The day's competition ended smoothly. Although he lost in the singles match, Kirihara's overall explosive strength was obvious to all. He also won a new title after this game:"Rikkai University's first-year ace!"

Kirihara Akaya himself was very satisfied with this title and was extremely excited.

He thought this title was very worthy of him.

"La la la……"Kirihara was jumping up and down at the front, not at all depressed because of losing the game.

"Kirihara, you lost the game today.……"Yanagi was like a strict stepmother, ruthlessly piercing Kirihara's happiness and analyzing Kirihara Akaya's omissions during the game,"At the beginning, he was too excited, which led to a significant consumption of physical strength.……"

"I didn't catch the opponent's loophole in time, and ended up getting stabbed in the back.……"

Ren Wang listened incoherently. It was already dusk. The dark dusk scenery was accompanied by the noise next to him, but the warm voice brought a particularly comfortable atmosphere of fireworks and human life.

Of course, it would be better if there were no hands poking his waist again and again.——

"Marui, can you spread your claws?"Marui Bunta was very close to him at this moment. His movements were also very small, so Tong Tianguan, who always reacted the most enthusiastically, did not see it.

"Hey, why are you so stingy? I just want to ask you a question.——"Marui pouted. He didn't mean to do that. It was because Niou had been distracted just now.

Otherwise, who would be willing to touch him? Although Niou was handsome, his gender was obviously wrong.

Niou laughed and teased,"F cup?"

Marui Bunta's face instantly turned pale,"Ah - why do you make me remember this horrible fact?"

He finally got rid of the damn golden Koharu from his mind."Damn it - I'd better not let me run into Shitenhoji again next year! Otherwise, I will definitely kill those two bastards.……"

My eyes are about to be poked out!

Seeing this little friend's emotional breakdown, Niwang was quietly happy. Well, this is normal.

Back to the extremely luxurious hotel, I went to sleep at night. I thought I would sleep well tonight... But the world always tells you that good things are for others...

And Niwang——

"What's wrong?"

Ren Wang answered the phone helplessly,"You'd better have something important to talk to me about.——"

"I heard that you are playing in the national competition recently?"The voice coming from the other side of the phone was calm and self-controlled, with a little bit of mania, which made Renwang calm down immediately.

As if to confirm, he took another look at the name displayed on the screen. Renwang blinked,"Why is it you?"

"Haha, last time you called me uncle, this time you don’t even bother to call me that?" The Byodoin Phoenix chuckled.

Nioh stood up and leaned lazily against the window, his tone lazy,"You disturbed my sweet dreams in the middle of the night, I’m already considered graceful by not swearing at you!"

"Ah——"This guy was getting more and more dishonest in front of him, not caring about his image.

Byodoin Phoenix said:"I heard that your national competition this year was originally planned to be postponed?"

"Yeah!" Niou nodded,"Yukimura mentioned it to us, and then some psychopath said it was fake news.——"

In short, the result is that the national competition went smoothly again.

"What do you think about this matter?"The Phoenix of Byodoin asked

"Things can't happen out of thin air.……"Niou sneered, and the sleepiness in his eyes gradually dissipated. His eyes were clear, and the emerald green lake water was emitting shimmering colors."It's nothing more than some unknown psychopath interfering in it, causing the original things to change!"

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"

No one spoke on the phone for a long time. Niou raised his eyebrows. He thought he had a clear analysis of the current situation. The reason why the Phoenix of Byodoin was silent now was……?

""I guessed wrong?" No way!

Nioh still has some confidence.

The Byodoin Phoenix breathed short for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said,"No - you - guessed it right!"


Why are you gritting your teeth if you guessed it right? I'm not talking about - you!


Nioh blinked his eyes, it can't be such a coincidence!

He said tentatively,"That...the person who is behind this, it can't be you, right?"

As a reasonable and legal child, he should have said his guess openly.

Byodoin Phoenix didn't want to continue this topic at all.

"Is there anything after the national competition?" he asked

"……No!" Ren Wang was very sensible and didn't start or continue.

"I'll give you a plane ticket, come and watch the game!" After saying that, he hung up the phone mercilessly.

Ren Wang listened to the cold beeping sound on the phone, his eyes turned again and again, and finally all his emotions turned into a slightly curved moon.


Phew~ He seems to accidentally poke the lungs of Byodoin senior every time!

This senior is really irritable!

The end of the game with Shitenhoji means that Rikkai University has got the last pass to the national championship.

And this time their opponent is a very familiar old friend - Hyotei!

The Hyotei Empire, which has been developed into a 150-man army in just one year, is undoubtedly the most beautiful group of people on the court.

Compared with Rikkai University, which came all the way to Tokyo, so it only has a few regular players behind it.……

"Minister, we seem a bit shabby here!" Kirihara Aka said unhappily."Isn't that guy over there too ostentatious?"

"Hyotei has always been in this style, it's not the first day you've known this!"

Except for Kirihara, everyone in Rikkai University was very calm, they and Hyotei were old rivals.

Everyone was very familiar with this style.

Nioh looked at the indignant Kirihara Akaya, and the little troublemaker in his heart was ready to make a move. Since he provoked Byodoin Phoenix yesterday, Nioh felt that he was good enough again.

Now he is invincible!

"Kirihara, if you are unhappy... you can smash them!" Niou smiled mysteriously,"You know, I heard... the guy opposite, Hiyoshi Waka, also has a title, [Hyotei's first-year genius】!"

The fox's tail twirled around,"They are all first-year geniuses, who knows who will be the better one?"

Kirihara Akaya's eyes lit up.

He clenched his fists,"It must be me!"

"Minister Yukimura, I must go on stage!"

The boy was so enthusiastic, how could Yukimura refute it?

——Of course I agreed.

""Haha, Chiye, it's great that you have such a heart, then we are looking forward to your performance!" He opened his eyes, with a large field of blooming lilies behind him,"But this time...if you lose! You will be punished!"

At the same time, Liu tacitly opened the notebook.

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