He was there just now - but now he is hanging out with his teammates, and the other three have disappeared...

He knew from the beginning that Niou was not simple, and now he feels even more so... If an ordinary person lost his hotel at the critical moment of the game, an ordinary boy of 12 or 13 years old would have been in a panic...

But this guy is extremely confident and calm, which means he has a solution or a compromise.

"Niou-kun, I remember your family has a house nearby!"He didn't know, he just wanted to blow it up.

"" Pfft~" Niou, who was originally enjoying the show, was hit by a huge melon that fell from the sky and became dizzy.

Kirihara is always the best supporting actor. As if he didn't see Fushimi Saruhiko's teasing eyes, he said excitedly,"Oh, Niou-senpai, I remember you said before that you have a house in Tokyo!"


Thank you for remembering this!

He propped up his shoulders, smiled, and tried to poke his teeth to make his expression less ferocious,"Mr. Fushimi, of course I'm just……"

"Oh, yes, you���Where are the three followers?" Fushimi Saruhiko smiled kindly.

"Wo'o - Follower——"

Everyone in Rikkai was surprised!


Very good, now I want to thank your whole family.

This question cannot be denied!

The three knives in the family are all handsome, and they are observant and attentive. When it comes to winning favor or even showing off their presence, they are as narrow-minded as a needle tip.

If he dares to say now——【Not a follower, nor do I know him.

Believe it or not, the three knives would jump out immediately and pull at his clothes pitifully.——【Lord, don't you want me anymore? 】

For details, please see Hotaru.

Niou couldn't keep his smile any longer. Damn it, if you have the guts, don't take off your vest and compare your fighting strength. Believe it or not, I will beat you up so badly that you won't even recognize Hatta Misaki.


A cool breath rose from behind, and the boy's cool voice with the fragrance of flowers came from behind.

Niou sighed,"There is no house now, but we can find a place for everyone to live!"

He glared at Fushimi Saruhiko, who was smiling happily after watching the fun, and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Who has the most real estate in Tokyo? Of course, it is the uncle who is the King of Gold.

"Mr. Guo Changlu——"

As soon as this name came out, the carefree Fushimi Saruhiko stood up straight with a look of surprise.

"……"Shit! No way!

"……I'm in some trouble now. I wonder if you have any property in the Tennis Sports Park... Well, there are about a dozen of us... The place where we lived before was damaged by Fushimi-kun~ accidentally! We can't find a place to live for the time being!"

Fushimi Saruhiko:...

The retribution came quickly and pleasantly. He unexpectedly got a place with the Golden King.

After hanging up the phone, Niou let out a breath. Ignoring Yukimura and Yanagi's curiosity, he touched his nose and said directly,"There is a hotel very close to the Sports Park. If you walk, it will take about five minutes! We can just go there directly!"

Marui Bunta put his hand on his chin and closed his upper and lower jaws,"Niou, are you really not the posthumous child of a big family?""

How come you don't know that Niou is so powerful? He easily got them a hotel. You know, they went around for a long time and couldn't find a suitable one!

"No, mainly because we didn't ask there.——"

Everyone was puzzled until they saw the door of the hotel.——

"Our budget is not suitable for asking such a place!"Liu opened his eyes... and widened them.

Gold was piled up at the door as if it was free, creating an exceptionally grand and majestic door. The decoration of the hall was even more breathtaking, and people exclaimed repeatedly. The golden accessories of different shades were light and dark...

Not only did it not present a vulgar atmosphere, but on the contrary, it reflected a feeling of exceptional grandeur and self-contained background.

It was really rich and powerful!

"Are we going to stay here for one night?" Kirihara was so surprised that he couldn't even walk.

"No, sir, you have to stay here for a whole week - until your game is over!"The young man in a tuxedo and wearing a golden rabbit mask bowed respectfully to everyone with a very polite manner."Please follow me, your room is on the 20th floor——"

The rabbit mask said to Fushimi Saruhiko,"Mr. Fushimi, Daijue wants to see you!"

Fushimi Saruhiko, who was already having a toothache, felt even more pain:...

Niou smiled and waved to the people, and was about to follow the other rabbit mask upstairs with the people from Rikkai University.

"Niou, have you forgotten something?"While others were still immersed in the grandeur of the building, Yukimura asked

"What's the matter?" asked the King.

"What's the matter with the followers?" Yukimura smiled and held up three fingers,"And there are three followers!"


Are you sure you don't want to explain it to us?"……"

Why do you still remember this? Although I know that after so many years of getting along , some things will definitely not be hidden, but I really didn't expect it to be exposed in this way.

(´-ωก`)Rubbing his cheek pitifully, Ren Wang sighed and called out to the door,"Come in!"

Everyone looked over and saw three figures standing at the door. The one on the far left was a handsome man with a smile on his face. He smiled and greeted everyone, looking very familiar.

The man on the far right had a faint scar on his nose.

From right to left, although it was shallow, it had a fierce feeling, especially with those wolf-like eyes, which made people want to take a step back...

And the little cutie in the middle was just like an angel, with a bright smile, a mini height, and a bouncing footsteps.

"Is this the hotel in the real world? It’s so tall!……"Just like Granny Liu visiting the Grand View Garden, she looked around and her bright smile instantly healed everyone's heart.

"Phew~ Let me introduce my three family members to you all!"Niou held out his hand,"Totano, Hotaru, and Mutsu-no-kami"

"Hello everyone, please take care of my master!" The self-familiar Mutsu no Kami Yoshiyuki smiled brightly with his fangs hooked.

"I am Hotaru, please give me your guidance! Thank you all for taking care of my master!"


After introducing the different styles, Niwang turned around with a smile,"Anyway, it's like this, our family is quite big - there are quite a lot of people! They all admire ancient culture, and the names of swords are also their nicknames!"

Niwang tried hard to describe the relationship between the names of swords in a language that everyone can accept.

"Hello, everyone——"

Fortunately, Yukimura only asked once, and stopped talking after the person appeared.

The higher the floor, the higher the status. The elevator is transparent, and the beautiful night view of Tokyo can be seen.

Under the bright lights, Yukimura and Yanagi's scrutiny became more and more serious.

Nioh:...It's over!

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