, so... at least one of us will win! As long as your doubles team wins or Yanagi wins in the end, we will win!"

"Phew~ Senior Jiang Chuan, you have to consider that if I play singles, what if we lose both doubles matches?……"Whether Niou continues to say the rest, everyone can imagine what will happen.

For Niou, the biggest unknown is that in the previous life, the match between Rikkai and Makinofuji in Junior High School was very tense, with one win and one loss in doubles. So did Jiangchuan's group lose or win? If they won, it doesn't matter if he goes to singles. If they lost... then what if Doubles 1, which should have won, lost because of the substitution? He can only guarantee the victory of Doubles 1 by being in Doubles 1!

If the winner in the previous life was the Doubles 1 team he was in, then as long as the other games in this life follow the normal process, the championship will naturally fall into their hands. If the winner in the previous life was the group of Jiangchuan and Yamauchi in Doubles 2, then he can guarantee the victory in Doubles 2, and Rikkai will be absolutely victorious, and there will no longer be the situation in the previous life where the winner was decided after five games! Yukimura

's arrangement method can be said to be the most appropriate method that Niou thinks. As long as there are no unexpected situations beyond the previous life, then the championship... will be in his hands!

Of course, the idea is good, but the details will only be known in the afternoon.

Due to Yukimura and Niou's insistence, no matter what the others thought, they had to agree. When the list was handed in, they could only ensure that they were in the best posture to face the enemy. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the September sun was a bit scorching at this time, but this did not affect everyone's enthusiasm. The audience seats were all full, without any vacancies.

""Always win! Rikkai University! Always win! Rikkai University!"

After both teams entered the arena and performed pre-match etiquette, a large shout rang out from a corner of the audience, attracting everyone's attention.

Atobe stood at the front. Although he did not speak, everyone could tell at a glance that he was the leader. But for Atobe, this little attention was nothing. Even the officials did not come to stop him.

"Yukimura, I lost to you! Hyotei lost to Rikkai University! You can't lose to others!"

As the only son of the Atobe family, when he wants something, few people in Japan dare to stop him easily. Even two years later, Atobe's increasingly arrogant personality did not make people hate him. Instead, his down-to-earth attitude of moving towards his tennis goal with his own strength made many people recognize him.

"Phew~ I didn't expect that we at Rikkai University could enjoy this kind of treatment." Niou squinted his eyes in enjoyment. Such a loud cheer was really cool!"Yukimura, how about we do the same next year? Fifty-two members are too incompatible with our status as Rikkai University."

"Hmm? Are you going to pay for it?"

Yukimura looked at Niou with a smile, asking him to shut up.

He'll pay for it? What a joke, only a guy like Atobe can afford this kind of thing!

"We all rely on our strength at Rikkai! These fancy things are useless! Forget it." Niou shook his head pretentiously, and changed the subject by taking advantage of Jiangchuan and the other two who were about to play,"Senior, don't be anxious, stay calm when you are on the court."


Jiang Chuan and the others were a little puzzled, but they still nodded.

"Next up is the match between Makinoto and Rikkai University High School!"

"Doubles 2, Rikkai University High School Shintaro Egawa, Makoto Yamauchi vs. Makinofuji Academy Honda Uki, Ryusei Aikawa."

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