Niou has been sighing recently. He has never encountered such a big problem since he became a Shinsengumi.

He thought that after a few threats, Kirihara Akari would behave himself, but he didn't expect that this guy's inner rebellion seemed to be even stronger. The two light red eyes behind him gradually turned to a perverted color...

Pu Li~

Considering that he is a junior, Niou didn't want to use a more gloomy race to speculate about his junior.

So he could only observe and test further...



"Hahahaha, I will crush all of you!"

His eyes were red, his skin was abnormally red, his pupils seemed to have no focus, his mouth was wide open, and he laughed exaggeratedly, his smile was terrifying and scary!

……Kirihara stared at Sanada fiercely,"Who do you think you are? Do you think you can promise me? Now look at this move of mine, the fingertip serve, I will completely crush you——"

"Ha ha ha ha——"

The sharp and piercing sound made the people around him cover their ears involuntarily to avoid being persecuted by Kirihara.

Today, Kirihara came to challenge again. But when he was beaten by Sanada with Fuurinkazan again, this scene happened!

He - exploded... and Niou's mind also made a ding-ding sound.——


Niou felt that his brain needed to be restarted.

He took back what he said before, Kirihara was not a good dog. Instead, he was a bomb dog on the verge of exploding.

Alas... Let Smiley Aoki handle this matter, and directly come to the world to beat him up!

This state is too damn like a ghost!

If this kelp hair color turns white again, it will be a living evil ghost reincarnated, a mad ghost biting people!


"Niou, you look a little unhappy!" Marui Bunta came over blowing bubble gum, and followed Niou's line of sight to the center of the court,"You are looking at Kirihara, what's wrong with him?"

Kirihara, who was in red-eye state at the end of the day, ultimately failed to beat Sanada.

After being severely taught a lesson by Emperor Sanada, Yukimura came on the court and gave him a big bowl of chicken soup for the soul, and finally Kirihara was successfully recruited into the tennis club...

Everything was harmonious, but Niou could not forget that day... This kid was in a state of red-eye disease. Above the sky that no one else could see, the two originally light red balls turned deep red like blood, and the two leaf-like eyes curved strangely, and the blood color around them gradually spread……

——It seems so unclear no matter how you look at it!

"It's nothing, I just think this kid is pretty good!"I can't say that Kirihara has red eyes.

He doesn't want to be thought of as a psychopath.——

"Haha, even if I'm pretty strong, I can't catch up with you.……"Marui Bunta narrowed his eyes and joked,"Could it be that my junior brother is quite powerful and Senior Niou feels the danger?"

"Phew~ I can't beat Kirihara!" Niou shrugged and pushed Marui Bunta's arm down."……"

"Oh, they really kept this from you.……"Marui Fumita smiled maliciously

"Um?……"Nio's fingers froze, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Do you know what Yukimura said about you behind your back?" Marui narrowed his eyes and gave him a hint,"Niou Masaharu is the most mysterious person I have ever met since I joined the tennis club.——"


How could he be so mysterious? How come I don't know

"This is Yukimura's illusion. After a while, he will understand that I am just an ordinary person."Ryo explained calmly.

"Haha, then you can talk to him yourself. Anyway, I believe in Yukimura's vision, and I also believe that with your eyes... you will not be easily defeated by Kirihara!"

Marui Bunta patted his shoulder and left, leaving Niou alone to watch the tennis club's training through the glass window of the classroom.


What do his eyes look like?

It is difficult for transparent glass to reflect human figures, but it is not impossible. Focusing his eyes, Niou saw himself behind the glass...

The dark blue eyes shot straight at everything calmly. Perhaps it was because of the glass, his eyes revealed a hint of excessive indifference. Indifferent... like the crisp grass in summer, indifferently watching humans playing on him, and like the fish swimming in the water, not caring whether they will be caught by humans...

He is like many things, but not very human!

Tsk... Has he watched too much Kirihara recently, and exposed his true nature? With a clever turn of his eyes, the indifference turned into agility, and Niou curled his lips and smiled. Their tennis club is indeed full of talents!


The transparent waves gently echoed when Niou was unconscious... The things inside were even more excited.


To Yagyu Hiroshi, Niou is a very magical person, he is both naughty and calm, lively and indifferent.

Most people have two sides, but Niou Masaharu's two sides are quite extreme, and he switches very well. But he himself has no such awareness, and always thinks that he is a very ordinary human being!

In fact, everyone in Rikkai University can see that he is not an ordinary person... especially now...

Yagyu Hiroshi pushed his glasses and said,"Niou-kun, you have been staring at me for a long time!"

"Phew~ As my new partner, shouldn't we observe each other more?"Ryoou said with a smile, look how normal it is.

Yagyu Hiroshi glanced at him and said nothing."……"

Looking at it is normal, but the look of inquiry, even the desire to get to the bottom of it, to peel it open and eat it alive, is not normal.……

"Niou-kun, do you have any opinion on the move I just used?"After another 5 minutes, Yagyu Hiroshi finally confirmed that Niou was not staring at him, but at the move he used.

"No, I think the move you developed is very powerful, but it is not perfect. After it is perfected, it may evolve into a powerful attack.——"Niou said sincerely.

They are partners now, and Yagyu Hiroshi was forced to join the tennis club by him, so proper guidance and advice are necessary.

"Really?" The young man who had always been ranked first in the joint entrance examination was silent.

"Yukimura, are you just going to watch like this?" In the office, Yanagi's notebook was filled with Nioh's data, and recently he had added Yagyu Hiroshi's——

"Isn't it great? The new partner's running-in and innovation, and the awakening of Niou's self-awareness!"Yukimura smiled lightly, and the whole conference room was brightened by this smile.

"He used to have a vague feeling about the school and the tennis club, but now it seems more real. It seems to have happened after Kirihara arrived.——"

"He has indeed been paying close attention to Kirihara during this period!"

Yanagi Renji frowned and said,"But so what, each of us is paying close attention to Kirihara. After all, that state is very surprising, isn't it?"

"hehe……"Yukimura smiled and said,"You also realized it after seeing that scene last week!"

The man in sportswear looked at Niou nervously, his expression was completely different from that of an ordinary person. He even ran away without saying a word. If Niou's expression was not quite calm, they would have really called the police...

It was at that time that the three of them realized that Niou Masaharu, who usually looked like a fox, actually had such a friend.

"Yukimura, see it all but don’t say it out loud!"



Unbeknownst to Ren Wang, he had been targeted by his own minister and military advisor. However, even if they knew, it didn't matter... It wasn't the first time he was targeted.

For example, as soon as he left the school gate, Ren Wang felt something was wrong, like his back was tingling, and it seemed that a pair of eyes were staring at him...

He suddenly turned around, and there was nothing behind him, only a group of normal students...

The boy frowned, his dark blue eyes were full of doubts,"……"

He was overthinking...

When he turned his head, a transparent ripple suddenly appeared in the corner of the void, and a pointed white ear emerged. It gently poked its head out, revealing a little bit of the corner of its eye hooked by a golden line, and then quickly shrank back.

——Found it!

The right person!

So happy~

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