"Tsk!" The man leaning against the wall uttered an unhappy sound, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly,"You are not old, but your dreams are big - you want to wrap me up tightly!"

He snorted and tapped Niou's pouting cheek while he was sleeping,"Don't you think you have the ability to do it... Humph!"

The sunset at around five or six in the afternoon is the last warmth in the winter scenery. After Byodoin Phoenix put Niou on the bed and covered him with a quilt, he looked up and saw this...

The sun was emitting its last warmth... as if welcoming the arrival of the starry world.

Byodoin Phoenix leaned against the window and looked up at the sky,"……"

You should be able to see the Phantom Galaxy in that direction!

Are the stars of [Phantom] already shining in the sky at this moment?

It's quite exciting!

Niou didn't expect that he would fall asleep in the dormitory of Byodoin Phoenix. After waking up, his head was still dizzy and swollen.

What happened before...

First I took a shower, then blew my hair, and then fell asleep!

There shouldn't be anything else strange happening!

Obviously, they are two grown men, and basically they don't consider this kind of problem, but today Niou always cares about it inexplicably. He looked at the Byodoin Phoenix who was studying with a slightly questioning look in his eyes,"Nothing should have happened while I was sleeping, right?" Byodoin Phoenix didn't even raise his head, and was only focused on reading the sage book:"You mean……"

"……"Ren Wang said,"Like... talking in your sleep!"~

"No! You sleep very quietly!" Only then did Byodoin Phoenix give him a look. Only then did he notice that he was holding a high school mathematics book in his hand.

The boy was stunned.

Although he knew that Byodoin Phoenix was a high school student, every time he saw this, he always felt a sense of disobedience - under the light, the man was holding a book, his short golden hair was cut by the light, and his cold face was full of murderous intent.

Maybe it was because of a good night's sleep, there were some stubble on his face, and under the white headband on his head, there seemed to be a secret hidden that was not told to others - the look in his eyes that momentarily looked over was like a hungry wolf staring at its prey late at night, and a sharp bloody feeling instantly killed his eyebrows.

Renwang paused:...

Are you sure this scene is not a gangster studying human knowledge and literature?

After the study, he plans to exterminate humans through human culture.——

"What's wrong?"Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, the Phoenix of Byodoin asked with concern.

"It's nothing, I just think that the way you study is... rare in the world!" Niou forced a smile.

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"

Finally, he squeezed out a dry sentence helplessly,"High school students need to take the college entrance examination!"

"Hmm!" Ren Wang lowered his eyes, not knowing whether he believed it or not.


He entered the house empty-handed, but when he left, he was greeted by a broad road and given a piece of paper. Nioh really felt that he had a fruitful day today!

But all the happiness was instantly wiped out the moment he stepped into the house!


Remembering that there is a father at home!

Byodoin Phoenix obviously also remembered this story, but it was a pity that he could not help Niou so much now. As a senior, of course he should give encouragement at this time and boldly push people forward.

He said firmly,"Don't worry, as long as you have the courage to go against Souzo, everything will be fine!"

"Huh?"Ren Wang looked at him as if he were a fool. Do you want to hear what you are saying?


""Puff~" The young man's eyes dropped, and the corner of his mouth twitched,"Senior, why don't you come in? Didn't I tell you that it's closer to take the Honmaru transmission path? Aren't you going back to Kyoto tonight? - Byodoin Phoenix!!"

Byodoin Phoenix raised the corner of his mouth calmly,"I suddenly remembered that the coaching staff has something to see me tonight, so I have to stay in Kyoto for a long time. You go back first!"

He waved his hand, and pushed the man forward again in Niou's shocked eyes. He was very kind to help him hold the door.

At the last second before the two doors closed, he curved his eyes and gave Niou an encouraging gesture. Niou


Damn it!

Giving him a fierce middle finger, the young man looked back at the brightly lit courtyard and sighed.

There was nothing he could do, after all this was his home.

Let's go in!

After stepping into the inner courtyard, which is also the Honmaru area, the scene of reprimand or severe reprimand he imagined did not come, but was replaced by a burning warmth.

The cloak on his body had a white fur collar and was made of light silver-gray satin, which was draped over him, which was both warm and in line with his aesthetics.

Niou looked up at the smiling, young man and lowered his head in embarrassment,"I'm sorry, Sozo, I didn't tell you when I went out today!"

Sozo Sawamonji raised his hand expressionlessly. Niou closed his eyes, and was about to endure the light warmth of the palm that would fall on his head the next second.

He heard him say——

"My lord has grown up. You don't need to report your trips in the future. Just be happy!" Souzo Sawamonji gently stroked the furry head under his head. Niou

Masaharu's hair had taken on some characteristics of a heavenly fox. It was smooth and slick and felt good to touch.

The boy's body turned from cold to hot, and the hair on his head was warmed by the smoke. Every time I touched it, I could always feel the heart of this person beating warmly, which made me happy.

"You really won't criticize me?" Niou hummed twice in pleasure from his touch, and asked with half-closed eyes.

He was still a little bit unconvinced.

Souzo Sawamonji narrowed his eyes dangerously,"Do I have no credibility in the lord's heart?"

The fox's skin tightened all of a sudden.


"That's good!"

Souzo Sahmonji led Niou inside, talking about what happened today. At the corner of the corridor, a head popped out after they walked away.

Horikawa Kunihiro asked,"When did Souzo-dono become so good-tempered?"

It was that man who took the lord away.

After the lord came back, he was not angry at all?


He pulled Sayo Sahmonji, who was happily chewing a persimmon next to him, and said,"Saya, do you have any news or connections?"

Sayo chewed and swallowed the persimmon in her mouth, then raised her eyes and said,"Brother Souzo received a text message inviting him to fight today! He should be planning to solve the problem alone later!"

"What?"The black-haired, well-behaved boy exclaimed.

Who is so bold? Are you going to die?

Byodoin Phoenix:……Ouch!

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