Nioh was conquered by delicious food

"Is it so lucky to be in U17? You can eat these every day?"

Let him be envious first!

Seeing his greedy look, Byodoin Phoenix also smiled,"After all, they are fighting for the national team, so of course we have to provide the best meals so that they can feel more comfortable after the game!"

This is the treatment they deserve!

"Phew~ So happy!" Niou suddenly felt a little sad, why did he have to wait half a year to join this place.

Let this happy life come sooner - his sudden frustration caused Byodoin Phoenix to laugh again,"I've never seen you so greedy before!"

He thought for a while and said,"If you want to eat it in the future, just call me and I'll have someone send it to you!"

"Is that okay?"Ryo's eyes lit up.

No one would be unfaithful to their appetite, and he was a little happy.

"It's OK, it's convenient to send it by express delivery."Phoenix of Equal Court knocked on the table and said,"Of course, everything is not as good as freshly made ones. The taste will be slightly different!"

"It's okay!"Ryoou never���, just something to eat.

After a simple meal, the formal process began, visiting the entire U17 building, modern tennis training machines including fixed tennis jets and fast-moving targets.

Ren Wang felt that the training method of junior high school students was really low.

He said,"We are all single-player, at most one more!"

This is the best way they can think of.

"For junior high school students, it is a bit too difficult to use the machines now!"Baiduin Phoenix explained,"For some people, using these directly will only increase the psychological burden! It is better to practice tennis steadily.——"

"That’s right!" Niou replied as he turned on his phone and started taking pictures,"This should be able to take pictures!"

"It can be……"These are old machines that have been retired. They are available in the senior member training rooms of major tennis clubs.

"What are you taking these photos for?"

"Of course, it is for training!" Niwang said with a smile,"But these things are too difficult for junior high school students, but that is only for ordinary junior high school students!"

For Rikkai University, a team that has won the national championship for two consecutive years, it is absolutely necessary.

After Niwang finished speaking, he looked at the machines inside with admiration, and said eagerly,"Can I try it?"

If the visit is just a simple visit, it would be too boring

"Go ahead!" Byodoin Phoenix naturally understood this truth,"How many balls do you want to adjust to?"

"Oh~ Can you still control the serve?"

"Your machine should start from the lowest level, but this is U17, and the machine can at least send out three balls!"Baiduin Phoenix curled his lips,"With your level, it should be no problem!"

Niou, who had never tried this training mode before, was even more eager to try it.

"Three balls, come on!"

His ability limit is definitely more than three balls, but, but he has to follow the rules.

This is his first time in U17.

In this place where there are surveillance cameras everywhere, he must not lose face for the seniors of the Edo-in Temple.

He must be cautious and develop slowly - bang bang bang - three yellow figures came out of the machine at the same time.

Unlike the increase and decrease of human hitting, the strength, speed and even direction of these three balls are exactly the same.

The three balls are almost together, impacting on the same track.

Because of the same speed, they even gradually form a whirlwind after crossing the net.

""Pu Li~" The hooded Niou laughed excitedly.

Machines also have their advantages - without human feelings, they can push humans to their greatest limits!

"ha——"He took a step forward, charged forward without hesitation, aimed at the right position, and swung his racket upwards. The racket collided with the three tennis balls, making a loud bang.

"Wow, this kid is really strong, he caught three tennis balls so easily!"

The surveillance camera was dark, but the people behind it were very excited.

Coach Kurobe was watching the images sent back by the surveillance camera with his mobile phone, and said excitedly,"He is worthy of being brought here by Byodoin Phoenix himself, his level is not bad!"

It was not a real fight, the easiest thing was the next counterattack. With a very skillful turn of the wrist and a push upwards, three high balls landed easily.

Nioh smiled and turned his head,"Just go for five——"

"……"Byodoin Phoenix nodded and started debugging the machine.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

For an entire afternoon, the entire indoor training ground was filled with the clacking sound of tennis rackets hitting each other.

At last, the people behind the surveillance camera noticed it and enjoyed it.

He couldn't wait to call another coach,"Byodoin is really good at finding someone to pull in another genius!"

Kurobe was so happy that he could fly to the sky,"Saito, did you see the video I sent you!"

He excitedly asked his companion for confirmation

"Look at his neat and swift movements, he is an old hand on the court! I don't know how old he is, and whether he is suitable for the U17 selection requirements!"

Saito Shi put the phone to his ear and said with a smile,"Since Byodoin has brought someone here, he must be the same age or younger than him! In short, we must get this person!"

So Ning Hun's performance in the past two years has gradually improved, which is not bad.

But who complains that they don't have enough talent?

Their goal is to be the world champion!

"OK, I'll contact him later.……"

After the exciting battle between man and machine, Niou went to the bedroom of the Byodoin Phoenix to take a bath. However, the Byodoin Phoenix looked a little reluctant at first.


Ren Wang immediately laughed and said,"I'm sweating all over. Do you want me to go to your public bathhouse to wash?"

He didn't want to!

"I was just wondering if I had the key!"Baiduin Phoenix was silent for a while, and gave a reason not to hurt each other.

""Pu Li~"

Whether he believed it or not, only Niou knew.

When Niou was taking a shower, Byodoin Phoenix also received a call from the coaching staff.

Kurobe asked very directly,"Who is this guy? Can he stay and when can he join?"

Byodoin Phoenix said expressionlessly,"��"It's just a friend of mine who came to take a look at the equipment. He didn't say he wanted to join!"

What a joke. If you want Nioh to join, you have to put up a higher stake. He asked directly, who do you think Nioh is? Don't they have any face?

Coach Kurobe was half angry at his indifferent tone,"Then persuade him. You are No.1 of U17. More talents will only benefit us, not harm. You have to persuade him to stay! What are you doing!"

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