Nioh's reaction once again made Marui Bunta the target of public criticism

"Hey, this... he himself feels guilty.……"Are you still here watching what he is doing?

"He is not feeling guilty, but waiting for your answer!" He flipped the notebook over persistently,"Marui, please tell me what you think!"

Marui Fumita was stared at and felt his whole body hairy, and he got angry,"Who said that doubles players have to be like this? I won't keep staring at Kuwabara's breathing!"

He said, his face flushed with anger,"Niou, you are the one, why do you stare at someone's breathing to judge his physical fitness, are you a pervert?"

That's right, this behavior is already extremely perverted!


A bit unhappy!

The others were confused, but Sanada suddenly understood,"I think I roughly understand what Niou meant!"

Sanada's sudden words startled everyone. Yukimura asked curiously,"When did you know him so well?"

Are Niou and Sanada so close?

"Just know some things——"Considering that Niou didn't want others to know that he learned kendo, and the two of them had never competed, it was difficult for Sanada to make a judgment, so he didn't say much.

Yukimura let out a long"eh", smiled meaningfully, and stopped talking.

Niou was originally very concerned about Yukimura's smile, but after a glance, a"graceful" figure came into view, and even the black lily Yukimura was not important~

That was-

Niou said:"Yukimura, I'm going to the toilet!"

The reason was reasonable, and Yukimura agreed without thinking too much.

Turning around and instructing the three swords to stay here and not make trouble, Niou left

"Is it okay not to follow the master?" the dark-skinned young man asked

"The lord himself said it was all right."Mutsu no Kami Yoshiyuki glanced at the corner and stared at the direction where Niou left.

"Mutsu-sama, I need to go to the toilet!" Hotaru jumped off the stool and said calmly.

"good……"Mutsu no Kami Yoshiyuki reacted even calmer.

Dotanuki:...The sword needs to go to the bathroom, but it needs to go today!

When they reached the corner, Niou crossed paths with the figure in the dark,"Why are you here?"

"I heard from Brother Zun that you have become a member of Houmura?" Hatta Misaki's face was not very good.

He and Niou Masaharu had fought so many times, and it was not very pleasant. Suddenly hearing that the two of them had become companions, it would be strange if his face was not good.

"Pfft~ Are you scared, little Hatta?" Nio raised his eyebrows and smiled,"Are you afraid that I will take your place in Brother Zun's heart!"

Hatta Misaki, who was about to yell"What am I afraid of?", stopped talking.

Nio:... Pfft~ You are really scared!


"……"Hatta Misaki irritably kicked the skateboard twice and said to save face,"From today on, we are a family. You should be more respectful to me in the future. I am your senior!"

"You should call me Hatta-brother from now on!" He emphasized deliberately and finally smiled.

Niou also curled his lips,"Sorry, I can't call a senior who is shorter than me-Little Hatta~"

Don't blame him for being mean, this is the truth.

I really can't call him~

Hatta Misaki:"……"Why is this guy so annoying? He exudes an annoying aura all over his body.

Niou suddenly remembered something and suddenly smiled mysteriously,"I can call you another name... Mi~saki~"

Niou, who had just finished a game and was still suffering from the aftereffects of Shitenhoji, spoke in an especially tactful tone at this moment, with a disgusting feeling that caught everyone off guard~

"Where on earth did you learn such a disgusting trick?——"Even more disgusting than that damn monkey!

Hatta Misaki rubbed her arms vigorously to rub away the disgust in her heart,"You two actually know each other!"

"I already know you guys, so it's normal for me to know Scepter 4!" Nioh spread his hands, not making any comment.

"Remember, you are now a member of Houmaira, so stay away from those psychopaths in blue clothes!" Hatta Misaki said fiercely.

"Come to think of it, you haven't told me why you came here yet?"Ryo was quite concerned. He suddenly saw an acquaintance during the game. It was very scary, wasn't it?

"nothing——"Hatta Misaki glanced

"Hatta came here specifically to watch your game. He heard that your school had a game here today... and he couldn't wait to come over here!"A clear voice came from not far away, attracting the attention of the two.

"Shishuge——"Hatta Misaki was not satisfied with the other party's sabotage.

Jutsu Tadara smiled at the expressions of the two and snapped,"Ah... Another good memory!"

Niou had a good impression of Jutsu Tadara

""Jiushu brother... do you like taking pictures?" Actually, I'm still a little uncomfortable with calling someone"brother", but - it depends on the person!

For example, Juzuka Dora is very willing to do so~

"I've always liked this kind of thing.……"

"I always feel that being able to record beautiful things is very happy, isn't it?"

The handsome young man smiled with a hint of sadness, which surprised Ren Wang."——"

This Jusuke Tadara is really different from every other person in Homura.……


After saying goodbye, Niou asked: [Kitsunesuke, what is the situation with Jutsu Tadara?】

【According to the records of the government of time, his fate is not optimistic. Kitsunesuke said honestly. Nioh pouted,"You dare to tell me something about fate?"

This doesn't seem to be in line with his usual rules.

【Jutsuka Tadara already knows his own fate. 】

Kitsunesuke said frankly

【What did you say?】Rin Wang was surprised. After foreseeing his tragic fate, he became indifferent, just a little sad. What kind of attitude towards life is this?

【Kitsunesuke, can you place an order online? 】He asked

【What kind of order do you want? All are fine! 】The doting Fox Nosuke will respond to any request from the Shinsengumi

【Buy him a SLR and then a talisman!】

【Are you all placing orders on the Time Government's network?】 Kitsunesuke has already found the items.

【Hmm! 】

He met someone he considered a friend, and when his life was in danger, he couldn't just ignore it.

When Niou came back, the singles three competition was in full swing. Kirihara Akari, who participated in the national competition for the first time this year and entered the finals, was also extremely excited. He was in full demonic mode, with red eyes on his head, and he waved his fangs wantonly on the court.……

"Hahahaha... I'm going to smash you all to pieces!"

Coupled with the continuous 1-0, 2-0 and even 3-0... well, the effect is indeed shocking!

"What is the name of his opponent?"

The third player in the singles match of Shitenhoji is a tall and silent man who looks very stable, and his style is completely different from that of Kirihara Akaya.

"I don't know. I heard he was their deputy minister, but I always felt something was a little weird.……"

Liu took out his notebook and flipped through it for a long time, but couldn't find any information about this person.……

"Where did you go just now?"

"Me? Didn't you go to the toilet?"

Liu curled his lips,"The nearest toilet is only one minute away from here, and you were there for almost 12 minutes... If you are not constipated, then you are talking to someone else!"

This was so sharp that Ren Wang almost couldn't respond.

But it's not completely impossible.……

"Liu, I almost forgot to ask you, who did you learn tennis from?"

Without waiting for Liu to speak, he continued,"I recently met a person who wears glasses and likes to hold a notebook all day long.——"

Liu Yidan:"……"

If Niou had simply mentioned this matter, he would not have reacted so strongly, but at this time——

"What do you know?"The cute boy with a short haircut opened his eyes.

"What I know depends on how much you have explored me.……"Niou squinted his eyes and smiled like a fox



The two of them smiled, one squinted his eyes, and the other had his eyes open. The atmosphere was extremely harmonious. The only difference was that Niou's eyes seemed to have grown on Yanagi Renji's body.

"What are they doing? Are they playing each other? Marui Bunta asked

"have no idea!"

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