"La la la... white clouds are floating in the blue sky……"Today's weather is sunny and clear... Yasuke Hasebe is in an extremely happy mood. Because today - it's - his turn - to pick up the lord!


If he hadn't taken into account that he was in human society at the moment, he would have wanted to put his hands on his hips and laugh to express his excitement.

""My lord, my lord... I'm coming~"

With light steps, jumping with each step, Yakiri Hasebe finally arrived at the corner of Rikkai University High School.

According to the agreement between them and the lord - he sat on the ground at the corner...

When that good-looking khaki figure appeared in the sight, a man in sportswear. Yakiri Hasebe couldn't help but touch his clothes twice,"Ah……"

It's great to wear clothes from the same series as the lord!

Yakiri Hasebe stretched out two fingers, and gradually widened his eyes, ready to appreciate the elegant figure of his lord after school...

The shadow cast by the slender body proportions is particularly different, and the cheeks are as delicate and handsome as ever. The white hands, matched with the face, the bones are prominent, forming a new level... Hmm? Why are the hands in that place?

Yakiri Hasebe was stunned, and his consciousness came out of Niou Masaharu's perfect appearance,"Master, what's wrong with you!"

He noticed that Niou was rubbing his eyes,"Master, you just finished the club, did you wash your hands well! You must pay attention to the problem of bacteria.……"

Yakiri Hasebe was busy explaining science and hygiene issues to his 13-year-old little master.

In his mind, 13 years old is still a baby, not grown up at all, very fragile, and must be taken care of carefully.

"Ah... Hasebe, are you here to pick me up today? I'm fine!" Niou Masaharu let go of his hand, blinked twice as if to move, and said,"I just feel that my eyes are hallucinating, so……"


Yakiri Hasebe's face changed instantly. He reached out and grabbed Nioh, put him on his shoulder and ran back!

"Hasebe - wait a minute!"Ryou turned pale with fear. He might be mistaken for a human trafficker - dear!


"Yaken, what's going on? Why don't you say something!" Yakiri Hasebe, who was sitting nearby, was scratching his hair anxiously -

Yaken Toushirou sighed, his hands moving non-stop,"Hasebe, if you keep making so much noise and disturb my examination, I'll ask you to leave!"

"Calm down, my lord, we escort you every day, there will be no problem!"

Yakiri Hasebe's body stiffened, and then he calmed down."……"However, the body was twisting left and right as if it was covered with itching powder, and it looked super twisted.


Niou Masaharu covered his mouth and laughed,"Puhu~"

"My lord, please open your eyes and stop laughing." Facing Niou Masaharu, Yagen Toushirou's voice couldn't be gentler... It was completely different from the way he treated Yakiri Hasebe. After a thorough inspection, Yagen Toushirou looked at the countless heads inside and outside the door and said solemnly,"No problem!"

"Why do I see red eyes? Or are they floating above Kirihara's head?……"Ren Wang asked, tapping his chin.

"Oh... Could it be that the lord's classmate is a ghost or something like that?" The handsome man with long dark green hair covering half of his face smiled slightly and drew his sword calmly,"Do you need me to go and see the real world and beat him up?"

The handsome man tilted his head slightly and said to Ren Wang in a coaxing tone,"Don't be afraid, lord, I promise to kill them all outside and not bring back a drop of blood.……"

Niou Masaharu rushed over and held down the newly-forged sword,"You'd better forget it!"

"With a"click", he put the sword back into the scabbard, held his forehead and sighed,"Things should not be what you imagined. I didn't sense any ghost energy from Kirihara!"

"——Don't forget, I'm your Shinsengumi!"

The Shinsengumi - is the judge of God, the one who listens to his oracles!

In the past, they could hear the revelations of God.

In the 21st century, the Shinsengumi has become the gatherer of sword men. After 99 years of history, the swords have transformed into sword men, and under the leadership of the Shinsengumi, they protect history from being destroyed by the Time Travel Army!

It sounds very grand, but in fact, it is a person with powerful spiritual power leading a group of people with super high martial arts to kill a bunch of non-human things!

And he - Niou Masaharu, is the one who was discovered by the Time Government in his childhood.

He became a Shinsengumi at the age of 6 and completed countless tasks during this period.

The various famous swords on the sword account have also been basically collected.

And the more swords there are, the more spiritual power needs to be maintained. To this day, this Honmaru runs quite perfectly, without a trace of spiritual power stagnation, which shows that Niou's spiritual power is so strong that it is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Believe me!" Niou said with a smile,"Maybe Kirihara is just a person with spiritual power! I will investigate the details of the matter... You just stay calm for now!"

He looked at Smiling Aoki who had just drawn his sword.

Each of these swords is very old, and the youngest is hundreds of years old. Compared to the age of six when he became a Shinsengumi, it is dozens of times older. So... sometimes... this attitude does have a feeling of over-indulgence!

"How can that be possible... What if the lord encounters trouble during this process?"The sorrow on Hasebe's face was about to burst out of the main palace.

"At least one swordsman should be sent to follow!"

His proposal was instantly echoed by five or six swordsmen.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, Hasebe is right.……"

"General, what should we do about the school? Since that person is your junior, it means that the school is not safe.——"Atsutoshiro used his small body to successfully get through the swords and came to the front of Niou.

"How about sending a knife to follow the school?" His eyes sparkled.——"I think I am the right fit!"

"Hou - don't make trouble at this time!"Yaken Toushirou pulled his brother aside with a headache, not seeing how Hou's words lit up many knife-like eyes.

""General, I think I can do it too!"

The Japanese, who was as big as he could be, shouted.

"Ha, don't make trouble, Japanese number!"Yu Techu complained,"What can you do there? Are there any students as tall as you?"

"Physical education teacher! My physique is just right for being a physical education teacher!" As he said this, the Japanese soldier flexed his biceps and showed off his arms.

A broad road opened up in front of the swords!

"General, I can——"

"My Lord, I……"

"Okay, stop.——"Putting his left hand on his right hand to make a pause gesture, Nioh forcedly released his spiritual pressure. The swordsmen present were shocked and forced to stop their heated discussion.

"Everyone - leave this matter to me, that's it!"Just a pair of eyes, he didn't believe it, he couldn't understand


One week later.

Niou Masaharu looked at the increasingly red eyes and fell silent."……"

I really can't seem to understand~

"Ah, you are the white...ah——"Kirihara Akaya opened his watery eyes and looked at Niou Masaharu pitifully."Why did you hit me?"

""Pu Li~"

Niou showed his big white teeth,"Guess~"

The sentence"Guess~" instantly awakened Kirihara Akaya's memory. When he first came to the tennis club to challenge, there seemed to be a person with white hair. He was lost at the time, and happened to see this person and asked for directions. He said to him"Guess" - and then he guessed the wrong direction and was late!

Hai glared with his small eyes,"Last time you asked me to guess, that's why I was late! You still asked me to guess……"

"I am your senior!"

So... the white-haired boy smiled as he looked at the child in front of him whose whites of eyes were bloodshot. The absolute advantage of height allowed him to open his eyes boldly, and the chilling coldness in his eyes was directed towards the child opposite.

Kirihara Akaya:"Hiss……"

He's freezing to death.

Why is this guy so cold?

How scary!

"I am your senior, so what should you call me?"


"Well! Good dog!"Ren Wang touched his head with satisfaction, but... why did the eyes on the top of his head become redder? Did he fail to appease it?

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