Coach Kurobe was annoyed by his indifferent tone,"Then persuade him, you are the No.1 of U17, more talents will only benefit us, no harm, you must persuade him to stay! What are you standing there for!" The

U17 World Cup does not force nationality. As long as the players are willing to represent which country, they can represent that country. What if this guy is poached by another country?

"Then you should come up with more sincere conditions!" Byodoin Phoenix said indifferently,"You have no conditions at all. Is your face made of city walls?"

"Hey——"Coach Kurobe was puzzled,"Whose side are you on?"

Isn't Byodoin their U17 team? Why are you always speaking for others?

Isn't it good to lure people in without spending a penny?

A tyrant with an elbow outward! Haha!

"What conditions do you want to set?" Coach Kurobe gritted his teeth and said

"How did you ask me to come in? Now you should treat me like this.——"The Phoenix of Byodoin blew on his fingers and sneered.

"What?"Coach Kurobe's coffin lid could no longer be suppressed,"It's Byodoin Phoenix, and he's just an unknown kid. How is it possible?"

What kind of treatment is Byodoin Phoenix treated?

Since becoming No.1, Byodoin Phoenix can freely choose and screen players. He can kick a person out of U17 at any time, or drag anyone to join. Absolute strength is supreme. If you don't agree, you will fight. If you lose, you will obey. If you win, you will fight again.

The loser will fall into hell. If you have any rebuttal, you will be slapped against the wall!

Here, except for the words of head coach Mifune, you will be reluctantly listened to a little bit. As long as the rest do not conform to his ideas, they will be directly passed without giving anyone any room for rebuttal.

Of course, the final fact proves that listening to Byodoin Phoenix's way goes further, but his sometimes tyrannical ideas are really scary!

This is the power of Byodoin Phoenix.

Kurobe is really afraid. If he makes this promise, if there is another Byodoin Phoenix, will the building of U17 still be intact?

"You yourself have seen that he has this ability!" Byodoin Phoenix hugged his shoulders and laughed,"If you don't agree, I will suggest that he go to another country!"

"Hey, hey, you are too much, you are Japanese!"Don't be so disrespectful to your teacher and ancestors.

"Humph, I'm very optimistic about this guy, and I'm looking forward to fighting him in a real match! Going to another country will be a good opportunity to implement my plan!"

"you……"Coach Kurobe was about to be pissed off by this guy.

Just when he was about to be pissed off, a phone call came in and interrupted his conversation with Byodoin Phoenix. The internal communication became three people, Saito Shi.

As soon as Saito Shi came online, Kurobe hurriedly complained to him, but before he could open his mouth, Saito Shi said,"We agree to your conditions!"


Kurobe: Is this guy coming here to slap him in the face?

"The same treatment as you, you can interfere with the U17 training routine, as long as the strength is there and the players are convinced, it is completely possible."

Baiduin Phoenix didn't care why they suddenly changed their minds, and immediately smiled and said,"Okay!"

After he hung up the phone, only two people were left on the call

""Why did you agree?" Coach Kurobe didn't understand.

Saito Shi sighed helplessly,"There is a detail in the video you just sent me, didn't you notice it?"

"What?" Kurobe blinked. He was only paying attention to the battle situation.

"See for yourself!" After sending a picture, Saito went offline.

Here, Coach Kurobe clicked it and the next second,"Oh my god!"——"With a snap, the cup in his hand fell straight down in shock.

He stared at it again and again in disbelief. But no matter how he looked at it, it looked like……

"I go……"He took a deep breath and said in surprise,"Who is this guy?——"


"You look very happy!"Ryoou came out wiping his hair and saw the Byodoin Phoenix with a smile on his face.

"I have fought for a benefit for you!" He calmly pushed the document in his hand over,"Are you satisfied with it?"

Niou lowered his eyes inadvertently, and his eyes widened the moment he saw it clearly,"You are going to empty the U17's family!"

The document above clearly marked some of the rights it can have, and it is even high enough to interfere with the coaching staff's training.

Comparing the status, he is like Yukimura Seiichi of Rikkai University. And Rikkai University feels like the boss without coach Yukimura!

This right is not something that ordinary people can have!

"How did you get them to agree?"Ren Wang felt that this was not normal.

"We had a negotiation!" said the Phoenix of Byodoin calmly.


It's definitely not just an ordinary negotiation!

But... this feeling is quite good.

"That's it. I won't be able to skip work anymore.……"Originally he was thinking of visiting other countries, but now he is locked in the Japanese team!

"You've been locked in here for a long time, and you still want to run away?"Although it sounded very high-sounding on the phone, the Phoenix of Byodoin was unwilling to hand this guy over to others.

It's easy to have a good fight, and you can start at any time, but if the person runs away, it will be difficult to catch him back.——


Ren Wang snorted and continued to wipe his hair. But after less than two or three wipes, the towel in his hand was automatically taken away by a disgusted voice,"You are so slow, when will you finish using the hair dryer? Let me blow dry your hair for you!""

The other person's hand was much bigger than his, but through the towel, it seemed that there was also heat coming.

Niou silently felt the warmth on his head...

After a while, the warm wind made him feel drowsy after a refreshing feeling...


When Niou's head was nodding, Byodoin Phoenix had a premonition. When this well-behaved and easy-to-touch head completely fell into his arms, Byodoin Phoenix's heart still jumped suddenly.

Turning off the hair dryer, Byodoin Phoenix just put down his hand silently, but did not move for a long time. He lowered his eyes to look at Niou's sleeping face and enjoyed this unique moment of tranquility.

Niou's face is small and delicate. At this moment, his eyes are slightly closed, but it does not hinder the perfect proportion of his beautiful eyes to the whole face. His eyelids are covered, his eyelashes are particularly long and black, his delicate nose is very three-dimensional, and his healthy flesh-colored thin lips are soft and cute.

Byodoin Phoenix sighed:...

This kid... is getting more and more beautiful!

It's really annoying!

"Phantom galaxy~" Byodoin Phoenix murmured, leaning against the wall,"Phantom galaxy~"——"

There are hundreds of billions of stars... phantom colors!

The blond man curled his lips helplessly."……"

This name is so concise and clear... Phantom is him, Star is him!

""Tsk!" The man leaning against the wall uttered an unhappy sound, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised,"You are not old, but you have big dreams - and you want to wrap me tightly!"

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