"Come with me, the B&B we're staying in should have a few vacancies, come in together!" Although Dao Jian didn't need a room , he had already treated them as family members.

"Hmm!" Seeing that Niou was no longer angry, Hotaru happily stepped forward and held Niou's hand."My lord, your breathing is very stable today. It seems that you are very happy recently.……"

"He gained some new power before, and that power is a bit violent and not easy to control!" Niou touched Hotaru's head. With the height of a dagger and the heart of a large sword, Hotaru is a typical example of both offense and defense, and is the type of tennis player he most wants to be.

Niou said earnestly,"You two tell them that next time if they have any problems, just say it directly, no need to beat around the bush!"

This time, even he himself did not notice his anxious mood.

"We are a family, we should care about each other and love each other, instead of acting secretly when I don't say anything!"

Mutsu no Mamoru Yoshiyuki and Dodaguni Masakuni saw the joy in each other's eyes at a glance.

"OK!"Mutsu no Kami Yoshiyuki waved his arms and gave a fashionable answer.

Niou walked into the guesthouse where they lived with three swords. As soon as he walked to the entrance and hadn't registered yet, a cold breath came from behind him.

""Brother, the accommodation has been arranged. We can just go to the innermost part of the second floor." The big guy wearing black sunglasses said expressionlessly.

They were actually very far away, but Ren Wang heard everything clearly because of his excellent hearing. The white-haired boy looked up.

These two people... had a very cold aura, especially the silver-haired man leading the way. The whole person exuded a bloody smell.

Ren Wang looked up and looked over with his eyes fixed. He actually saw a bloody sky.

It was different from the simple fear of Qi Yuan's red eyes. This was the color of real blood. Even though he had seen this destruction when he went out, he suddenly covered his mouth with the scene everywhere.

It was terrifying!

He had never seen such a person in the world - how many people had he killed to have such a bloody smell!

""My lord, do you want to take action?" Mutsu no Kami Yoshiyuki asked.

As swordsmen, their senses are only more acute than that of Niou.

"We can't interfere too much in real life!"Ren Wang calmly stopped them.

The power of the sword is terrifying for ordinary people, and generally speaking, they can't intervene alone. Unless they are attacked, they fight back.

These two people look dangerous, but there is no tendency to attack them at present.

The reason is unreasonable.——

"Tsk——"Ren Wang was a little unhappy. He felt even more upset when he thought about letting them leave like this.

"You three go to the front desk to register first, I'll make a phone call!"

"My Lord, have you come up with a solution?"Hinawan raised his head in admiration.

"I still have a few friends in Tokyo.——"Niou smiled. He almost forgot that even though he couldn't do anything, it didn't mean that others couldn't do anything.

Scepter 4 is the metaphorical version of the Security Administration in the modern world.

"Moshi Moshi, Fushimi-san... I need your help with something!"

Fushimi Saruhiko led the team and came quickly. Although these two people were not psychics, they were also very skilled. They actually noticed something was wrong first and escaped.

"These two people are indeed the ones we have been keeping an eye on... Thank you for the clue this time!"

Fushimi Saruhiko still knows how to talk

"Um……"Ren Wang hummed with difficulty, put down the teacup, and said,"But I have a question to ask……"

Fushimi Saruhiko said,"What?"

"Can't you move more slowly?"

Niou said with a frown on his face.

Fushimi Saruhiko brought a small group of people, and they came very quickly. But the two men in black noticed it in advance, so they climbed through the window and walked to the eaves outside.

After the Scepter 4 people found out that this was the person they had been staring at, they were anxious to catch him, and they jumped directly onto the eaves with knives.

The two groups of people started a desperate fight with guns and knives.

Up to this point, everything was normal - what was abnormal was the silver-haired man's skills - he was actually fighting with Scepter The four members fought hard, and they were not at a disadvantage at all. They even had to have two or three people to help them.

Then the most terrifying and unexpected thing happened--!!!

A bunch of people stood on the fragile tile eaves of the house and ran around, stepped on it, and even stepped on it with big movements--stomped on it--and poked it down!

The dilapidated homestay was crushed down by a few of them with a"pop"! A thousand-mile embankment collapsed because of an ant hole!

Just listen--dong--!

The building collapsed with a loud bang, and the dust jumped up to five meters in the air.

In the dust, the two men in black managed to escape, and the residents were dumbfounded by this speechless result.

Nioh and the three swords, one of the residents:...

This house has not been occupied for one night, and it's gone?

The members of Rikkai University, the second resident:...

The house that was half occupied was suddenly gone, where will they live next?

"It doesn't matter. We have financial subsidies and will help this homeowner repair the house."Fushimi Saruhiko pushed his glasses very calmly. He used to do more exaggerated things in Houmai Luo. Now this is just a small scene...

Ryou's mouth twitched. What he asked - what he cared about - was not this at all.

The question is...——

"So where are we staying tonight?"Come on, it's not just him and the three swords here, there are other people from Rikkai University too?

"I just went to the toilet, how come the house collapsed?"Kirihara came out with his pants up and found that half of the building had collapsed.

"Although I don't know what happened, that person seems to know the truth."Sanada pointed to the cleanest blue clothes in the crowd. Fushimi

Saruhiko is a clear stream among the many dirty people because of his strong strength.

"Everyone, we will arrange another hotel for you tonight! You won't be left without a place to stay!" He always had a sour face and was majestic, so no one dared to say anything.

Yukimura stepped forward and stated his request. They were tennis players who came to the competition and hoped to live closer to the competition venue.

The request was not difficult. Fushimi Saruhiko only needed to nod in agreement, but he overlooked a key reason.

Now is the beginning of the national competition - the key competition is about to come!

The hotels that meet the conditions are occupied by various tennis players, schools and even tennis enthusiasts who come to watch the game!

And most of them are booked a month in advance. You can't drive away the original residents just because of their special status.

In a word - no place to stay!

It sounds so sad and pitiful. The group, including Fushimi Saruhiko who stayed to finish the work, just stood on the street.

Looking at one hotel after another, they were stunned!

In the end——

""Mr. Fushimi, what should we do now?" Yukimura asked with a narrowed eye and a smile.

If there is a problem, we have to solve it for them.——

"Are there other hotels that won't work?" Fushimi rubbed his hair in pain.

""Pu Li~"

Niwang really wanted to laugh when he saw him like this. This is Fushimi Saruhiko, who is always complaining about everything and may not even talk to Qing Wang in a good way, but now he looks painful.

Hahaha, you've seen a lot of things in your life. When you live long enough, you can see everything.

Niwang suddenly felt that he had found some fun in life.

His smile instantly caught Fushimi Saruhiko's attention - oh, that's right~ why did he come here, wasn't it because some guy called him from afar and asked him to come over to deal with it!

Now that something happened, does this guy have to take half the responsibility!

Fushimi Saruhiko smiled, and when he was fighting with the two men in black just now, when he was flying in the air, he seemed to have caught a glimpse of this man from the corner of his eye, and there were three other men with knives beside him.

Shouldn't this man explain this matter first?

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